
Sunday, May 13, 2018

Loudest Bates

Callie Bates, Addallee Bates, Ellie Bates

Which member of the Bates family is the loudest? Isaiah asks the question, and Addee, Ellie, Callie, Judson, and Jeb weigh in. Do you agree with their choices?

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Callie is something else. Can definitely tell she has older sisters :)

  2. Love these children!

  3. I find Carlin very "hyper" and loud. She wants to make sure her opinions are known and she talks a mile a minute and is always chomping gum. A little of her goes a long way with me! JMO

    1. Sis, Isn’t it lovely Gil and Kelly Jo embrace Carlin’s God-made and approved personality. I’m sure He enjoys spending a lot of time with her. In fact it will be eternity. Brace yourself, Sis. Her mansion on those streets of gold just might be your neighbor:).

    2. @Sis. Have you ever thought just perhaps being one of 19 siblings Carlin learned very young to be loud and talk a mile a minute just so she could be heard?

    3. Good point@3:01. We all learn coping mechanisms.

    4. What's "cute" behavior as a child isn't so endearing at Carlin's age. Maybe it's just so she gets attention as you suggested. I would think after seeing herself on camera she'd realize it's not so cute. It's funny how some commenters think the Bates kids are perfect lol.

    5. I must say to a certain extent, I agree with Sis. I love Carlin. She’s beautiful and seems to have a really sweet heart. However, I must agree that Carlin does have some maturing to do. To me it’s not so much that she’s loud, it's just that she seems silly and giddy. I know she’s young and giddiness can accompany being a teenage/young lady. But, I personally think Josie and Katie show more maturity that Carlin. Again, not saying Carlin’s not a nice person. In fact, she’s a lovely lady. But, hopefully she can learn to keep her wonderful bubbly personality and just curb it to be less silly.

    6. 8:10. Why? Why would you want her to curb her personality? To fit some ideology of what YOU believe to be the “correct” way. I’m saddened by the Carlin Bashing. It’s totally uncalled for.

    7. 9:47, First of all, saying Carlin is not perfect is "Carlin-bashing?!?" Maybe I just wasn't clear enough with my comment. As I said in my original comment, I DON'T want her to change her lovely bubbly personality. I've always loved her perky self. But toning down silliness shows maturity. Everyone has room for growth (myself included), and taking out some "likes," "totallys," "heeeeys," squeals, and sister- interrupting is an area that she can mature in. She's a fine young lady, but she's human and has room to grow like all of us!

    8. I believe we are being asked who we think who is the loudest Bates child. We are stating our opinions which you may or may not agree with. It's not bashing. Opinions differ.

    9. Well said 8:10. Everything we are or do must find balance. We can learn to reign in our inclinations when it gets to be flat out discourteous and intimidating to others. And Finally it borders selfishness when we have no borders. Carlin can keep her bubbliness as it is her personality!! but like everything else it needs a border.

  4. Time 7:28PM
    Happy Sunday 5/13/18 Happy mother's day does not matter who is the loudest family. Their family they still love each other. My mom is the loudest when It comes to yelling at me & my 2 brothers Jean the oldest & Quincy the youngest both grown men I am the middle child will be 30 in September. Happy mother's day to Kelly Alyssa Erin Whitney & Mom to be Tori Bates Smith.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Carlin is the loudest in my opinion. . . .there are times I wish she would calm down. She will mature and realize there are times to turn it down a bit, but she is fondamentally L O U D.

  7. Carlin for the girls I think and Warden for the boys


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