
Thursday, May 10, 2018

'Mother's Day Special--UPdated' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Mother's Day Special--UPdated"
  • They may have 19 kids, but Gil and Kelly still make a point of spending one-on-one time with each child on a regular basis. “One of our priorities is to become best friends with our children,” says Kelly.
  • And the Bates kids say their parents do a great job at keeping up with all of them individually. “Somehow they always make time for everybody,” says Michael. “No matter how crazy or hectic their life is, they’ll take that time to talk with us and make sure it’s just us and them and keep that communication open,” agrees Lawson.
  • In this episode, the network shares “proud mommy” moments from the past seven seasons, including birthdays, births, graduations, and baby announcements.
  • “Mom’s whole life has been an investment into our lives,” says Lawson. “She is never thinking about herself,” says Erin. “It’s always somebody else.”
  • “She is able to keep us all happy,” says Gil of his wife. 


  1. I’m new here. Is there a way to watch the weddings of the older children?

    1. The weddings of Zach and Erin weren't televised. Alyssa's was on a TV special on another network. However, the previews for next week's episode show that they'll be including footage from those three weddings as well as the ones that have been on the UP show.

    2. Chad and Erin’s is on YouTube on an episode of 19 kids and counting

    3. What about their engagements? I've seen some clips before I think.

  2. I love and admire Kelly Bates! Thank you Kelly for the amazing mom and wife, and grandma you are! You are such a testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ!

    1. She has done such a great job, especially with the number of kids she's had. I like having a "bigger" family (5 kids), but it definitely comes with its stresses and challenges. She's done exceptionally well.

  3. So sweet. Kelly really is a super mom she raised suchs sweet kids.

  4. I’ve purchased the seasons pass from iTunes but the episodes after Tori’s wedding aren’t listed... any idea why?

    1. They usually add the “Specials” later. They did the same thing with the last to specials. Next week is a special too so I doubt it’ll be on iTunes either.

    2. Thanks for letting us know! Will wait and see

    3. So disappointed in iTunes...after Tori's wedding there have been at least 3 more episodes and they are "no shows" on iTunes.

  5. With all those kids; they have built in baby sitters. Most of us parents of a couple of kids cannot have date nights often. Baby sitters are expensive!!!

  6. I just don't know about these "recaps". It's still just old footage. Of course Mother's Day is really special, but it just seems to me that UPTV gets away with not showing new episodes. They're old clips with some new comments. I never count on anything being new anymore. But because it's a Mother's Day special, I'd better keep my mouth shut. Haha-


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