
Saturday, June 9, 2018

The Smiths' New Home

Tori Bates and Bobby Smith apartment

Bobby Smith: "Before we got married, I was really trying to do everything I could to start making it kind of like a home for us."

Tori (Bates) Smith: "It was definitely a bachelor's apartment."

The Bates' work has paid off! While Tori and Bobby are on their honeymoon, Gil, Kelly, Erin, and some of the other Bates girls sneak into their apartment to decorate. When the newlyweds return, they are stunned. Watch their reactions in the video below.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. It is very pretty, and I love all the wall art, but I think the eating area should have stayed right beside the kitchen entrance.

  2. It looks so much more cozy than before. I love it!

  3. Love the cozy couches! I'd love a comfy living room like that.

  4. They don't live there anymore if this is the Knoxville apartment. Didn't they move to Nashville? I wish we could have an update at where they're really living at now.

  5. I find it strange that there are so many things in life Tori doesn’t want to do, or like do to, so then her family does them for her. Setting up your first home with your new soon to be husband is such a thrill and exciting time that they completely missed out on. Makes one wonder what else the Bates are going to be doing for this couple.

    1. Erin actually stated it's a Bates tradition to "set up" the newlyweds' first home. Not that they're helping Tori because she's too lazy to do it.

      And you have to admit it makes for good show fodder. The Duggars also helped to "set up" Jinger and Jeremy's first apartment AND first house, though it was obvious they didn't need any help with the apartment.

    2. I agree! When they move to Hendersonville, Tori won't have her family to do everything she doesn't want to do!

    3. Ouch! They said Kelly enjoys transforming the living space for her newlywedded children, it's a tradition. The apartment was only a temporary home and to be fair to Tori she was in her last semester working to complete her teacher training degree! They've now moved to Nashville long term so no doubt Tori is enjoying setting up home especially with baby on the way.

    4. It was the Duggar brothers and sisters who assisted in both cases, not the parents, and it wasn’t done when the couple was away on their honeymoon. Just seems a bit over the top to me.
      But maybe it was the show that came up with the original idea and not the Parents?

    5. 5.39pm duggar? This is the Bates blog 🙃

    6. 12:19PM...I was replying to 2:50 PM above. I should have stated that.

  6. It's beautiful! You all did an amazing job!!

  7. Great job! Happy the couple appreciated the hard work!

  8. Wasn't Tori interested in decorating it herself?

    1. They only lived there for a few months until Tori finished college, so she probably didn't mind that her family set it up for her. And they didn't do that much beyond putting pictures on the walls. She was probably more involved in decorating her residence in Nashville.

    2. She was busy in her last semester of teacher training. Also, Erin said it has become a tradition started by Kelly to decorate the living space for the newly weds in the family.

    3. It was hardly decorating just a freshen up with a few things on the wall and new cushions and throw. No painting or new curtains, furniture...

    4. Sounded like a bit more than that, 4:11. Kelly said in the interview on last week’s show that she had been “working all week on Tori
      and Bobby’s apartment”. It is evident that Kelly is a giving person
      And loves doing things for her children. There’s nothing wrong with that, but the question that this raises is , when does one cut those apron strings? Some here might say, at the altar.

  9. It's soooo cute ya'll. I just love them, they seem like such a relatable couple.

  10. I just love alllll the Bates family and their spouses. They are so genuine and down to earth, not phony like another large reality family. I truly would like to be friends with them, they are just so nice.

    1. I agree with you, Hessa. I LOVE THE WHOLE BATES FAMILY AND THEIR SPOUSES AND FRIENDS. I also would greatly love to be friends with them. They are the "real deal". Not phony, ever.

    2. That's a matter of personal opinion. I feel the other large family is much more real than this one.

  11. It’s just a black screen with the volume working fine. Can hear them talking but can’t see anything. ��

  12. Hey Lily and Ellie! I was wondering, has Katie decided where she wants to go to college yet?

    1. Hi Harmony,

      No announcements on that yet, but stay tuned. :)

      Thanks for reading!
      Lily and Ellie

    2. Nursing. I believe this blog announced it several weeks ago

  13. Time 11:52PM Sun 6/10
    Cool house.

  14. Wasn't this their new home at first? I take it they moved to Nashville now.

    1. Yes, that was their first home. They are now living in the Nashville area.

      Have a wonderful day,
      Lily and Ellie

  15. Thwy are such a caring and sweet family. Mine wouldn't have done that kind of thing.

  16. Is there anything she does like or is good at? We don't know much about her. So maybe she is nice

    1. ?? Why wouldn't Tori be nice she radiates joy and laughter. I guess you're talking about Tori?
      Tori is an excellent teacher! Just completed her teaching degree and was outstanding in her year - that in itself highlights the young children she taught liked her and she
      handled them well so enough evidence she's nice.

    2. She is very nice!!! My family and I met her a couple of years ago. She went out of her way to talk to my mom and treated her like she had known her for years. I think she just hates all of the attention she has been receiving. She has a good personality. She comes across as very bubbly and happy in person.

    3. Thanks Anon at 617pm for the Tori testimonial! I do think much of the critiques she has received here are WAY too harsh. What I saw was a young lady who was happy to be part of the supporting cast on the show, but wilted when the harsh spotlight of being "the star of the show" was shone on her. As Tori herself said, she was trying too hard to be perfect, and I think that's why she didn't want to participate or make plans on her own...she was afraid of messing up.

      So I really hope that she only make the birth of her baby public if she really wants to. Or maybe compromises so that only a little of it is shown, with no cameras in L+D. (Come to think of it, I don't think Alyssa had any of her births filmed, either. Baby reveals and family reactions, yes, but not the actual birth.)

  17. to me invading there privacy. as a couple they should decorate , parents should not be doing this own key etc. not my thing there adults. mary keim hambden twp ohio mennonite

  18. I agree with you Mary! I had so much joy setting up our lil house after we got married, I can't imagine my mom coming in and taking that away from me. And besides that she would've had a completely different style that i would've hated anyway (we're different like night and day). I always thought that was part of the excitement of getting married-to make your home a cozy little piece of heaven on earth for the 2 of you...but to each their own I guess

    1. I agree, they should allow the couple to decorate, but it's probably done for tv. I would think the new couple will change things around after the cameras are off.

    2. Her mom knows her and would know if it was something she would like or not. I know my daughter would want to do it herself, so I would never surprise her in that way. Everyone is different.

  19. Will there be monthy pregnancy pictures of Tori like the duggar girls do?


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