
Thursday, May 3, 2018

'The Bates Get Candid' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "The Bates Get Candid"

  • Small groups of Bates family members sit down with executive producer Matt Hightower to talk about what it’s like to film Bringing Up Bates.
  • Gil and Kelly go first. “If we watch a show…Gil’s usually in tears,” says Kelly. “It really is tender because we realize now more than ever with five kids married that our kids are growing up fast, and there’s going to be a day, even though it’s hard to picture, that we’re sitting in an empty house.”
  • “I don’t know if the house will ever be empty because I don’t think we can ever get the boys married off,” adds Gil, jokingly.
  • “When I’m having a gloomy day, I want to call one of the kids or just talk to somebody, and it just kind of cheers you up to know that somebody’s just thinking of you or going through the same thing,” says Kelly. “And I think that was the goal for this show. It certainly wasn’t because we had it all together, by any means, because we don’t. It was just to say, ‘Hey, we’re going through some trials, some lessons, some growing pains, as well.’ And maybe it will encourage some other families to just stick it out.”
  • What’s Gil and Kelly's secret to having a close-knit family? Praying together, playing together, and laughing together. “Laughter is a big part of our house,” says Gil. “I’ve got some really unusual laughers, some loud laughers, but we do a lot of laughing.”
  • Next, Zach and Whitney, Erin and Chad, and Tori and Bobby come on set. What’s it like to have small children who have been on reality TV for their entire lives?
  • “Carson, I think he still freezes up, even though he’s used to it like three days a week,” admits Erin. “He doesn’t quite act himself yet.”
  • “Kaci, I don’t know what she thinks about it, but she just stands behind the cameras,” says Whitney.
  • The last interview is with Lawson, Carlin, Josie, and Katie. Matt asks them what it has been like to live life in front of a camera.
  • “Not growing up with a camera in my face when I was really little made it a harder adjustment, but little guys like Jeb and Jud and Callie…I think sometimes they may be just a little too loose on camera,” shares Lawson.
  • Do the Bates watch all the episodes? The older kids admit that they don't, saying they would be too critical of themselves. Kelly approves them, and she sometimes gives the children who are featured in a particular episode a heads up so they can watch it. 
  • When asked when she expects to get married, Carlin answers, “Definitely within the next year.”
  • And the million dollar question: Which Bates is Matt’s favorite? “I love you guys, all of you,” says the executive producer. The Bates and their crew say they have become family.


  1. I just watched the show and as always loved it. I would like to thank the Bates family for sharing their lives with us. Love y'all and GOD bless each of you

  2. Another great show ! They just keep getting better. But as I was listening to Carlin talk about who & when the next wedding would take hit me - A Double Wedding !! How great would that be ? Only thing is I don't know if Gil could handle it, walking two girls down the isle. I think it would make a great show ! That would be one heck of a production, but it would save money !! Gil is all for saving ! Thanks for the great entertainment.

    1. NO! A wedding day should be special, and when you share it with a sibling that seriously detracts from it.

    2. totally agree especially on the Gil walking two girls

    3. I don’t think Carlin would like to share the date. She seems like the type to make the day all about herself. Plus I think Josie and Kelton are way more prepared at this point for marriage: Josie is about to graduate college and already had a job. Kelton already graduated and has a job. Meanwhile, Carlin isn’t graduating just yet and Evan just started electrician school.

    4. Anon at 9:42AM: Your comment comes across as very judgmental. Carlin is very extroverted, but that doesn't mean she's a selfish person. She had no problem sharing her graduation party with her brother.

      However I agree with the part about Josie and Kelton actually being more prepared for marriage. They have known each other for a lot longer, too. So I wouldn't be surprised if they marry before Carlin and Evan do.

  3. I recall reading before that the Bates only have cameras in their home 3 days out of the week. It seems from Erin's comments that this is still the case. I think this is a good balance especially for the younger kids.

  4. I bet Tori is pregnant already and I wonder when this year Carlin will marry, I bet Summer or Fall.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing your family with all of us. I just Love watching you all and praying for you guys. God is Good ! Keep up the Ministry of sharing and showing how you can live & Love Jesus without being worldly, (drinking,swaring, lustful,and disrespectful to others) God's Blessings ✝️ Love ya All 🙏😘🙌

    1. 3:18- I have known many fine people in "the world" who do not embrace Christianity or even have a belief in a higher power. It just goes to show how a person can be happy, generous, respectful and loving towards others without ever warming a church pew.

    2. What you are referring to is called "common grace" which is God's grace that works in the world among even the unbelievers. A well-formed christian knows this truth. It sounds like you have had some unpleasant experiences with "christians". I suggest you don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. There are many fine believers and churches who would welcome "seekers".

  6. Amen!! Our family is so looking forward to the next weddings! Fortunately we are local but it is so sweet how people come from many states away to share in the joy :)

  7. The bates family is so wonderful!


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