
Thursday, June 28, 2018

New Webster Family Photo

Did you know that Alyssa Webster's father-in-law is Florida Congressman Daniel Webster? Alyssa and John actually met while working on the congressman's campaign six years ago.

Alyssa and John and their three daughters recently joined the Webster clan for a trip to Daniel's office in Washington D.C.

John Webster, Zoey Webster, Alyssa Webster, Lexi Webster, Allie Webster
with Congressman Daniel Webster (John's father)

Photo courtesy of Alyssa and John Webster


  1. Y'all are just an absolute beautiful family.May God bless, guide, and watch over you all.

  2. It's great to see how comfortable John has become with fatherhood. There he is with baby #3 sleeping away and secured in just one arm.

  3. US Congressman.

  4. B E A U T I F U L!
    Alyssa & John and the three daughters are so lovely.
    Great picture - thank you for posting.

  5. That's a cute picture of the Webster's. I LOVE Allie & Lexie's dresses they are cute.

  6. So much for dresses that are long enough to go below the knees! The rules no longer apply once you are a married Bates!

    1. And? She looks amazing and cute and that rule is frankly pretty dumb.

    2. Alyssa is very fashionable - she has very good "tasteful" taste. I love her name and her personality and (the little we have seen) she is a good mommy - loving wife and great
      homemaker. A+ on her report card for sure IMO

    3. Um, first of all, why would parents rules carry over into a marriage? That’s just weird. Second of all, the unmarried Bates daughters also wear dresses that hit above the knee.

    4. I'll bring it up before someone else does: She doesn't follow the no-pants rule either. However she is no longer under her parents' authority.

      Look I understand why some people question the changes to the married Duggar daughter dress code and want them to explain themselves, because they actually published a book in which they seemed to have accepted their parents' rules on principle, not just to honor their parents. But Alyssa never did that.

      And obviously her parents haven't shunned her (or Whitney who dresses similar) because she doesn't follow their rules as a grown adult married mother.

  7. Alyssa continues to look great. She's also a very good dresser.

  8. I did know that!!! Its so sad to see Alyssa dressing like a single girl on the town, when she's a mother of 3... why such a tight dress?

    1. Umm... because she can?
      She looks AMAZING for having giving birth to 3 children and if she wants to show off her body she is in all her right. Tight dresses aren’t reserved for single girls.

    2. Nonsense/it is not a tight dress - she looks like a lovely woman, NOTHING wrong the way she dresses. What would you like - dresses to the floor?

    3. You make it sound like she's wearing a dress with a plunging neckline that barely covers her backside. I haven't been "out on the town" for a while but that's what I recall a lot of girls wearing to "go out" when I was in college.

      The dress is actually fancier than how she usually dresses at home, but it's high cut and ends just above the knees. Maybe not fitting Bates modesty standards but that doesn't make it NOT modest.

      I actually wouldn't be surprised if the Websters went to some DC social event that night. But that's different from going "out on the town" clubbing and partying, I seriously doubt she did that.

    4. Completely agree 8:10!

  9. Alyssa and John have a beautiful family. It’s great to see how well they do with their three girls! May God bless them!

  10. How cute!!😊

  11. It would have been a much better photo if he had been holding the baby up instead of like a rag doll.

    1. She. Is. Sleeping. Good grief

    2. The - sleeping - baby looks pretty comfy to me!

    3. What does sleeping have to do with it? Just turn her over on your arm.

    4. Why would turning her over on your arm make a difference? She's being supported just fine, and it's obviously not disturbing her!

    5. There's nothing wrong with the way he is holding the baby. Plus if she has gas issues( and some babies do) that position may help her tummy feel better. It did with mine.

    6. Zoey is peacefully sleeping in this picture and seems to like the way she's being held. Why would John turn her over if she's perfectly content? A photo's aesthetics is not worth potentially waking an infant and having a cranky baby.

  12. Such a sweet family! God Bless you all!

  13. A beautiful family.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  14. What a cute picture of this sweet family.


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