
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Nurse Katie?

 Katie Bates

Following in the footsteps of several of her older siblings, Katie Bates, who turns 18 in October, is currently attending The Crown College of the Bible. (Joseph Duggar also attended Crown.)

Katie is in the one-year Bible program. Next semester, she hopes to start studying nursing and is seeking direction from the Lord as she prepares to make her decision.

Photo courtesy of


  1. Good for Katie! It's sad that the Duggars don't encourage their children to pursue careers other than working for family businesses or being homemakers. The Bateses have changed over the years and certainly for the better.

    1. The Duggar family encourage their children to pray about their future. They do not dictate what they can and can not do. The Bates family follow the same biblical mandates.

    2. Umm not true! Jill is midwife n u not need compare between duggars n bates family n they have different beliefs

    3. It's sad people seem to think homemakers are valued. I applaud the Duggar ladies for doing what THEY want to do and not what other people WANT or THINK they should be doing.

    4. I agree about the duggars...just saying but true

    5. Absolutely agree with your comment!!! Gil and Kelly seem to understand a person can commit to Christ and still further their education in a brick and mortar college or follow their passion as in Lawson!!!

    6. 4:21 As sweet a girl as Jill is, she is not a real midwife. She is a CPM, not a CNM, please look up the difference

    7. Totally agree 4:43! The Bates seem like a nice family, but I disagree that they have changed for the better. It's not better for people to walk away from their standards to look and behave more like the world.

    8. But Joy is going to homeschool all those future kids, so she needs a higher education. Girls need to see more options then cleaner of the house, cooker of the food, and maker of the babies!!!

    9. Lisa Martin- You don't have to go to college in order to get training for work after high school. I think women do themselves a big favor by having the skills needed to support themselves. That doesn't mean it has to get in the way of marriage and family. However, it's like a safety net- women should not expect to rely on a man for support throughout her life.

    10. A college degree is not necessary to homeschool. I have both classroom and homeschool experience. The classroom is completely different. If she's going to be a SAHM and homeschool, there's really no need to spend all that money. And if a situation occurs where one of them is single again, then they have plenty of family to help them. I agree a woman or man should have a safety net, but buying life insurance would be a better investment. A college degree doesn't guarantee a job. It's difficult and sometimes next to impossible to enter your field after decades of not working, or never working, in that field.

    11. 3:49- Being a SAHM is a temporary job. At some point, the kids grow up and leave the nest. Personally, I'm glad I had a college education and a career. I've been able to retire comfortably with a good pension. Not everyone has a large family to depend on in case a spouse is disabled or passes away. Life insurance is a good thing to have when there are children living at home, but so is having a job that provides medical coverage ... it is a win-win.

    12. I don't u understand why can't a person choose to be a mother and homemaker. What y'all are saying is if a woman doesn't choose to work outside the home they are of no value?

    13. I completely agree 3:49. I homeschooled my children without a college degree. There are a lot of resources to help homeschooling moms. Plus there are many programs that can be purchased if you need help with certain subjects. My oldest daughter graduated from college. My middle child is in college right now on an academic scholarship (making straight A’s). Homeschooling is a job. The Duggars and Bates will have children at home for many more years than the average person, so why get a degree that won’t be used for thirty years? Not going to college does not mean that you can’t still learn and study and grow.

      Life insurance is very important! None of us are guaranteed tomorrow. If you have the proper amount of insurance and something happens to your spouse, you will be just fine financially.

      My husband has medical insurance with his job. Most of the time the insurance only comes through one spouse. Both don’t need to work an outside job for insurance.

    14. And y'all sometimes learn through experiense will teach you more than what you have learned at school thats why the best courses you can find are with hands on projects.

  2. Every family needs a nurse! So helpful, especially in a big family. My brother is a nurse and so many times he's been very calming in stressful situations. Good luck Katie

  3. If Katie chooses to become a nurse, I sincerely hopes she is allowed to do that. I question, however, if Gil will allow it based on his attitude toward seeing people in swim suits at the beach. Katie will certainly be exposed to more nudity in both women and men if she becomes a Registered Nurse than should see at the beach. If she does become a nurse, she will definitely have a skill where she can get a job and make good money anywhere in the county.

    1. Plus, she would have to wear pants on the job. The horror! (Sarcasm)
      I sincerely hope Gil allows it

    2. ? Nudity on the beach and nudity in a hospital are two totally different things.

    3. That is two totally different scenarios for two totally different reasons and purposes

    4. There are actually many nursing jobs that do not involve seeing nude patients. Most nurses working in offices (even the RNs) don't. Though I guess it would be difficult to train as a nurse without a knowledge of anatomy.

      I'm not sure that really is an issue though. Erin saw Dr. Vick, a male doctor, for OB care, so did Michael. I think Whitney might have too. So they obviously realize getting medical care is different from going to the beach.

    5. She will be 18 and an adult in a few months. Her father gets no say in her career choice.

    6. It’s completely different.

    7. They probably make exceptions for medicine. When you are a doctor or nurse seeing someone naked is not sexual, you are healing them. Also, Erin has a male obstetrician, so they probably are less uptight medical wise.

    8. Their family uses the services of medical professionals, so there would be no reason for Gil to object if one of his children becomes a nurse or a doctor.

    9. Wearing a bikini on the beach or other immodest cloying is of a sexual nature it is to attract attention and the lust of the flesh. In a hospital nudity is because the person is ill and needs Tlc in that scenario no different than washing or changing the nappy of an infant or toddler! It is done out of necessity not to feed the lush of the flesh.

    10. 9:07- I wear bikinis at the beach because I’m comfortable in them. I go to the beach in the Caribbean and it gets wayyy too warm if I wear anything more than a bikini. Plus I think they’re fun to wear! I don’t do it with the purpose of attracting men or make them lust. If they do, that’s their own fault, not mine. Please don’t make those kind of assumptions.

    11. This is ludicrous. Your comments are out of line. Nudity at the beach and 'nudity' observed while in a professional medical setting are absolutely unrelated. You need professional help if you think otherwise.

    12. To be fair to Kathy she's not stating this is her personal opinion, but that it might be the opinion of Gil Bates, that it is inappropriate for his daughter to become a nurse because she'd be exposed to nudity.

      But as I recall Gil himself underwent surgery and stayed in a hospital a few years ago. I am sure most of the nurses who cared for him were women. Some might even have been Christian women! Obviously neither he or Kelly Jo had a problem with that. Neither do they have a problem with their daughters and DIL seeing a male OB-GYN.

      So if they have a problem with Katie's aspirations because of exposure to nudity, that'd be rather hypocritical. I really doubt that's the case, though.

    13. 1:39, Whitney and Alyssa both wear pants, so I doubt the Bates think Katie will burst into flames if she does too.

    14. I know several nurses in the hospital setting that wear skirts. Pants are not required. If she continued to wear skirts because of her beliefs she would be just fine doing so.

    15. @ anonymous 1:39 Iam a nurse at a hospital and several women I work with wear scrub skirts.

    16. 10:19, it's may be more comfortable to wear nothing more than glorified underwear now, but after you get skin cancer, you might not be saying that.

    17. 11:34, that's why you wear sunscreen. Someone who wears modest swimwear can also get skin cancer since the modest suit doesn't cover all of your skin.

  4. Katie has grown into such a lovely young woman.

  5. Hi think that Katie will be a great nurse!

  6. That is fantastic. I love that about the Bates', that the kids actually do things with themselves rather than just living off the family wealth or the tv and magazine deals.

  7. I think Katie would make a great nurse, no matter what field of nursing she decides.

  8. Good for her! There's a need for skilled nurses. I am curious about why some devout people say they're "seeking direction from the Lord". How does that work- does the person wait for a sign of some kind? I am not religous and have always made major decisions in my life based on a "gut" feeling or instinct. I never thought, and still don't, that a higher power is directing me in one direction or another. If there is a God, it stands to reason that he's given us brains and free will, along with the power to use them. I hope that Katie pursues whatever is of interest to her and will give her a feeling of accomplishment and joy.

    1. Hi!

      When Christians say they are “seeking direction from the Lord” it means that they’re praying about whatever decision they’re making. God speaks and reveals himself to us in many ways. When Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven to be with God, he left the Holy Spirit here with us to speak to us and guide us. The Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity, which is God, Jesus and the Holy Spitit. They are three in one, meaning they’re all the same person or being. Anyway, the Holy Spirit can give us a peace within our hearts, through scripture reading and through other people, etc. There usually isn’t some sign with an angel appearing to you in a dream, etc. Waiting on the Lord for an answer takes patience, vigilance, discernment, and listening to the still small voice in your heart, which is the Holy Spirit. God doesn’t always give us an answer to our requests right away either, but when He does the answer is either yes, no, or not now.

      You’re right in that God does does give us free will. He gives us free will to either believe in Him and accept Him as our Lord and Savior, or to reject him completely. I want to assure you that there is a God! Just look at the creation around you, who else could have made all the beauty around us in the grass, trees, flowers, mountains, rivers, animals, etc? They certainly just didn’t appear out of no where. Think about the miracle of a newborn baby being born. Who else could have created that perfect being out of just the cells of a sperm and an egg? Who else could have orchestrated the intricate design of the human body and even knows the number of hairs on each of our heads? Only God could do that! We certainly didn’t evolve from monkeys or appear out of nowhere.
      “He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together.” Colossians 1:17

    2. To be directed by God requires that you have a personal relationship with Him. God is real. He made a way for us to know Him as intimately as He already knows us through Jesus Christ. When you enter into that relationship you will find that you definitely recognize His voice or His fingerprint in the choices we have set before us. Hopefully that helps you understand.

  9. That would be fantastic. I'm all for seeing these young ladies choose careers that will empower them and enable them to support themselves as adults. Way to go, Katie! Nursing would be so fulfilling as well.

  10. YES! We need more nurses! Follow your dreams.

  11. I love the picture! She looks adorable! Whoever the person behind the camera is, they did a great job. (Of course she gets her picture taken with Ice cream! Classic Katie! ;-)

  12. Great. She is sweet. I think she looks like Erin.

    1. I think she looks like Erin, too.

  13. Lily and Ellie,

    Do you think you could do a post about all of the Bates' majors while at school? I'd love to see what all each of them has chosen to study and how beautifully different the siblings are. Thanks in advance!

    All the best,

    1. I’d love to see this as well! As far as I know, Erin got a music degree, Tori is pursuing education, Carlin is pursuing music, and I’m not sure what Trace is pursuing. I think Whitney went to college, too.

    2. That would be interesting to see!

    3. Trace graduated the Bible program. Tori with a BS in elementary education

  14. He has given us free will and it is my belief that more often than not he will set aside and let us make our own choices but like a loving father he will speak up and voice concern if it’s a path we shouldn’t take. Of course even as children of earthly parents are able to do we can ignore our father in heavens guidance and make our own choices and take the consequences that may follow. I sincerely hope that the Bates allow Katie to pursue nursing despite the nudity she will see as it is such a wonderful, godly even gift to be a healer and caretaker. She could do so much good in the world with that skill set.

    1. "...the nudity she will see." Are you kidding? It's a medical setting, not a strip club!

    2. 'the nudity she will see' Oh, My. Seriously, Laura, this is utterly laughable. I've been a nurse for 38 years, and part of nursing is seeing people in all their glory, that need HELP. We don't think twice about 'nudity' in that setting. A man, woman, or child could walk in front of me, stark naked, and need help, and I would do my job without a blink. That's what nurses and doctors are trained to do! You are utterly misguided in your statements.

    3. I think Laura is making assumptions about the Bates perceptions regarding nudity, not discussing her own.

      However, I should point out that some health care providers sadly DO abuse their positions, such as what happened in the USA gymnastics program. Not that this means the whole field should be shunned, anymore than, say, teaching or coaching youth sports. It's also the case that many nurses are harassed on the job (though I'm not sure it's that much worse than women being harassed in the workplace in other fields).

      So while I doubt the Bates would actually forbid Katie from being a nurse, it wouldn't be totally ludicrous if they did have some concerns.

  15. They are meaning that they are praying, same thing as seeking, to see what God wants them to do. He has given all of us freedom to make our own decisions, but people pray to make the right decision. They want to honor the Lord with their life because they love Him.

  16. May God bless you on your endeavors Katie.

  17. Joseph Dugger only studied at Crown for a year, he didn't graduate. Yes, you can say he "attended" college. The Duggars make it sound like a GED is as good as a High School diploma- It's not. I looked up Crown College and it is an accredited college with a good nursing program. Best of luck to you Katie in your endeavors!! God Bless..

    1. You must’ve looked up the crown college of Minnesota. It’s a different school from the one the Bates attend (the crown college of the Bible in TN). The crown college of the Bible doesn’t have a nursing program

    2. He probably did the one year bible program and graduated from that.

    3. Crown College has a one year Bible program, so that is what Joseph received when he graduated. He never said he got an associates or bachelor’s degree. He still left home, went to another state and studied for a year.

    4. That's what I think about Joe too. Even one year away from home, I think, is different from the Duggars who have never left the nest at all.

      I get the feeling that what happened with Josh in DC, has resulted in the Duggars doubling down on their convictions and being reluctant to let any of their sons go too far away, out of fear they will also fall into temptation.

    5. I'll have to look up the Crown College in Minnesota- maybe that is a different program. Most nurses just go to what's called "Nursing School". Registered nurses do not have to have a Bachelors Degree. When I was in college, my roommate was getting a BS in Nursing. She turned out to be the head nurse of an entire hospital floor. I wonder where Katie will go to school if Crown in TN does not have a Nursing program. If she decided on Nursing that is... And I never heard that Joseph Dugger ever graduated at all. All I remember is that there was a lot of speculation on which Bates sister he was interested in. That turned out to be false thank goodness. They are all just friends and that's okay!

    6. become an RN, you indeed do need a BS. Anything less and you won't get a decent job.

    7. 1:02 that is not true at all! I know many RNs who have an associate degree and very good jobs. Some of them work in good hospitals. My sister-in-law has had her pick of jobs with her 2 year nursing degree.

  18. I’m so glad to hear that and wish more of the Duggars and Bates pursued careers outside of the church. Our society needs nurses, doctors, policemen, teachers, etc to function right? Don’t they use nurses and doctors too? I hope more of the kids pursue traditional careers.

  19. Ronalee KovermanMay 1, 2018 at 8:28 PM

    So happy for you Katie! You have such a tender heart I know you would be a good nurse.

  20. Aw! I'm a nursing's definitely a hard degree to achieve, but it's a wonderful profession.

  21. How wonderful! Good on Katie. I hope the Lord leads her in the direction to make her heart sing.

  22. Out of curiosity - is this the correct page for the Bible program Katie will be doing?

    It is good to see Katie pursuing her faith while contemplating becoming a nurse.

  23. Good for Katie, she can attend college and still live at home. Nurses are angels in a hospital...Jane

  24. Good pic of Katie! And thats a nice profession to go into.

  25. I saw in my paper that they are not excepting any nurses at hospitals. My friends daughter just graduated in nursing and she can't get a job anywere. She graduated last year.

    1. It is hard to get in as a new grad, but of the 118 that graduated from my class in December, I don't know of a single one that couldn't find a job. In fact, there's quite a shortage of nurses right now.

    2. 1:30 is your paper satire?

    3. It may be hard to get into a hospital as a new nurse in some areas, but it is not hard to get a job as a new nurse. You just have to be less picky starting out. It also makes a difference if you have a Bachelors vs Associates degree. Many hospitals want nurses with a Bachelor's degree.

    4. My friend's daughter had a Master's from a 4 year university in another field and couldn't get a job anywhere. She went back to get her RN and was instantly hired by the hospital in her town.

    5. Maybe your “friends daughter” has an off-putting personality.

  26. Of course, it's a picture of Katie with ice-cream ! # Katie loves icecream! Love the pic

  27. Katie we wish you all the success in your future career.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  28. Anonymous response to M O You are correct, I must have been looking at the Crown College in MN. , not TN. Crown college in TN is only regionally accredited, not nationally accredited. And they do not have a nursing program. Thanks for the correction.

  29. Good Luck Katie

  30. Nursing is a wonderful profession! Good luck to Katie in making her decision.


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