
Monday, May 28, 2018

'It's Just Me and You'

We’ve seen their wedding, and now it’s time to watch them take their West Coast honeymoon. As Tori and Bobby Smith leave the church in the video below, the fact that they are married and alone together for the first time starts to sink in. Bringing Up Bates "A Heavenly Honeymoon & A Courtship Countdown" airs next Thursday, June 7th.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. I cannot imagine what it must feel like for them to be only with each other for the first time! Do they feel like fish out of water (especially Tori being one of 19!) or is it sheer bliss?

  2. It’s so disappointing that I can’t ever see any of the videos. I can hear the talking no problem but the screen is black! 😡

  3. How, pray tell, can they say it’s just me n you, when they have the camera crew there recording that conversation?!?!?!

    1. There is a go pro style camera attached to the inside of their windshield. No person would be able to film Bobby and Tori from that angle unless they were hanging outside of the car. They were alone while it was being film and from now on it's the two of them as partners.

    2. Since they’re in the car, it’s not a camera crew, it’s one of those cameras that are stuck on the car. they are alone, but it’s still broadcasted for the world to see, which ruins the moment for me

  4. I don’t like that on the first times that they can be alone together, they are filmed. Those moments should be private. I’m glad the Duggars stopped filming that (they did with Josh)

    1. Time 11:30PM
      Happy Memorial day to you. They still do that even on counting on with Jinger & Jeremy on their honeymoon same with Joy & Austin. Who gives the right to say if their moments should be private. That's their TV show not yours the producers decide weather those moments should be filmed on TV. The comment you momments like that should be filmed private sounds rude I do agree that moment should be private be you have to understand is that is their TV show.

    2. I understand that it’s their decision but I still don’t agree with it. Don’t agree with the honeymoon filming either, but I was referring to the filming inside the car. On counting on they film them leaving in the car but they don’t capture the moments inside the car with GoPros

    3. The show pays for their wedding and honeymoon. Ofcourse it is on film.

    4. I don't recall any such scene with Michaela and Brandon, either. A little odd that Tori and Bobby agreed to such a private moment being filmed.

      But I have no issue with the honeymoon filming in general, as both the Duggar and Bates honeymoon scenes that are shown on TV are of public activities (such as hang gliding) obviously set up in advance for filming purposes, not private moments just between the two of them. Joy and Austin also went to Israel off-camera after the Switzerland part of their honeymoon. So I seriously doubt they actually had a camera crew following them 24/7 on their honeymoons.

  5. Just me, you and the camera! :)

  6. little dis courageing that Gil and Kelly do not trust God enough to let their kids get to know each other without someone around? I think if you trust God then you will trust your. The duggars also no trust.

    1. time 2;15PM Tues 5/29/18
      So that is their business to do the courtship thing.
      the only time they are alone when they are married.

    2. How can you really get to know someone with other people around? They need private time!

    3. I don't agree with chaperones either, but I know the Bates are not as strict as the Duggars, in that Kelly has mentioned actually allowing for courting couples to have enough space from the chaperones to allow for private conversations. And AFAIK they also don't listen in on their phone calls or demand to be CCd on all their texts. I find that lack of privacy more concerning than not allowing couples to be physically alone together.

      BTW I do know of couples who aren't even courting but dating, might even have kissed a time or two, have made their own decisions never to be alone until after the wedding, to avoid temptation. They don't have official chaperones, they just make a point of meeting either in a public place or in a group setting with friends and family.

    4. Right. They would just stay away from compromising situations but need to be trusted as adults in the Lord.

    5. Oh I trust God and my kids completely, it’s the Devil I don’t trust!

    6. I love the comment about not trusting the devil. He is evil and out to destroy those who love the Lord!

    7. That's so true about the devil...that's why the Bates and Duggars do what they do. The devil has a way of coming on sly and catching a person in a weak moment. And believe me, anybody is not perfect to be strong 100% of the time. We have our weak moments. And it's in those moments we succumb more easily.

    8. Anon at 7:07PM: Seems this is an argument for not just courting couples, but for ALL people to be chaperoned at all times. I am sure the Devil also tempts married people to commit adultery, should they also be chaperoned at all times to prevent the Devil from catching them in a weak moment?

      There are many other sins that the Devil can tempt both single and married people to commit, and not just sins of the flesh, either. That to me is not a convincing argument for chaperones.

    9. Probably because when they left Whitney and Zac alone the kissed.

    10. The Bates actually loosened their courship rules after Zach's first courtship. Kelly explained they re-evaluated their courtship model after seeing how it affected Zach.
      Zach and Whitney courted at the same time as Chad and Erin and Alyssa and John. The weddings were only a few months apart. The couples all had the same rules and Zach and Whitney chose to kiss. They were already committed to each other and had the strength of character to tell his parents. It shows that even with strict rules couples will do what they want.

  7. Wow, someone at Up TV needs to learn the difference between a peek and a peak!

  8. What a lovely couple with a special time ahead of them!!! This family has made my husband and I wish we would have waited! So much blessing in doing things christ way!

  9. They sure rent a lot of cars on the show!! Haha!

    1. I think they do that at weddings so their cars won't get messed with. The Duggars, Bates, and their friends try to prank the newly married couple's car. On 19 kids, they put moth balls and sardines in Chad and Erin's car. I pretty sure Josh and Anna had the same "surprise."

    2. I saw those wedding episodes and it looked like their wedding cars were rented too- I've never seen a Duggar or a Bates with a shiny, newer looking car in their gravel driveway. haha- It seems to me like they just rent them for special occasions... :o)

    3. Smart move , I say! 👍

  10. “It’s just you and me now”. Uh..yeah..ok. A camera recording you for your tv show is aloneish enough for them to still cash in I guess😳

  11. “I’m married, you’re married”. “Yeah to each other”. This is why these adult-children should be allowed to date sans chaperones and a bazillion family members tagging along. Saves the confusion of whom you’re actually marrying.

    1. Haha!! Funniest comment yet!

    2. One aspect of courting that is different from dating is that the family members are much more involved. The courting couple is quite aware that they are basically marrying the whole family along with the spouse and getting along with them is important, too. As opposed to secular notions that it's normal to hate your in-laws and spend as little time with them as possible.

      The Bates and Duggars also don't hide how they'd much prefer for their married adult children to remain as close as possible. While they realize there is a limited pool of suitors who have similar beliefs, and hence some long distance courtships and marriages are inevitable, I get the feeling they consider this a concession to worldly reality, not what is ideal.

    3. 6:40 I really get annoyed when people make broad generalizations not based on reality, such as "Secular notions that it's normal to hate your in-laws and spend as little time with them as possible." I am not a religious person, but my own family's experience is completely opposite to your negative scenario. Church-goers do not have the market cornered on happy marriages. Far form it- I've known many very unhappy Christian couples, some were abusive.

    4. 8:09. I completely agree with you. I am a Christian, and sadly, there definately are just as many, if not more, miserable married people in Church. They talk just as ugly about their in-laws ..of course in the guise of prayer chains, they cheat (if they’re popular it’s downgraded from “sin” to “mistake”), drink on the sly, abuse their wives, abuse their illicit movies etc. But by golly they put on their Church faces and speak their Christianese and finger point at the “world”. It’s tragic. It’s why Church’s as a whole are losing members. People are hungry for authenticity not “holier-than-thou” attitudes anymore. God said in His Word we are not to judge the “world”, but those in the household of faith. The Church has gotten it backwards.

    5. This is Anon at 640PM. I am certainly NOT claiming all secular people hate their in-laws, but I can think of all sorts of in-law jokes on TV and other places that indicate a cultural consensus that in-laws are, at best, annoying baggage to deal with at little as possible, not a whole new family to embrace with love.

      Secular media also tends to idealize "star-crossed lovers" who actively defy their parents and/or community when choosing a spouse, and often glorifies adultery as well.

      I certainly realize many who are Christian, or who claim to be, have also fallen into these sins. Obviously this is the case even in the IBLP circles. I don't think the way the Duggars and Bates court is at all a guarantee all their marriages will be perfect and conflict-free. I was just trying to explain why family involvement is considered so important in the courting process.

    6. 7:34. First, the Bates now even call it dating so the semantics game of courting vs. dating is thin. Second, you can date without chaperones and respect whatever physical boundaries you, as a couple, choose to abide by, and still get to know family members during various holidays or family gatherings. As far as the secular tv showing disrespect to in-laws, or adultery, or star-crossed lovers?’s tv..change the channel. The reality is these young, some very young, couples can’t possibly be their authentic selves with parents and siblings always around.Nobody is. The dynamics are just different. I feel those raised in the courting/chaperone groups are so starry-eyed at the thought of just being alone with the opposite sex they rush into marriage. The problem in my opinion , which means absolutely nothing to anyone but me, is there isn’t any balance on either end.

    7. 7:14- I agree with you!

    8. 6:40/7:34- You are still making a very broad generalization that there's "a cultural consenus" about in-laws being baggage. How things are portrayed in Hollywood or other media is mostly fiction- meant as entertainment. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet, the most infamous star-crossed lovers, over 400 years ago. I hardly think it was a reflection of the experiences of most people at the time or since.

  12. The comment Bobby made to Tori about how beautiful she looked was so sweet. :)

  13. Awe sweet moment in the car.

  14. I love my in-laws...and I'm not a member of this family's belief system.


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