
Saturday, May 26, 2018

Honeymoon & Courtship Episode

In two weeks, the Bates will return to UP with all-new episodes. (Next week is another supersized rerun.)

The show will feature Tori and Bobby Smith's honeymoon, as well as Kelton Balka's courtship proposal to Josie Bates. We posted a promo video earlier this week, and below is the written summary.

Thursday, June 7
8pm: Tori's Winter Wonderland Wedding 
9pm: A Heavenly Honeymoon & A Courtship Countdown NEW!
After a picture-perfect wedding ceremony, Tori and Bobby head out for their honeymoon. Upon arriving in California, the newlyweds take a romantic drive along the Pacific Coast Highway and set sail for a picturesque boat ride on Monterey Bay. But after Tori has a video chat with her Mom and Dad, will she feel homesick for Tennessee? Meanwhile, the courtship countdown is on! Now that Gil and Kelly Jo have granted Kelton permission to officially ask Josie to court, he begins to put his plan in motion. After taking Josie on a scenic tram ride and ice skating adventure in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, will Kelton finally take a leap of faith and ask her the “big question?” And later, Tori and Bobby continue their honeymoon adventures in Yosemite National Park.

Photo courtesy of UP


  1. Well, of course he's going to ask her to court. He asked Gil and got the OK, right? Why do you act like it's suspenseful? I'm afraid I don't see the suspense. There's even a pic of him going down on one knee (which seems a bit excessive, for a courtship request, IMO).

    1. Ellie didn't write the description, she posted the UP-provided episode summary. UP wants viewers to watch the show and thinks phrasing this way will draw in more viewers. Thank you, Ellie, for always keeping us up-to-date!

  2. I live in Southern Ca and have had the opportunity to visit Yosemite National park several times each year. I look forward to seeing pictures of Tori and Bobby there. :)

  3. I'll be watching again on June 7th- I've already had enough re-runs when the regular season isn't over. I feel like UPTV is playing their viewers for fools... So much of their BIG surprises we already know about. Of course there are people who will watch the show regardless, but I say save the re-runs for after the season is over.

  4. We don’t get UP tv with our tv package. I’m so disappointed! Wish UP would stream episodes on their website, I'd love to catch this episode

  5. I'm soooooooo excited! I've been waiting for the courtship, and I can't wait! It will also be fun to watch the honeymoon! :)

  6. Love this sweet family ... I'll be watching! Destiny

  7. Yay I am so excited. I cannot wait to see.

  8. I can't wait! It is going to be awesome! I have waited for this episode all year!!!!!!

  9. When is the marriage of Josie? She will have a baby soon.

    1. She's having a baby soon? Now THAT is news, probably to them as well.

    2. Well not too soon since she isn't even engaged yet. Even with marriage, it isn't guaranteed that she will be pregnant soon after. The only Bates daughter who we know is currently pregnant is Tori.

    3. I think you're a little confused. No baby.

    4. Not confused! That was an obvious planted comment! Oh Brother! Get a life Anonymous @4:01

    5. They will be married soon. Courtships are always short. And afther that comes a baby.

    6. Maybe she wil need IVF like Michel. You never know of they get a baby soon.

  10. How about the courtships of Katie and Carlin?

    1. I don't think Katie is courting! And they already covered Carlin's courtship.

    2. Carlin's rather over the top courtship "proposal" has already been aired. Katie is not courting so nothing to see there. And we know already Kelton asks Josie to court so I'm not sure why the promo makes it sound like a mystery.

    3. Katie isn’t in a courtship and Carlin’s courtship proposal was already televised.

    4. Carlin wil be married soon.

    5. I think Katie has a special friend or boyfried

    6. When is the wedding of Carlin? I am so happy! And nice to hear that Katie is almost in a courtship. I will pray for them.

  11. I Love The Bates family Thurs. night is so warm and fuzzy. Kelly and Gil are wonderful parents. So much love all around. Praying for Micheala and Brendan to experience of bringing a child into this world. It was my greatest experience three times. God bless them.

    1. I think the greatest experience is opening your heart and home to a child in need. I learned that being a parent and loving a child isn't contingent upon biology.

    2. I agree. They should adopt.

    3. Not everyone is called to adopt and facile advice to "just adopt" is very hurtful to infertile couples. Michaela may not be ready to consider adoption at this time, or ever.

      Adopted children can have identity issues, or even attachment issues if adopted older than at the newborn stage. If she and Brandon aren't 100% committed to adoption, it would be unfair to both them and the possibly adopted children, to push for them to go that route.

    4. 5:01- At some point, infertile couples have to face the question: What us more important, being a parent or producing a biological child? If biology is your priority, then no, adoption is not for you. I am the parent of two grown adopted children. I can assure you, I could not love them more if I’d birthed them. BTW, there’s no guarantee that biological children won’t have problems of some sort. Never know what can be lurking in those genes.

    5. 5:01. According to your logic nobody should have children. Biological or Adopted. Both come with “issues”. It’s called being human. Mom of biological children. Mom of adopted children. Can’t remember who came through whom.

  12. Why do you think all the girls are getting married but the boys of the Bates family seem to have little interest?

    1. Time 11:36PM Mon 5/28
      Happy Memorial day to you good question they are not ready for marriage they need to focus on their futures are now before they get into a relationship as for now they need to focus on their futures more before they start falling in love.

    2. The older Bates “boys” are pursuing their own interests and are away from home a lot. It’s entirely within the realm of possibility that they have romantic relationships, but keep them private.

    3. I think the boys have more freedom than the girls, so they're not in a rush to marry. The girls have to marry to have freedom.

    4. The girls have to marry young. That is not important for a men. He should have a good job and a house for his family.

    5. I don't think there is enough of a sample size to state all the Bates boys are putting off courting. Lawson is the only one who has specifically said he is not looking to court right now. Nathan is 24 now, but would have married at 22 or so, if his first courtship had worked out.

      Trace is 21 and may very well be interested in someone, as Kelly has stated he might be next to get a girlfriend. Often, comments like that are meant to be hints, much as Duggars were hinting Josiah would be courting soon, months before he actually announced it.

      The next oldest boy is Jackson and at age 16 is too young to court anyway, as the Bates don't allow courting until age 18.

  13. I think the Bates women and girls are lovely and don't need to justify their choice of clothing to anyone, but they need to drop the "modesty" narrative. Skintight dresses are not modest, no matter how long the sleeves may be.

    1. Who wears skin tight dresses?

    2. And who appointed you the magistrate of modesty? What I find very annoying about modesty debates are judgmental people like you, who think "if you don't follow MY version of modesty to a T, then you obviously don't care about modesty at all".

      We also have different definitions of "skintight" as I have never seen a Bates woman wear anything "skintight". I do recall one of the Bates boys in a wetsuit that was, but not any of the girls.
      They do not wear burkas, but clothes that don't hide that they have female bodies are not the same as "skintight".

    3. Your right, OP 12:44 !!!!

    4. 12:44. I completely agree with you, and understand what you are trying to say. I, too, think how a woman chooses to dress is her choice, and the Bates girls dress cute and classy. But, they certainly shouldn’t spout the “modesty” standard anymore. I don’t find anything they wear as immodest, but it’s such a subjective subject. Modesty for one is next to red-light district attire for another. So, I agree, just drop it!

  14. I hope Josie marries this year if that is where God is leading them. They are both mature and well grounded.

  15. So much for Josie saying she was going to wait awhile.

    1. They have liked each other for years so she has already waited a while.

    2. She said she didn't see herself married before Carlin. Shows are filmed months in advanced and she isn't engaged yet. Maybe she will have a longer courtship. If she doesn't wait, at least she is making her own decision and she established a career for herself.

    3. I think Josie will wait until she's 19 years old to marry, so far no Bates has married younger than that. (Same for the Duggars and their in-laws).

      Courtships are not any set length. Carlin has spoken of getting married next year, even if she gets engaged this year she will have courted Evan more than a year before that. Michael and Brandon also courted for more than a year.

      And while Duggar courtships are much shorter overall, Jessa and Ben courted for 11 months before engagement and I'm sure Ben's young age had something to do with that.

  16. They do one wedding in a season. So Josie has to wait.

    1. While I agree with there would likely be only one wedding a season, you're assuming Carlin will marry before Josie does. However, just because she started to court earlier, does NOT mean she will marry earlier. That wasn't the case for Jessa Duggar, either.

      And although Josie is younger and "just" started courting Kelton 5 months ago, they have actually been interested in each other for 3 years. She and Kelton also both have jobs to support a family.

      Not to mention Josie not only caught Tori's bridal bouquet but pretty much made a beeline for it. I would not at all be surprised if she marries before Carlin does.


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