
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Interview with Carlin Bates

In a recent interview with TV Insider, Carlin Bates discusses the latest Bates happenings, her relationship with Evan Stewart, and what it's like to film a reality show.

Carlin and Evan have been courting since August 2017, which means that a Bates-Stewart wedding might not be too far away. Carlin admits that she and Josie downloaded Pinterest when they each started dating and that they are "pinning stuff left and right."

And while the Bates seem to be consumed by relationships and weddings, they still have over a dozen younger kids who are nowhere near marriage. Carlin tells TV Insider about a conversation that took place among her family members: "Last week, we were all talking about weddings, and my little sisters were like, 'We are already booking our colors, so nobody can take them since there are so many girls.'" But if you think about it, with 19 children, it will definitely become increasingly difficult for the little ones to plan a wedding that is unique.

Carlin ends by expressing how excited she is for all the new milestones taking place in the Bates family. "We love that not only we get to share it together, but the world gets to be a part of it and be alongside us for the different roads that our journey leads us," she says.

Those were just a few snippets from Carlin's lengthy interview. Visit the TV Insider website to read the entire thing. And stay tuned for an interview with Josie Bates next week.

Photo courtesy of Carlin Bates/


  1. ToTbad they didn't give there pinterst names would be fun to see what thert posting..

  2. Nice to hear that they are getting married soon!

  3. Are they telling anything about the wedding date of Carlin or Josie. Or courtship of Katie?

    1. Katie is in a courtship? I didn't even know she had a guy she liked. Are you sure? She won't be 18 until Oct and just started college

    2. Katie isn’t in a courtship. She’s 17 and in college!

    3. Anon 10:28 I know that, I was trying to get anon 6/1/18 @4:13 to expand on that comment about. Unless you have been told that by the parties involved, shouldn't start rumors.

  4. The dress in the picture is really nice but to short.

    1. Why didn't you just stop at saying that her dress is really nice?! IT'S NOT TOO SHORT!!!

    2. No it’s actually not

    3. Wow. Rude. It barely goes above her knee!

    4. It's not short, it's quite a standard knee lenght. Plus, who are you to say it's "too" short? If it's ok cor Carkin it's ok for everybody.

    5. Her dress is not too short. Stop judging!

    6. I thought so, too @4:14!

    7. The Bates girls dress “normal” now. It’s called fitting in with the norms of society. Money and fame DO change things. All the girls/women dress appropriately, but clearly they ditched the praire dresses and Anne of Green Gables hair-do’s when money and reality tv fame started flowing in.

    8. So you're accusing the Bates of selling out? Pretty sure I've seen pictures of them BEFORE they got a show when they were no longer wearing prairie dresses. And there are pics even further back of Gil, Kelly and the older kids wearing "normal" clothes. So obviously their beliefs have changed over the years, from mainstream to very conservative to more mainstream again.

      Or maybe the whole IBLP movement is also guilty of selling out, as many of their modesty guidelines HAVE changed over the years. It is no longer considered immodest for men to wear shorts, for example.

    9. Judgy much???? Her dress is perfectly modest!!!

  5. Different roads??? Such as?

    1. Well, if Katie DOES go to nursing school that would be quite a different road from her sisters. Crown College doesn't have a nursing program, so Katie would likely have to leave the Bates home while still a single woman, not something any of her sisters have done, to attend a college that does. Even if she finds a program she can commute to, she may be interacting with a more diverse group of people than those who would attend Crown College.

    2. The start of Crown's nursing program begins this upcoming fall semester, so she actually could go there.

  6. I think that is cute about the little girls planning their colours. My mom's youngest three siblings are only 10-15 yrs older than me so I was old enough to remember the wedding planning and the colours are definitely what appeal to a young child. Also flowers and dresses and wedding shower games. Most little girls enjoy all that.

  7. Nice interview, but I didn't feel we learned anything new. I'd like to hear about their individual ministries, service projects, homeschool, etc.

    1. The interview was specifically about Carlin and her courtship with Evan. Watch the show and read the blog articles and you'll hear plenty about their various interests, mission work, careers and schooling. Bringing Up Bates featured homeschooling in earlier seasons if you're interested in how they conduct homeschooling.

    2. I agree, and I also would like to know more about Carlin than her thoughts about courtship and marriage. What is she studying in college, what are her hobbies, etc. I really don't know much about Carlin so far, except "she is loud and outgoing" and "she is courting". On the other hand we know of Josie's interests in cosmetology and Tori's in teaching.

      But in general I do like how, while the Bates have certainly showcased courtships, weddings and babies on the show, that's not ALL they show and the younger kids get attention as well.

      And assuming the "Tori and Bobby announce their pregnancy" scene was filmed; I also liked how Carlin has already revealed that the scene was essentially staged. Very candid.

  8. Replies
    1. I did. I still love my wedding colors. And that was decades ago.

    2. I love colour! Wedding colour, the different coloured rooms in my house, my clothes... God made us all different and for some of us we enjoy these things.

  9. I hope Carlin gets married soon. ☺


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