
Friday, May 11, 2018

Tori's Pregnancy

Have you heard Tori and Bobby's big announcement? They're expecting a baby! The news was revealed just three days after Tori's college graduation. Baby Smith is due in November, and the couple is eager to find out the gender.

In an exclusive statement, the parents-to-be told Us Weekly, "We are thrilled that God has blessed us with this amazing privilege, and we cannot wait to meet our precious little gift from Him." Tori has been experiencing persistent morning sickness during the past weeks.

Bobby Smith and Tori (Bates) Smith

Photo courtesy of Tori and Bobby Smith


  1. Wow, I'll bet she's glad that she's done with school! Dealing with your final semester of college (wasn't she student teaching?) and morning sickness at the same time sounds pretty rough.

    1. Isn’t this why her wise Daddy wanted her to wait to finish college before getting married. He was probably thinking about the ails of pregnancy and her trying to get thru it while still in college. Poppa Gil is a smart man and was looking out for her. Plus he wanted her to finish what she started.
      She began college before meeting Bobby so maybe she didn’t know if she would get married right off, in life. So she was planning for her future as the single gal she was at the time.
      If Tori had a dream and goal to pursue a college degree at least she completed that dream. Good for her. It’ll come in handy when she homeschools the little ones.
      My cousin is a teacher and has 6 students that she teaches in her own home. So she is running her own private homeschool for several families. Make it Work for You and Your Hubby! God works in mysterious ways.
      Maybe Tori could teach some of her nieces/nephews at home in case the other sisters don’t desire to homeschool their own or still want to work outside the home. It would be a viable option versus public or Christian school. Tori could earn some extra income that way. Homeschooling is quite a commitment and it’s not for everybody. No one should feel condemned, even in this family, if they don’t truly desire to do it.

    2. It was Tori & Bobby's original plan to get married when she graduated. Bobby was offered a job beginning right after Tori graduated. They wanted to move the wedding up so they weren't getting married, Tori graduating and moving for a new job all at once.

      Nobody can predict when a pregnancy will happen. I'm sure Michael thought she'd have 1-2 by now but that hasn't happened. Other women get pregnant very easily.

  2. It's probably been a tough few weeks for Tori, for sure... Morning sickness combined with the final few weeks of a Degree, yikes! Poor thing. She looked beautiful on her Graduation Day, inspite of sickness.

  3. I was hoping they’d wait a little longer, do Tori could start working without any distractions. She won’t have much time to teach when the babies start comming

    1. Exactly! As much as babies are a joy, how is she gonna pursue her job, if she starts having babies right away?
      Plus, they're still so young, I was hoping that she would actually put her degree to use and get settled in a job, before having babies. She graduated summa cum laude, it's such a pity that she won't actually use her degree.
      Plus, I really don't get why they rush to have a baby within a year from their wedding: don't they like to have a little time for themselves as a couple.

    2. When people decide to have as many babies as God chooses to give them, then they aren't RUSHING to have a baby. Those without fertility issues will naturally get pregnant soon after they get married. Why in the world do you feel like you have a right to an opinion about this, let alone actually share your opinion. It's just not your business.

    3. You are assuming Tori will not "actually use her degree" as if (1) she is never going to have any paying teaching job or (2) there is no point to getting a degree unless you use it to jump into the job market right away and have a full time career and be "successful" in terms of running up the career ladder and make a lot of money.

      Well last I checked elementary school teachers do NOT make a lot of money anyway. And I can think of many way Tori could "use" her degree without working full time with it. Teach her own children. Teach in a homeschool co-op. Teach Sunday School. Teach VBS over the summer. Etc, etc.

      And I don't think the Bates are necessarily "rushing" to get pregnant. Not taking steps to prevent is not the same thing as deliberately trying.

    4. Couldn't agree more with this post.
      I was hoping she could use her degree,
      Start a teaching job, give Bobby time to get settled in his new position. It's a lot to take on for a newly married couple in the first year.

    5. My mom quite her job before she married my dad to move to where he lives. Then my sister and I were born and my mom went back to work when my little sister was in 1st grade. Tori has time to teach if she wants to stay home and raise the kids and work later that’s great! Whatever they decide to do that’s there decision.

    6. Well now at least she has a degree, so even if she doesn’t use it until her children are out of the house, she won’t have to go to college at 40 years old to get one and could just go straight to teaching

    7. 1:52 - BINGO.

    8. Anonymous at 1:52 pm: if she doesn't work, by the time her kids are out of the house her degree will be as useful as toilet paper.

    9. Eh, you can use an education degree in so many ways, even if it's volunteer work or working with your own children. I have no doubt she will use her degree.

    10. I have wondered for awhile if the members of this family, especially the girls, go to college just to meet a spouse. I don't recall that they actually met their spouses (or future spouses) at this college, but met them through a friend (possibly from school) or a sibling. I don't remember them saying either way, but I'm not sure any of the girls really plan to work outside the home. It seems like college is just something they do until they start courting or get engaged. That's fine, but some clarification would be nice instead of the constant guessing back and forth in the comments about not using the degree, working outside the home, etc.

    11. Tori met Bobby through Kelton who was friends with the Bates family. Bobby & Kelton met in college. Erin met Evan at an event at his church and set him up with Carlin.

      I think Chad and John might have been found through one of the homeschool/family conferences they attend.

  4. Congradulations you two!! It must have been rough having morning sickness and trying to graduate at the same time!!
    She will be a good mom as well as a teacher!

  5. I'm so thrilled for them. I hope Tori ignores people with their insensitive and frankly dumb comments of "wasting her college education" and "She'll never hold a job."
    They will be awesome parents! Congratulations to them both!

    1. I agree! Even if Tori doesn't teach in a classroom outside of the house, she is prepared to homeschool her children. Her degree benefits her family and she can eventually work outside of the house if she chooses.

    2. Yes, she has her whole life ahead of her. She has plenty of years ahead to teach:)

    3. Many many many women across America and the world continue to work after having babies. One of my best friends gave birth to twin and hardly skipped a beat at work. Plus there’s always the option of Bobby staying home if they choose.

    4. I know Tori will not waste her degree. Bobby and Tori have a plan and they will be great parents. Tori don't listen to the haters just follow your family's plan (meaning you and Bobby) and I know Jesus has a plan for your family.

    5. Yeah, but when you're in the getting start phase of your career you need to invest in it for a few years.

    6. Tori essentially chose this path when she decided to marry in December 2017 as opposed to waiting until she graduated. Of course she'd have known from the experiences of both Erin and Michaela that there was no guarantee she'd have a baby right away. But she knew there was a big chance. I think we need to respect that choice.

    7. If she really wants to teach, she'll find a way to do that. If it's not a priority, well then it's her decision.

    8. She could've been an "awesome" parent without a teaching degree!

  6. Hopefully it isn't hyperemesis gravidarum, that could land her in the hospital.

    1. Most women have rough morning sickness at the beginning of their pregnancy, let’s mot instantly jump to worst case scenario.

    2. Yeah, that stuff is nasty.

    3. @8:47 "Most"... absolutely not! Maybe in your circles; but not me or mine! I observe pre pregnant overweight or out of shape have morning sickness.

    4. Anonymouse 5:53 PM...
      That's not true. My sister is an OB R.N. so I asked her. She said that morning sickness has nothing to do with being overweight or out of shape. It is caused by fluctuations in hormone levels.

    5. 5:35, 90% of women experience morning sickness during the first trimester, and 30% become physically sick during the first trimester.

    6. I was in shape and on the low side of normal weight, but I had mild morning sickness. I've always heard morning sickness is very normal and may even be a sign of a healthy baby.

  7. Congratulations and God bless you and your family!

  8. God Bless them! I hope the morning sickness is gone soon....this baby will be a blessing for sure

  9. Congratulations to Tori and Bobby. :)

  10. Congratulations! God's blessing & love be with you! ❤️😇

  11. Tori is the double of Alyssa in this picture. Congratulations to them.

  12. Time 2:58PM Fri 5/11/18
    Happy mother's day to the new mom to be Tori Alyssa Erin & Whitney & Kelly Jo & For all the mother's out there have a happy MD aka Mother's day.

  13. Many congratulations!! May the Lord bless you and keep you and make his face to shine upon you at this special time xx

  14. So excited for you guys. Can't see Smith babies. They will be so cute

  15. So excited for you guys. Can't wait to see Smith babies. They will be so precious

  16. Sincere best wishes for a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery.

  17. Oh oh, due in November?! Hmmmm, when did she get married?!

    1. December 16, 2017. The math works.

    2. December 2017. It's easy to check that versus starting rumors. :/

    3. December. She's probably about 13-15 weeks along

    4. Anon 3:51 Your comment sounds like you are trying to start something about Tori being pregnant before marriage. Please stop. Tori & Bobby married in December 2017. Congratulations to them!

    5. She got married on Dec 16 last year. Baby due 11 months after...don't stress...she's in the clear! :-D

    6. Really? She and Bobby got married in December. Be a better person.

    7. If you follow the show you know she got married in December.

    8. December. She got pregnant in February. Math.

    9. In December, so she got pregnant a couple months after getting married

    10. december. the baby should arrive just before their 1 year anniversary

    11. Last December!

    12. First of all, shame on you for implying that she may have gotten pregnant before she got married. Seriously, you should truly be ashamed of yourself! Secondly, she got married in DECEMBER, so she will be married for ELEVEN months when the baby is born!

    13. December of last year... so she was married for a couple of months before getting pregnant.

    14. She got married in December.

    15. In December, so she must have concieved in February, which is normal for Duggar/Bates type families...not sure what you are hinting at..

    16. She got married in December. Pregnancy is only 40 weeks. If that’s what you’re getting at.

    17. She got married on December 16. So November would be 11 months after the wedding. Definitely not a honeymoon baby or from before the wedding if that’s what you were thinking! And very disappointing if you are saying it just to get a rise! 🙁

    18. Tori was married in December last year, so likely conceived in late january or early February (depending on the due date). Your comment hinting at possible pretty marital conception is uncalled for.

    19. Middle of December. She was married.

    20. She got married in December - the baby is due 11 months after their wedding. Give it up.

    21. They had a December wedding.

    22. Good grief, stop! She got married in December.

    23. In December.

    24. December 16th, 2018

    25. Why does that matter to you?

    26. She got married in December, so she was married for a while before she got pregnant. Don't try to stir up rumors that she may have gotten pregnant before her wedding, that is just so rude!

    27. They were married on December 16, 2017.

  18. I was really hoping they would wait and she would teach.

    1. I know, I don't see why the rush to have a baby?

    2. Why? If she wants to be a mom and not teach that’s her choice

    3. Poor Michaela; another sister pregnant before her🙁

    4. Why on earth is it any of your business to hope they would wait. They have the right to start their family at anytime they wish. I find it so strange that people who don’t know this family (I don’t know them at all) think that they have the right to be disappointed or cast assumptions on these people because they choose to marry young, save themselves for marriage and start their families when they want it is none of our business.

    5. Mabs, but it really is their lives.

  19. Congratulations. Hope everything goes well. know that the Lord is with you through everything. Can’t wait for you guys to be parents!

  20. I’m so happy for them! They are such a happy couple and the baby will add to it.

    I continue to pray for Michaella and Brandon and hope they are making a happy announcement soon, too.

    1. I couldn't conceive either and adopted a beautiful toddler. God has a plan for everyone and it isn't always pregnancy. Some couples adopt or foster and some stay married without children. Some people are single or divorced. There are all kinds of people who fit into Gods plan.

    2. 8:13 -- AMEN!

  21. Very similar to Zach & Whitney who got married Dec 14, 2013 and had Bradley Oct 29, 2014. Tori & Bobby got married Dec 16, 2017 and are due Nov 2018

  22. CONGRATULATION BOTH WAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Congratulations to Tori and Bobby! So very happy for you both and your families. :)
    Tori, once the 1st trimester is over, you'll start to feel much better. Looking forward to following your pregnancy. Best of luck. God bless you both!

  24. kelly has been saying how much bobby & tori remind her of her & gil! i bet if anyone of the bates have 19 kids, it'll be tori. i am so excited for them all

  25. Congratulations Tori and Bobby. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  26. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  27. Congrats! To all you nay Sayers: God only gives us what we can handle.Tori and Bobby seem strong in faith and are truly blessed.

    1. And Michel can not handle a child?

    2. Actually, I've heard that God allows us to be in situations that we can't handle on our own so that we learn to trust and rely on Him instead of our own resources.

  28. Congrats to them! I just lost my 12 week baby last week and I would have been due in November too.
    It's been a very hard week. I do have other kids so I know the joys of having a baby and watching kids grow up.

    1. 6:47 sorry for your loss. Said a prayer for you.

    2. Oh wow, that must be rough!
      My mom had at least 2 miscarriages. But, she did end up with 8 kids!

    3. So sorry to hear about your loss. Praying for you!


    4. I'm sorry for the loss of your baby. I pray you feel God's peace and your body heals quickly.

    5. I'm so sorry! Said a prayer for you. God bless you.

    6. I am so sorry. There really aren't any words t hat help, I know. I lost 9, but God did give me 2 miracles through a very brave dr. using experimental medicine. Pregnant came easy, baby to hold did not. I had mourned for 30 years until I realized God did give me 11 of the dozen I wanted. I just have to wait to meet them!

  29. Congrats Tori and Bobby! -Kennedy Sim

  30. 6:47 AM. Sorry for your lost. Prayers for you

  31. She probably got pregnant in February.

  32. Are they going to find out the gender?


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