
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Carlin on Getting Married Sooner

Carlin Bates

Now that Carlin Bates is taking classes online rather than on campus, she is able to help her mom tutor the younger Bates kids. This is a huge help to Kelly, but Carlin admits that she had another reason for making the decision.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. This sounds like a fast track plan in the works ! When is Carlin finished with her school & when is Evan finished with his classes ????? Does anyone have this info ???

    1. She wil not finish or really use it i think. She wants to be a mommy.

  2. It’s “my mom and ME” actually....

    1. No it’s actually “my mom and I”

    2. I learned "mom and I" in school!

    3. I was thinking the same thing!

    4. It actually should have been mom and me in that sentence. It’s a confusing grammatical rule for a lot of people. The easiest way to explain it is this - take mom out of the sentence in this case. Should Carlin have said “it’s a win for I”, or should she have said “it’s a win for me”? If it’s not correct when you take the other person out of the sentence, it’s not correct when he or she is in it. In this case “it’s a win for mom and me” is grammatically correct.
      If it’s a sentence in which you would use I if you are the only person the sentence refers to, then you would also use I if another person is included. For example, “I went to the beach today” is correct, as is “mom and I went to the beach today”.

    5. The trick is to take the other person out of the sentence and see if ‘me’ or ‘I’ sounds better. For example, try ‘My mum and me went shopping’; you wouldn’t say ‘Me went shopping’, you would say ‘I went shopping’. So, in this case, it would be ‘My mum/mom and I’. Kind regards, your friendly grammar pedant :)

    6. Nope, it's "Mom and me." You put the other person first before yourself; she got that right. Carlin's context was "for Mom and I," so she should use the objective pronoun "me," rather than the subjective "I", because she's using it as the object of the preposition. You would say "Mom and I" if you were using it as the subject of your sentence.

    7. See explanations below by a couple of different Anon posters.

    8. It’s “a win for me” not “a win for I”, so it is “a win for mom and me”
      If you ever doubt it just remove the other part (the mom part) and try out to see which sounds right

    9. It's both...just depends on where you're saying it in a sentence.
      At the START of a sentence, it is Mom and I, because you can say "I went to the store" if you remove the word "Mom".
      At the END of a sentence it is Mom and ME, because you can say "Do you want to come with ME" if you remove the word "Mom".

    10. An English teacher speaking! Mom and me is correct since she said it is a win for mom and me. Object of the preposition for. You would not say for I!!!

    11. It depends on whether she’s referring to herself as a subject or object in the sentence. The easiest way to think of it is this: leave out the other person, and think only of I vs. me. If you would normally say “I” then you should still say “I” even if someone else is also mentioned, likewise with “me”. Carlin’s sentence was about her online school being “a win-win for (mom and) me”. She was right the first time, and wrong to correct it.

  3. So Kelly Jo is the college graduate who tutored when in school and Carlin is still in college with little to no experience teaching and she has taken over teaching the younger ones? Does that even make sense? Sorry but that really baffles me. Plus, I think it is more important when Evan is capable of supporting a wife and family rather than Carlin graduating soon, although I do hope she completes her education.

    1. I thought this was when Kelly was recovering from surgery?

    2. She's HELPING! They didn't say she had completely taken over teaching the younger ones.

    3. Carlin is HELPING her Mom tutor the kids. She is not teaching them instead of Kelly teaching them. She is like a student teacher's aide. Not sure why that would baffle anyone.

  4. To add to my comment above, how does a person study music online? Doesn't that require practice and participation on campus?

    1. Music theory, music history, music pedagogy, music administration... My sister earned a Bachelor's of music without ever stepping foot on a college campus. It's possible! And I think it's pretty awesome! By the time my sister graduated, she had a large and well established teaching studio and played in two orchestras.

  5. It is a win for me. Not: It is a win for I
    It is a win for mom and me.
    I win.
    Ugh. Educated or not, why do so many people struggle with this?

    1. I guess I struggle with it because that's how I was taught in school! If it involves another person in the sentence then it was an "I" like in this case, "it's a win for mom and I". When just yourself involved then it's a "me" or "myself". Sorry! When it's trained in your brain...

    2. People get confused between when to use the subjective case and when to use the objective case. If it's the subject of the sentence, you would use I, he, she, we, they. If it's objective (direct object, object of a preposition), you would use me, him, her, us, them.

    3. "Myself" is another tricky word. You cannot use myself in "Bob, Jane and myself are going to the party". It would be "Bob, Jane and I are going to the party". You can say "I did it myself" or "I went by myself"

  6. Mom and me—because it’s at the end of a prepositional clause. You’d say “it’s a win for me,” not “it’s a win for I,” so it would be a “win for Mom and me.” I love the Bates but I do wish they’d done a better job of teaching the basics of pronoun use. (I wish this for many people, not just them.) Sorry—the college professor in me couldn’t resist commenting on this one. Hopefully the online classes will encourage learning more about basic grammar rules! :)

    1. I find it interesting that they have problems with this, because they use the same homeschool curriculum that we use. I can attest to the fact that it is very strong on emphasizing correct grammar, and it's year after year. This leads me to the conclusion that their parents weren't strong on grammar, and they are influenced more by what they've grown up hearing than by their school work.

    2. Definitely not just a Bates problem, I had plenty of well-educated friends in grad school who struggled with this.

  7. What is Carlin studying in college?

  8. Oh Carlin... She is silly but nice girl.

  9. Actually, it's "for mom and me" ;-) Lots of people get it confused, though! The trick is to separate them in your mind in order to know whether to use "I" or "me". If mom weren't involved, it would be "a win for me", therefore when mom is involved, it's "a win for mom and me". Little grammar tip for the day. :-)

    1. I am really confused. We learned in school (and not homeschooled) that you say "I" at the end of a phrase with another person involved. Like this would be "it's a win for mom and I ". The word "me" was tabooed in sentences. But maybe things changed since then. I'm in my upper 30's so....

    2. Things haven’t changed. You were taught incorrectly, just like the Bates children were, and apparently continue to be. Fortunately, you don’t have to stop learning after you’re done with school.

    3. 12:19, it all depends on how it's being used in the sentence. "For" is a preposition, which will always have an object. If the object is a pronoun, it will be in objective case (her, him, me, us, them). If you're using it as the subject of the sentence, it would be she, he, I, we, they. "Mom and I went to the store." "They bought groceries for Mom and me." You can test it by taking out the other person. You wouldn't say, "Me went to the store" or "They bought groceries for I."

    4. I'm 59 and I was taught "It's a win for Mom and ME".

    5. Handy little rule of thumb is to take the other person out-- you wouldn't say "it's a win for I" you'd say "it's a win for me." Therefore, Carlin was correct when she said "it's a win for mom and me." I was public schooled as well, and this is a (super helpful) trick my 4th grade teacher taught us. It's also taught in the grammar book "A grammar book for you and I-- oops, me!" by C. Edward Good, which helpfully showcases the rule in the title! :)

  10. I love grammar tips!! Truly! Such a pet peeve when people use poor grammar.

  11. I'm in agreement with all those who corrected Carlin's grammar but would warn them to be careful because when I've done it in the past, I've really gotten slammed. But it is distressing to see people who are in college using such poor grammar and sadly, the Bates family is very guilty of this. And while I've been told it is a Southern thing, my relatives in the south do not talk like this. I'm surprised that their college teachers allow them to speak that way, if they do so in class.

  12. Yeah, so Carlin was incorrect. But when it comes to grammar, few are perfect. But I have to admit, I always notice the families poor grammar on the show. And they promote home schooling, not the best example. But it's a reality show right? :o)

  13. Mom and I is still correct Carlin, you had it right to begin with! :) Handy little rule of thumb is to take the other person out-- you wouldn't say "it's a win for I" you'd say "it's a win for me." That said, I'm not really picking on Carlin, I just graduated with my masters degree and there were plenty of people in grad school who were constantly messing that rule up.

    1. I’m confused, if she’s incorrect how is she still correct?

  14. how sweet of carlin to talk over as much as she had with kelly jo being 'out of commission'. she has really grownup so much!

    curious, what is carlin studying in school?

    regarding the grammar, i was taught when in doubt, remove the other person and see how it sounds. 1)example: "it's a win-win for mom and ?", remove the other person, "mom" and "its's a win-win for me" or "it's a win-win for i" 2)example: "mom and ? think it's a win-win". "i think it's a win-win" or "me thinks it's a win-win"

    1. When in doubt, try "it's a win-win for both of us"!!! End of discussion. :-)

  15. Time 12:32AM Thurs 6/21
    Carlin should focus on school. She loves Evan but they need to focus on school more before getting married.

    1. Wow, Neddy, your comments haven't been very kind lately.

    2. I personally agree with Neddy. Carlin is only 20! She should focus on college and getting her degree before marriage. Evan would be willing to wait.

  16. So I saw pics of this seashore outing before and I know Carlin didn't actually get engaged then. But considering all the hints the show is dropping about an engagement before this episode (and even the last episode), I wouldn't be surprised at all if the Big Bates Announcement tomorrow is indeed the engagement of Evan and Carlin. I guess we'll see!

  17. Wow some people have to be negative about everything...who cares if it's mom and me or mom and I? The important part is that she is helping her mother and her siblings with Home School. Why does everyone think they know what's best for Carlin and Evan? She is close to the same age as Erin, Whitney and Alyssa when they got married and they're all doing great and so will Carlin and Evan. No matter what they decide I support them. I love Carlin and Evan and I'm excited to see if the big news is about their engagement.


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