
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

5 Little Bates Families

Over the weekend, we posted a couple group shots from the Bates' recent photo shoot. The talented photographers were Caleb and Brittany Cruse from Cruse Creative.

With all the new babies and new boyfriends, the Bates family is growing steadily. There are currently five married children (four daughters and one son), but that number could increase to seven in the near future. We thought you would enjoy seeing snapshots of each little family.

Zach and Whitney Bates family
The Zach Bates
Zach, Whitney, Bradley, Kaci

Michael and Brandon Keilen
The Keilens
Michael and Brandon

Erin and Chad Paine family
The Paines
Erin, Chad, Carson, Brooklyn, Everly

Alyssa and John Webster
The Websters
Alyssa, John, Allie, Lexi, Zoey

Tori and Bobby Smith
The Smiths
Tori and Bobby (and Robert Ellis Smith IV, due in November)

Photos used with permission from Gil and Kelly Bates


  1. Hi I really love to watch your show I cannot believe how fast the family is growing all the grandkids are getting so big

  2. Beautiful families. Cute pictures. And I love the color coordination. I've never seen Brooklyn smile though...

  3. I love the picture of the Pains.
    I like how Carson is kissing his Mamma on the cheek!
    Erin looks a little like Michael and Allyssa in that picture:)

  4. TIME 1:24PM TUES 7/24/18

  5. Poor Michael. I feel rather sad for her.

    1. Don’t feel sad for her. She and Brandon are very much blessed to have each other. There are many very lonely people who never even have as much as they have; a beautiful marriage. I have been through infertility and the heartbreak of two stillborn babies while family and friends were having lots of babies so I don’t speak from a heart that is incompassionate, but of one who has truly learned to be very grateful for what I do have.I have a husband who has loved me through the heartache too. As Michael said so graciously there is a beautiful side. I get the feeling even in Michael’s longing for children, she, too has a grateful heart for her gift of Brandon and would not want you to feel sorry for her.

  6. Yep! next to marry sounds like Josie and Kelton, then Carlin and Evan! I cant help but wonder when Lawson, Nathan, and Trace find the lady that is right for each of them!

  7. These are great! Maybe you can use them to update the header. Maybe a little cropping and you can get Josie and Kelton, too.

  8. All these couples are just beautiful,but Tori and Bobby are just glowing.May God bless ya'll.

  9. It would be great to see these pictures replaced On the blog banner. Less confusing.

  10. Such lovely pictures. Thanks for the post. I enjoyed it.

  11. Absolutely the most adorable families ever. Heaven bless!

  12. How precious! Can't wait to see the Smith baby, and long for the announcement that a Keilen baby is on the way!

  13. Carson reminds me a little of my younger brother! Such a cutie!

  14. Oh such sweet pictures!

  15. Except only 1 of those families is actually a “little Bates family.” The others are littles Paines, little Keilens, little Webster’s, and little Smiths families...

    1. Those girls will always be Bates . You don’t give up your DNA when you get married. Their children are as much Bates as they are Paines,Websters, Keilens, and Smiths.

    2. If you're going to (attempt to) correct someone, try getting your spelling and punctuation right! Apostrophes are never used to make a word or name plural.

  16. I love, admire and appreciate this family. I love how they all get along and support one another. They are happy and have God in the center of their lives. They are a blessing.

  17. We'll be seeing Whitney and Alyssa in bikinis in no time, ha!


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