
Monday, May 7, 2018

Josie and Kelton, May 2018

Don't Josie and Kelton make a beautiful couple? They have been courting for more than three months. We know you're holding your breath for an engagement announcement from the two of them, as well as one from Carlin and Evan.

 Kelton Balka and Josie Bates

Photo courtesy of Trace Bates/


  1. They are the cutest couple! so adorable! I got excited thinking it was an engagement announcement. hopefully soon!

  2. All the best to Josie and Kelton.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

    1. Awww , they are such a sweet couple. I can't wait for them to get engaged! And for Carlin and Evan too!

  3. I like this couple and hope to see them engaged in the future. I'd like to see them enjoy their time together as "singles" for a while longer simply because they are both young and just recently of school and starting careers. They have loads of time to take on adult responsibilities and headaches.

    1. According to the Thanksgiving episode they've actually known each other for several years. Kelton introduced Bobby to Tori so while chronologically they may be young, they are probably more prepared than some. Don't forget Kelton's job is in the family plumbing business, so I would also bet he's been unofficially been in a "career" for a long time. Please don't make comments without having facts to support them. Thank you

    2. I think you are being a bit sensitive. This concern is shared by Mr. Bates who had them put on the breaks till recently because he thought they were too young. I simply took Kathy's remarks as wishing them the best and hoping they enjoy growing both together and separately. They are young. Yes, they are more mature for their age, but they are still young. Though you think you are ready for a lot when you are young, adulting brings it's own set of challenges. They have been working so hard to prepare for their futures, why not hope they can take a breath and enjoy this time?

    3. Anon 2:03 If your reply was to me please explain what "fact" I left out. I said they are young which they are. I said they both just got out of school which they did. Josie just this month and Kelton a year ago. And they have just started their careers (perhaps Kelton worked summers etc. in the family business but that doesn't make it a career at that moment in time. Please don't criticize a comment that was not critical in the least. Thank you.

  4. I hope the big news on Thursday will be that Michael is pregnant. What a blessing that would be! I'd love to see Josie and Kelton get engaged, but I think that Carlin will be next.

    1. I agree that would be a blessing, but sadly she wasn't in the last half of the clip (Michaela) and it said that someone in the last half would have the announcement. I keep praying for them. that would be a blessing

  5. I hope they don’t get engaged yet. I can’t imagine her in a wedding dress. She looks (and is) so young. At least she has a job I guess, but it’ll still be shocking to see her married

  6. Josie is such a sweet,soft spoken young lady.She and Kelton are an adorable couple.God bless these sweet young folks

  7. Actually, I think she's much too young to get married.

  8. These two are my favorite. Josie is so classy and mature! They make an adorable couple!

  9. They are beautiful and seem well suited to each other. I wish them all the best.

  10. Can't know someone in 3 months to take that step yet.

    1. They've know each other for 3 years. Not just in a "families are acquainted way" but in a potential love match way. Tori actually met Bobby through Josie and Kelton (Bobby and Kelton were college roommates).
      On the Thanksgiving episode of the show, it was revealed Gil asked Kelton to give Josie space because she was so young at the time they had started talking and the relationship was getting serious. Kelton waited for Josie and now they've entered into a courtship. It's similar to Alyssa and John's relationship where there was an age difference.
      Josie is young but also seems mature for her age. I'm happy that they both have careers and are enjoying their time together. Both seem like really good eggs.

    2. Josie has known him as a close friend since she was 15yrs, that's 3 yrs. Probably get engaged later in the summer.

    3. They have known each other for years. They were interested in each other when they were younger, and the Bates told them they had to wait. They are adults know and are free to decide when to get engaged and get married.

    4. They’ve been interested in each other for 3 years.

    5. If you saw the Thanksgiving episode, Kelly said they've known each other for 3 or so years and actually asked them to slow things down because Josie is so young. So before you decide to pass judgement and because if you add up all the hours you've "known" the family from tv it might equal 3 months, doesn't mean that is the case with everyone. Sorry I just have to correct negativity and ignorance when I can. And IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Stepping down off my soapbox.

    6. As many others have stated Josie and Kelton have actually known each other at least 3 years, longer than Bobby and Tori did before they got engaged.

      While there is the caveat that they likely didn't have as much privacy as most other young couples their age, there's still a big difference between a 3 year and a 3 month romantic relationship.

  11. Love Josie's 👗, where did u get it?

  12. His poor right hand is so flexed- he’s excited or nervous!

  13. Such a good looking pair!!!!

  14. Great pic... when they marry she will have the same initials.

  15. Time 7:32AM Tues 5/8/18
    Happy Tuesday everybody Josie's boyfriend Kelton is hot. Josie look like a country music star. Yes they do make a beautiful couple.

  16. I hope both couples get married soon, at least by the end of this year! And I hope Michaela and Tori are both expecting before this year is over!

  17. They're cute, but she's so young!

    1. Alyssa got married when she was 19 :)

    2. anon 3:37 you're right and Kelton and Josie have known each other for years. Don't forget he introduced Bobby to Tori. So that means he's known Josie and the family for at least 2 years, and Kelly mentioned in the Thanksgiving show that a year or so ago they were asked to slow down their relationship since they were so young. So age wise they maybe but not in this relationship. They may even be more ready than most couples of any age.

  18. Love this couple, they are so happy!

  19. I think it will be a double engagement & double wedding in September ! That's my guess. And I do think they are both beautiful couples entering into a wonderful time in their life, whatever happens !

  20. Josie has a slight look of Erin in this picture.

    1. I agree I was thinking the same thing when i saw the picture

  21. Can they get any cuter!? They are one of my favorite Bates couples! I think it will be a little longer before an engagement for them. Josie said that she wanted to take it slow since they were so young. Carlin and Evan will be engaged pretty soon by the looks of it!

  22. Great couple , Inside And Out !!!!

  23. I think it would be really cool, though highly unlikely, that they could have a double wedding.
    Since Bobby and Tori are moving to Nashville, I’m sure Evan and Carlin will be living near Nashville as his family is in the music industry.
    Kelton and Josie will be living near Knoxville, due to their working there. Gil and Kelly Jo, along with the “other half’s” parents have raised some really good and Godly children.

  24. I believe that this couple serves The Lord Jesus and he is first in their lives, so age, length of realation are irrelevant. Every thing that is done with Christ first, is decently and in order. I am so thankful to be able to sit down, unwind, and watch this show and family, no profanity, lewedness, cursing...Thank you


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