
Saturday, June 30, 2018

Jackson the Safe Bates Driver

"Jackson is one of my favorite drivers, I think, because he is so cautions. And even though he's a young driver, I would rank him as one of our best drivers..." 
-Kelly Bates

Did you watch Thursday's episode? In the web exclusive below, Gil Bates takes Jackson Bates out for a driving lesson, and they discuss the quality of Jackson's driving skills compared to some of the other Bates. His parents are very confident in his abilities.

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Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Is he driving without his seatbelt on???

    1. I wondered the same thing? It does look like it.

    2. I think he just has one of those one strap seatbelts.

  2. Good for him ! It is a positive action that he is cautious with his driving. To many young folks get hurt or worse by being silly & reckless in today's world. I pray he stays thoughtful in his driving. It has been fun to watch them grow up & into such nice young adults! I wish I had Gil & Kelly as parents, don't get me wrong I love my parents but I was raised strict, but in a different way ! I never had a group of young folks to share with like they do, so fun !

    1. He’s not wearing a seat belt so he’s definitely not being thoughtful with his driving.

    2. Some older cars only have a lap belt.

  3. Are the boys not wearing seatbelts?!

  4. He might be a cautious and careful driver, but no seatbelt? On him or his back seat passenger! Is that legal in America? It certainly isn't in the UK. Even if it is legal it isn't safe. I'm quite shocked to see that actually but maybe it's not shocking to American viewers???

    1. OK some FYIs for the Anon from the UK. I actually had to look this up, as seatbelt laws in the US are state laws and vary from state to state. There is only one state in the US, New Hampshire, where it is legal to drive without wearing a seatbelt. In all other states it is illegal for a driver or front seat passenger not to wear one.

      However in many states, including Tennessee where the Bates live, it is legal for backseat passengers not to wear them.

      Seatbelts started to become law in the 1980s, and at first only about 20% of drivers wore them. After many educational campaigns, now about 80% wear them, but there are still a lot of drivers who refuse to wear seatbelts. Some don't think they need them because they're good drivers, or they find them uncomfortable or confining. Some refuse as a way to rebel against a law they find too intrusive (Yes, many Americans are a rebellious bunch).

      So while I was a little surprised UPTV released this clip, I'm not shocked that Jackson either isn't wearing a seatbelt at all, or perhaps is just wearing the lap belt and tucked the shoulder harness behind his back as "m o" suggested. (Which is better than not wearing it at all and might be enough to avoid a ticket, but still not as safe as wearing it correctly.)

    2. The passenger in the back had a seatbelt on. In the middle seat in the back of a car, there is only a lap belt.

      It actually varies by state if seatbelts are required. Some states don’t require them at all and some states only require them for front seat passengers/ drivers.

  5. Are the boys not wearing seatbelts?!

    1. That is the first thing I noticed.

  6. Where's Warden's seatbelt? I think that Jackson has his shoulder strap behind him. I'm not sure of the laws in Tennessee, but in Michigan they'd get a citation and a hefty fine if caught with a seatbelt infraction. Just saying... Be careful if you ever travel out-of-state. I know- everyone's a critic, but I want you to be safe. :o)

    1. I just posted to the Anon from the UK, and looked up Tennessee's seatbelt law, it only applies to the front seat driver or passenger. So Warden is not breaking any law by not wearing a seatbelt in TN. However in many other states ALL riders must wear a seatbelt, so it's probably a good idea to get in the habit.

      I hope your hypothesis is correct that Jackson at least has a lap belt on, especially as Gil himself is wearing a seat belt. So I'd hope he'd know better than to let Jackson NOT wear one.

    2. Warden has a seatbelt on. It is just a lap belt since he is sitting in the middle seat.

    3. Hey Anon from the UK, the law is actually you are allowed to not have your seat belt on in the backseat if you are over 18. All minors regardless of where they are sitting in thr car, drivers, and passanger seat riders have to have seat belts on in TN.

  7. He should have his seatbelt on! And his brother in the back should too.

  8. It is a shame his dad did not encourage Jackson and his brother to wear their seatbelts. 😢

  9. Oh my goodness, I came on here to say the same thing as everybody seatbelts?? That's not safe AT ALL, and surely illegal. I'm quite shocked.

  10. Driving without seatbelts is not safe.

  11. Guys, Warden is sitting in the middle seat. Therefore, no shoulder strap. You can clearly see the lap belt. I suspect that Jackson has the shoulder belt behind him. Not that the belt behind you is safe but safer than not at all.

  12. When will season 7 be available on amazon prime?

    1. Hi there,

      UP usually waits until the end of a season to make the episodes available on UP Faith and Family. They are, however, available for purchase on iTunes and Amazon.

      Have a wonderful day,
      Lily and Ellie

  13. Warden has a lap seatbelt on sitting in the middle of the back - it's clearly seen nearer the beginning of the drive everyone!!
    JAckson would appear to be wearing a seatbelt BUT incorrectly with if under his arm. In an accident it would be less
    effective so not so cautious in safety precautions directly of himself.


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