
Friday, June 22, 2018

Josie and Kelton Engagement Photos

Josie Bates and Kelton Balka engagement photos

Have you heard the news? Josie and Kelton are engaged! There are more photos on the UP website, but here are a couple previews, as well as a video montage.

To pull off the perfect engagement, Kelton planned a scavenger hunt, which began when he surprised Josie at work in Knoxville and ended with a proposal in Utah's picturesque Arches National Park. InTouch has the exclusive story.

Photos/video courtesy of UP


  1. I can't believe it. I could've sworn it was carlin and Evan I'm in shock. Cogratulations.

  2. Are they at Garden of the Gods in Colorado? Beautiful pictures. Congratulations. Josie looks like Alyssa here

    1. Ooops, I see it says Utah up above. Missed that the first time

  3. Best wishes to Josie and Kelton - their love is very apparent - May they have a wonderful life together.

  4. Yikes! She’s only 18!

    1. Alyssa got married when she was 19 :)

    2. They've known each other for about 4 years and had strong feelings. Due to Josie's age, they put the brakes on things for a bit. They waited to begin courting until after she turned 18 and after Tori & Bobby's wedding.

    3. Since Josie was born on August 4th per this very site (look under Birthdays tab), if the engagement lasts 6 weeks or so, and that seems to be the minimum time to plan a wedding, she will probably actually be 19 at the time she gets married. So far no Bates (or Duggar) has married younger than 19.

      While I wouldn't recommend marriage this young in general, in Josie's case she does appear mature for her age, and she is already gainfully employed, as is Kelton. It's not a case of being married but not really independent from Mom and Dad yet.

    4. I think one of the only reasons they get engaged so quick after courting is because they can't kiss etc or be alone so its the only way they can so they get married so young. I think if thy weren't 'waiting' that they would have a longer courtship & engagement.

    5. Yes, but she is definitely ready to get married. So mature for her age. And they waited a very long time, because they first started liking each other several years ago, and Gil asked them to wait because she was so young. Kelton honored that and waited until Gil and Kelly felt like Josie was old enough. So, if her parents feel like she's old enough, then no one should actually have an opinon about her age. Years ago, most girls got married this young, or even younger.

    6. Anon at 1:54AM they actually have been waiting for over 3 years. Michaela and Brandon also knew each other for years before courting.

      Indeed, I think most of the Bates and Duggars have known their significant others for at least a whole year before starting a courtship. It's not like they're being set up with total strangers by their parents and rushing to the altar in months just so they can kiss.

      The engagements are certainly short, but I get the sense they see the engagement period as a practical wedding prep period, not a vague promise to eventually wed in a year, or two, or ten, the way many more secular people see engagement.

  5. The UPTV site is down right now, so thanks for the pictures! I'm not at all surprised by this. Though Josie and Kelton haven't been courting as long, they have known each other for much longer than Carlin and Evan. I guess there will be a late summer/early fall wedding coming up! Congratulations!

  6. Congratulations Josie and Kelton!!!

  7. That last photo Josie really looks like alyssa.

    1. I agree - Josie and Alyssa are so petite and very similar looks - both a very mature and delicate.

    2. She looks like she could be Alyssa's twin!

    3. Josie does look like Alyssa! Beside the point all these kids r getting married too early!

  8. oh yay!! i was so hoping it would be them! "good things come to those who wait" and kelton has waited so long for josie. so happy for them! i hope we see a beautiful fall wedding.....

  9. When did they become engaged? Congratulations Josie & Kelton!!

  10. Yay! They were made for each other!

  11. Their journey together is the most romantic story. So happy for them!

  12. Congratulations to them and all the best for their future together. Theres going to be a wedding this year!
    Feel a bit sorry for Carlin. Maybe she and Evan have agreed they need to be completely done with school and in employment first though.

    1. Carlin had herself predicted Josie would get engaged before her. And she obviously knew Josie's history with Kelton actually went much further back than what was initially shown on TV.

      Jessa Duggar also started courting before her sister Jill, only to see Jill marry before her. So there is obviously no definite IBLP rule that "a courtship MUST be X months long" or "siblings must get engaged in the same order they started courtships".

  13. I’m so happy for them !!! Congratulations 🎉

  14. They should be allowed to kiss one another. Kissing is not a sin before marriage, as this family has already stated so why put these people through such a thing? God does NOT love you more because you didn't kiss before marriage. Doesn't make any sense to me. Their 'idea' of purity is their very own invention, not the Lord's.

    1. They’ve said that those are the rules they have set for themselves, not that it makes them better Christians.

    2. It's a safety net for remaining pure

    3. But even you admit that it is "their own" idea. Why is it wrong for them to set their own standards? Gil and Kelly don't enslave their children to their ideals, so it is obviously Josie and Kelton's wishes. And who knows, they might have decided that based on 1 Cor 7:1.

    4. If they set their own standards, why did Zach and Whitney feel so guilty they had to confess to Gil and Kelly that they kissed? Does anyone consider that perhaps those arbitrary standard are part of the reason that Tori and Bobby felt awkward alone after they married?

  15. I can’t wait until they post the engagement photos they are gorgeous

  16. Wowzer!! That diamond is huge!! I have always felt badly for the beginning Bates/Duggar girls. Like Poor Anna wore a hand-me-down wedding dress, and Whitney’s redoing her wedding. Now the courtship proposals are as elaborate as an engagement, which they actually fly to Utah to get! The diamonds are bigger, the wedding dresses are custom, they are cashing out to People Magazine and US Magazine. This is not sour grapes speaking, it’s empathy for the first wave that had to pretend to be so humble and non-materialistic.

    1. So agree! And Anna is the one who deserves a wedding do-over with a new diamond ring as big as Mt. Gibraltar because she has been unbreakabke!!

    2. The engagement ring might have been Keltons Mums or a family heirloom from his side. And if it is what a blessing for them both.
      Also Nathan can fly them in his plane now so why not fly to Utah.
      The older children had the blessings of having the parents more to themselves, the middle children, like Josie, the blessing of older siblings being pilots.... It's the way life is.

    3. Sour grapes, maybe not, but pretty judgmental to assume the "first wave that had to pretend to be so humble and non-materialistic". So you're basically accusing the Bates and Duggars, even the "first wave", of being the opposite of that, prideful and materialistic, and covering it up. How do you know that? Can you read their minds?

    4. No "sour grapes" detected... just facts!

    5. The diamonds have more to do with who they are marrying and if their family has money. Kelton has been working for a while and has a college degree. He has probably been saving up for a long time. With twenty or so people making money from the show, I doubt any of them make a huge amount plus they are on UP which is a smaller network. I am sure if they were getting rich from the show, they would quit working....

    6. Ways of the world ;) they simply joined the flow. Don’t get me wrong I think they are still very down to earth compared to the majority of the world

    7. 9:14. I didn’t accuse either family of anything. I said I have empathy, I feel for, the first wave of kids who had to profess material wealth and fitting into “worldly” ways wasn’t what they were seeking. That was obviously a falsehood. Everything from their clothing choices to elaborate proposals, to diamond rings have become more, more, more. Like I said I don’t begrudge anyone anything. We are now seeing the prosperity given to the second wave. But oh my it’s the third wave that will really be something!

    8. Aww, I am wondering if it was his mom’s ring

    9. Anon at 325PM: You are stating that the "first wave" Bates professed things that were "falsehoods" so you are assuming they were lying. Last I checked lying was a sin. Another possibility is that they really believed what they said, but the wealth and fame changed them as often happens. Doesn't automatically mean they were lying before.

      As for your predictions about the "third wave" I guess you think they are all going to be living pampered lives in palaces like princesses by then. But it's going to be another 10 years before the youngest kids are anywhere close to courting. You really think the show will go on for 10 years?

      I actually think the Bates realize the TV show is not a guaranteed source of lifetime income. They had a show before that was cancelled. The older children are all either employed or pursuing education beyond a homeschooling HS diploma. They aren't just living off TV money assuming it will be rolling in forever.

      Your perceptions of the Bates may indeed be correct but unless you have the ability to read their hearts and minds, I'd be hesitant to judge them the way you have.

    10. 1:17. Their standards have certainly changed as happens when a lot of money is involved. Good, Bad, or Indifferent it is what it is. I haven’t seen any comments that blatantly criticize them, although you seem very bent on trying to find that. Observations are not criticisms. As far as Bates being in TV for another 10 years? It’s highly likely. While certainly not reality, it’s still a wholesome choice for many.

    11. 1:17. Are you a Bates or Duggar? You seem awfully defensive.

  17. Don't you think these proposals are "over the top"? Who travels that far unless you're on TV? I would think that would spoil the surprise.

    1. It is for tv. The fans want it.

    2. The over-the-top proposals pre-date TV. Zach surprised Whitney by flying her to Florida for their proposal. There wasn't a scavenger hunt like with Michael and Brandon or Josie and Kelton, but it did include traveling.

  18. I'm guessing a wedding in September or October. And Carlin will likely be engaged by then too and planning a winter wedding.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. It will be like when Erin got married and then Zach got married just a couple months later.

  19. How long have Josie and Kelton been courting for?

    1. Since January, but they wanted to start dating 3 years ago, but waited because she was younger.

    2. 6 months but they have known each other longer. They had a relationship when Josie was 16 years old. And her dad didn't want her dating at that age,so Kelton waited for her and kept his word that Josie will be mine forever.

    3. They began an official courtship in January of this year. Gil asked them to wait when they first met and had strong feelings for each other because Josie was so young. Once Josie turned 18, she was old enough to court. Kelton didn't want to take anything away from Tori & Bobby's wedding so he waited until January to ask her to court. They've known each other since about 2014. Kelton actually introduced Tori & Bobby.

    4. Is only been 5 months since they been courting.

  20. They went on a scavenger hunt from Tennessee to Utah to get engaged? Um. Ok. To be honest this isn’t even really all that enjoyable to watch anymore. So much for the modest facade. Nothing relatable at all.

    1. Yup. They are no different than any “worldly” couple going on vacation with a “surprise” engagement.

    2. A "wordly" couple wouldn't be going on vacation with chaperones, and I am sure someone was there to chaperone the couple, that's been the case for all other Bates proposals that were aired.

      BTW I am one of two children and grew up in the city, and went to public school. So I have actually never found the Bates "relatable", even when they lived on a smaller budget. Yet I have enjoyed watching the show from the moment UPTV became available. And will continue to do so.

  21. Maybe if Carlin becomes engaged soon she and Josie could have a double wedding!!

  22. She still seems like a little girl. But what do I know, I’m an old fogey and anyone under the age of 40 seems like a kid to me.

  23. Wouldn’t it be awesome if Erin and Carlin also became engaged and there was a double wedding?? :) Congratulations to the blessed couple

    1. Not so sure it would be a good idea for Erin to get engaged. I think Chad might find it offensive.

  24. Cute pix. Such a beautiful thing

  25. Josie's princess cut diamond is set on an angle to make it look diamond-shaped, rather than square, which is really unusual. I've never seen that before. Looks like a beautiful stone, but I'd rather have it set to look square. As long as she likes it though is all that's important.

    1. Jessa Seewald’s is set kite shape.

  26. A flight across the country to propose?! I love this family but do you really think Kelton thought that up on his own? It seems the shows producers may be orchestrating these things. I love this couple and have nothing against them but they both seem so down to earth-these engagements and ring sizes are starting to compete with the Kardashians! In this respect I wish they could be more life-like - but we probably wouldn't watch the show then! HA!

    1. Maybe Josie has always dreamed of Utah. Since Nathan is a pilot, traveling to another state really isn’t that difficult. How do you know that Kelton hasn’t been saving up for years to buy her a nice ring? I think people make too many assumptions about how much the Bates and Duggars actually make from their shows.

    2. Anon at 356PM: I also get the impression that many are assuming the Bates must be raking in money from the show, and are using that money to live lives of luxury and indulgence.

      However my take on what's going is more like the "reality" game show that features "normal" people going on a trip, that is sponsored by the show and that they'd likely not afford on their own; but that's not the same as the show paying them so much money they can afford to live that way all the time.

      If I were to judge the Bates just by some of the comments here I'd get the impression they are living off their TV money in a mansion, being waited on by servants, and dating Hollywood and pro sport celebrities like another famous reality family. That's far from the case. They actually have fairly ordinary jobs outside the show.

      The Bates may not be "ordinary" people at this point but I wouldn't classify them as "rich out of touch celebrities who have no idea how the other half lives" either.

  27. I guess catching a bouquet at a wedding can make your dream come true. So excited for you guys. You two are the cutest couple.

  28. Arches National Park is stunning. God’s work all around. Southern Utah’s parks are magnificent. I’m so glad that Josie realized her wish to see their red rocks came true. Kelton seems to be a caring guy!!

  29. Wonder if Evan is going to outdo kelton on a proposal. The courtship was so over the top engagement like that now he's saving to take carlin to somewhere bigger than Utah for engagement.

    1. 2:25. The next engagement will probably be a scavenger hunt ending up at Windsor Castle since they are now ATI Royalty😉

    2. Just out of curiosity why wouldn’t they save going to Utah for their honeymoon? These courtship and engagement proposals are so out of balance.

  30. Michelle jolley: Do you mean Evan not Erin.

  31. Well, I can tell the Bates really have become famous. The negativity directed against them these days is almost as bad as what gets posted on the Duggar sites.

    For all the naysayers throwing shade on Josie and Kelton's special moment with the "it was staged for TV" and "I can't relate" comments; no one is forcing you to watch the show. If you don't find the Bates enjoyable to watch anymore, then you can just, you know, stop watching.

    1. 2:07- If enough viewers find the Bates family no longer relatable or see them becoming more lavish, ratings could very well plummet and that would be the end of their show. That's kind of how these so-called reality shows work. People tend to lose interest when the novelty wears off. The initial appeal of this family, as well as the Duggars, was their lack of pretense and simplicity in how they lead their lives. Don't get me wrong, I do like the Bates. They have natural charm and engaging personalities. However, it's looking more and more as though they're selling themselves out to the tabloids- the same provocative secular material /media they would never allow in their own homes. Money is a powerful force. I hope I'm wrong about the Bates, but even the most humble and "modest" can be transformed by it. Watch the show, or not, for what it is- entertainment.

    2. I love how the Bates are being bad-mouthed for something a Bates did not do. Kelton is not a Bates. He has a good job. He can save up and propose to his girlfriend however he wants to.

    3. Yes, money, and lots of it, along with the great desire for fame is incredibly powerful, and I dare say nobody is immune to its charms. Not The Duggars, Not The Bates, no one. I am in no way insinuating they are no longer Christians, but it is without a doubt money has changed them.

  32. Why do they all do scavenger hunts?

  33. I hope some things start to go back to a bit more of a modest format. Get a humongous diamond ring because sparkles are fun, and take a fabulous honeymoon because babies will be within the year. But courtship and engagement proposals? Maybe toned down a bit. But, maybe not:)

  34. It was staged for TV. It was for TV.

  35. Evan's proposal should in no way TRY to do better than Kelton - it is not a contest - nor is which Bates has the best wedding. They are all individuals and their specific taste and happiness is what is important.

    What's left? - sky writing!
    I wish all the couples all the best in life.
    Bless them all

  36. I sure hope Kelton got Joeis's employer's approval to have her leave work. I'd hate to have a scheduled appt. with her only to find out she left. And with an engagement like this, the honeymoon will likely be over the top. HOWEVER, I'm very happy for them and wish them much happiness. They seem like a great couple of young adults.

    1. If he's going to the trouble of planning such an elaborate engagement, I'm sure he's going to think of all the details, including asking permission for her to leave work.

  37. She has the same Chacos as me!


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