
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Bates Babies By Weight

At the request of our readers, we recently posted to our Duggar blog a list of the Duggar grandchildren by birth weight. For comparison, we made a similar list for the eight (soon to be nine) Bates grandchildren. 

Bradley Gilvin Bates: 7lbs, 10oz; 19 inches long (October 29, 2014)

Kaci Lynn Bates: 7 lbs, 8 oz; 21.5 inches long (June 20, 2016)

Allie Jane Webster: 6 lbs, 11 oz; 20 inches long (April 11, 2015)

Brooklyn Elise Paine: 6 lbs, 6 oz (August 6, 2016)

Lexi Mae Webster: 6 lbs, 2 oz; 20 inches long (January 26, 2017)

Zoey Joy Webster: 6 lbs; 19 inches long (March 28, 2018)

Charles "Carson" Stephen Paine IV: 6 lbs; 19 inches long (May 15, 2015)

Everly Hope Paine: 5 lbs, 4 oz; 18 inches long (March 30, 2018)

Zach and Whitney Bates 
Alyssa and John Webster
Erin and Chad Paine

Photos courtesy of Taryn Yager Photography; Alyssa and John Webster

Monday, July 30, 2018

4th Time's a Charm?

Gil Bates, Michael Bates, Erin Bates, Zach Bates, Lawson Bates, Kelly Bates
Gil Bates, Michael Bates, Erin Bates, Zach Bates, Lawson Bates, Kelly Bates

"Hands down, three children was our hardest because of their ages."
-Kelly Bates

"After four, it gets way easier."
-Gil Bates

Really? Gil and Kelly raised 19 kids, and yet they say that their most challenging stage of parenting was when they had just three. Why do you think that is? In the scene below, Kelly takes Alyssa out for a day of pampering before Zoey's arrival.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Josie and Katie

Hope your weekend is off to a good start. We thought you would enjoy seeing this new photo of Katie, age 17, and Josie, almost 19.

Katie Bates and Josie Bates
 Josie Bates (soon to be Josie Balka) and Katie Bates

Photo courtesy of Katie Bates/

Bates Fan File 727

Like clockwork, I have my Bringing Up Bates Fan File ready for you. Hope you enjoyed Thursday’s episode!

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Friday, July 27, 2018

Bates #4 Turns 26

Wishing Lawson a very happy 26th birthday! Below is a photo from the rodeo that he and Trace performed in this spring. Tune in to next week's episode for footage.

Lawson Bates and Trace Bates
Lawson Bates and Trace Bates

Photo courtesy of Trace Bates/

Babies, Babies, Babies

Katie Bates, Carlin Bates, Josie Bates

Carlin Bates: "They say when you actually get pregnant, the whole mommy deal comes on you like that."

Josie Bates: "You can be next."

Carlin Bates: "I'll let you."

The minute Tori (Bates) Smith announces she's expecting, the talk immediately turns to babies. Has she had her first appointment? Has morning sickness started? Is she planning on asking for an epidural during delivery? Hold up, folks! She's only five weeks along.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Thursday, July 26, 2018

'One Week, Three Babies?!' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "One Week, Three Babies?!"

  • Gil and Kelly are trying to figure out how they can be on hand to meet both new grandbabies (Everly Paine and Zoey Webster) the moment they arrive. "Our life is always crazy and busy, but…this week is probably the biggest dilemma we’ve faced," explains Kelly.
  • Lawson and Trace will be leaving for a rodeo that they have been invited to participate in (with trick riding and singing). That will leave Carlin in charge of the kiddos. "This is the only thing I’m torn about," Kelly tells her sons. "Y’all know I’ve always said I will be at every recital, every game, every event. I’m going to miss y’all’s rodeo!"
  • Lawson and Trace jump on their horses so Trace can run through his tricks ahead of the rodeo. "Any time anybody in the family is going to do something really cool, Lawson is young, single, and available, and he is going with you," says Zach.
  • Jackson has been helping Chad with construction projects. Right now, they are working on a job at Nobel Metals, where Bobby is now working in Chad's place. "I’ve learned that Chad never quits, morning, noon, or night," says Jackson. "And I’m especially learning in the morning."
  • "Chad is a very good teacher," says Bobby. "He’s very patient." And Jackson is a hard worker, so the two of them make a good team.
  • Just before the two new granddaughters arrive, Zach and Whitney invite all the Tennesseans over for dinner and fellowship. While Bobby prays over the food, he throws in a little announcement: “And, Lord, I do want to thank you, as well, for choosing to bless me and Tori with the opportunity and the privilege to be parents, as well.”
  • Everyone is thrilled. "Two babies were not enough this week," says Zach. "Somebody had to throw in a third."
  • At this point, Tori is only about six weeks along, and her son is due around November 24th. "Looking ahead and realizing that within about a year and a half, I’m going to go from college student to husband and then father, it’s a lot," shares Bobby. "And I really don’t think any of it’s going to hit me until it happens."
  • In just a few weeks, Tori and Bobby will be relocating to the Nashville area. Although they will only be a few hours away from Rocky Top, the rest of the Bates are still going to miss them terribly. "Here’s the last supper, guys," Zach announces. "Enjoy it, Tori. It’s been great having you as part of the family. We’re going to write you off with them other two girls that left. What’s their names?"

Bates Men Respond

Jackson Bates, Nathan Bates, Lawson Bates
Jackson Bates, Nathan Bates, Lawson Bates

Last Thursday, immediately after hearing about the destructive tornado that hit Marshalltown--a small community located in central Iowa--three of the Bates guys jumped in the car and drove 12 hours through the night to lend a hand.

Lawson sent me these photos to share with all of you. Please continue to pray for those impacted by the tornado, as well as for the ongoing relief efforts.

Jackson Bates
Jackson Bates

Jackson Bates
Jackson Bates

The boys gather with other relief workers

Photos courtesy of

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Never a Dull Moment

"Every time we have a family get together, someone announces something."
-Addallee Bates

And this time is no different. As the Bates gather at Zach and Whitney Bates' newly renovated house, there is some big news about to be shared. Check out this scene from tomorrow's episode.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

5 Little Bates Families

Over the weekend, we posted a couple group shots from the Bates' recent photo shoot. The talented photographers were Caleb and Brittany Cruse from Cruse Creative.

With all the new babies and new boyfriends, the Bates family is growing steadily. There are currently five married children (four daughters and one son), but that number could increase to seven in the near future. We thought you would enjoy seeing snapshots of each little family.

Zach and Whitney Bates family
The Zach Bates
Zach, Whitney, Bradley, Kaci

Michael and Brandon Keilen
The Keilens
Michael and Brandon

Erin and Chad Paine family
The Paines
Erin, Chad, Carson, Brooklyn, Everly

Alyssa and John Webster
The Websters
Alyssa, John, Allie, Lexi, Zoey

Tori and Bobby Smith
The Smiths
Tori and Bobby (and Robert Ellis Smith IV, due in November)

Photos used with permission from Gil and Kelly Bates

Monday, July 23, 2018

2 Babies, 1 Determined Granny

Kelly Jo Bates

"There's a lot of what-ifs. There's a lot of room for error."
-Kelly Bates

This week on Bringing Up Bates, the Bates family is gearing up to welcome two Bates grandchildren. Granny Kelly wants to be present in Florida for Zoey Webster's arrival and in Tennessee for Everly Paine's birth. The trouble is, it looks like the babies are going to come right around the same time! What will this doting grandmother do? She has a plan, but she knows there's a decent chance it won't work.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Saturday, July 21, 2018

New Bates Family Photos

In celebration of 4th of July and Papa Bill's 80th birthday, the entire Bates family gathered with Gil's parents and siblings at the family farm in South Carolina. They also had a photographer duo, Caleb and Brittany Cruse from Cruse Creative, take new photos. What do you think?

Gil and Kelly Bates Family
The "original" Gil and Kelly Bates family

Gil and Kelly Bates family
The "updated" Bates family

Gil and Kelly Bates
Gil and Kelly Bates

Photos used with permission from Gil and Kelly Bates

Friday, July 20, 2018

Checking Josie's Work

Josie Bates hairdresser

"I've gotta admit it, I was a little nervous when I went to Josie for my first trim."
-Lawson Bates

This extended scene from yesterday's episode shows a little more footage from Trace's haircut with Josie. After Josie is finished, she calls a veteran hairdresser over to check her work. Will Trace's new look be given the green light?

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Fan File 726

Another episode of Bringing Up Bates is in the books. For those who missed "Just a Little Off the Top...Please" or are in the mood for a fun discussion, check out my Fan File clip below.

Photo/video courtesy of UP

Thursday, July 19, 2018

'Just a Little Off the Top...Please' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Just a Little Off the Top...Please"

  • Josie loves her new job at Ross the Boss and Co. salon. “A lot of my family actually ended up helping me, which was amazing,” explains Josie, who has recently finished all the models that the salon requires for newbies. “Trace over here, he was like, ‘You ain’t touching my hair.’”
  • Trace finally comes in for a haircut, and although he has a lot of opinions to share, he ends up loving the outcome. He also shares an exciting announcement: He has been invited to participate in a weekend rodeo! More on that later. We posted photos back in April if you recall.
  • Tori and Bobby meet Gil and Kelly at a restaurant to discuss their plans to move to Nashville. Tori admits that she hates moving.
  • As you probably guessed, Gil and Kelly will be sad to see their daughter leave the area. “My dad is very opposed to any of his kids moving away from Knoxville, especially if it’s a girl,” says Tori. But despite the tears that will surely be shed, Gil is thrilled that Tori and Bobby are following God’s call on their lives.
  • Bobby has accepted a youth pastor position in Hendersonville, and he will also be chaplain over a Christian school. Tori is about to graduate with her teaching degree and plans to be involved in the school, as well.
  • During dinner, the Smiths also have a big announcement to share with Gil and Kelly, and they do it in the most nonchalant way possible. Tori mentions that they will have to find a babysitter when they move to Hendersonville, and Kelly is confused: “Why are we talking about babysitters? For you? Did I miss the announcement?” Tune in next week to see Tori and Bobby reveal their news to the rest of the family.
  • At the Paines’ house, Chad comes home early and reads a Bible story to the kids. “Little children are like a big sponge,” explains Gil. “Whatever you teach them, they’re just ready to soak it in.” The four of them pray for Erin’s upcoming delivery and for baby Everly.
  • Later, Gil and Kelly and the kids attempt to make their own shuffleboard game on their concrete basketball court. The little ones lose interest, so Trace kicks off a family game of wiffle ball while Gil and Zach finish the project.
  • But what about the discs and sticks? Gil grabs push brooms and cuts pieces of tree trunks. “When you don’t have what you need for a game, Dad has always taught us, just improvise,” says Carlin. The redneck shuffleboard works out pretty well. Zach and Trace beat Gil and Warden by a few points.