
Monday, July 2, 2018

Bates Baby Food

Bates try baby food

"Yep, that's from Florida. Smooshed banana from Florida."
-Lawson Bates

In honor of the two new Bates grandbabies and the one to come, several members of the family taste an interesting type of baby food and attempt to guess what country it's from (video below). Are you familiar with the food that they sample?

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Why does Tori where this baseball cap so much of the time it doesn't look good on her I don't know why she has pretty hair and a pretty face but she wears this dumb ball cap why

    1. Because she likes the cap and believes it looks cute on her.

    2. Maybe she prefers to have the bright sunlight off her eyes like me. Does it really matter whether she looks good or not to us? Let's enjoy with her the freedom of choice youth brings.

    3. Rude! Lv her alone

    4. She wears the cap because she wants to. Maybe having the sun out of her eyes and being comfortable is more important to her than worrying about whether others can see her hair or face.

    5. Leave Tori alone and let her wear (or in your words, "where") what she wants. No one dictates your fashion choices.

    6. Maybe learn correct spelling and punctuation before you insult someone else over wearing a hat.

    7. Because she likes it... isn't that all that matters? I think it's rather cute! She's not going to stop wearing it just because you don't like it. Just like you probably wouldn't change something you wear just because a complete stranger doesn't think it looks good on you. You know what Mrs.Rabbit on Bambi says...

    8. Because she likes it? She looks cute no matter what.

    9. I think she looks rather cute myself.

    10. How very unkind! I find baseball caps to be flattering to many girls. Her included. As for the color, I wouldn't pick it. But if she likes it and feels good in it, NO ONE ELSE SHOULD CARE!!
      I don't understand why people like you feel the need and freedom to criticize the way others dress. She is a godly young Christian who is dressing modestly. LET HER WEAR THAT BALL CAP IF SHE WANTS TO!

    11. Her mom said she was a tomboy growing up. I suppose she still has some of that in her.

    12. They are in the woods and it appears to be very humid. It'd be a good way to keep ticks out of your hair and also cover up any frizzies.

    13. Hat color is for the TN Volunteeer's.

  2. Time 2:24Pm Mon 7/2/18
    Looks like some kind of ice cream cup from a store that Lawson is holding?

  3. We have the up app and the season 7 episodes are not on there yet. Any idea when they will be available?

    1. Hi Erin,

      UP usually waits until the end of a season to make the episodes available on UP Faith and Family. They are, however, available for purchase on iTunes and Amazon.

      Have a great day. We are blessed to have you as a reader.
      Lily and Ellie

  4. When does Season 7 end ?

    1. Season 7 will be the longest season to date, so there are still more new episodes on the way.

      Lily and Ellie

    2. are current episodes available thro streaming on Sling with the UP Faith & Family package?

  5. I think a pregnancy announcement will be coming very shortly from Whitney and Zach. She looks a little rounder in the middle...compared to how slim and fit she's been recently.

  6. I made all my own baby food. Store food is fine but it is very easy and much less expensive to make your own. Just mash it up and my aunt taught me a great trick for making portions -- put the mashed up whatever fruit or veggie into an ice cube tray. That way you use one square at a time and don't contaminate the rest and have little waste.

  7. I misread this post and thought it said "two new grandbabies to come" and I was SO hopeful that Michaela was expecting. Could you provide an update on how the Keilens are doing?


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