
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Erin's Kiddos

Counting Tori and Bobby Smith's son (to arrive in November), the Paine kiddos make up one-third of Gil and Kelly Bates' grandchildren. Carson just turned three years old, Brooklyn will celebrate her second birthday next month, and Everly is three months.

Life with three youngins is far from easy (who else can attest to that?), but look how cute they are!

Brooklyn Paine, Carson Paine, Everly Paine
Brooklyn Paine, Carson Paine, Everly Paine

Photo courtesy of


  1. That baby is the cutest thing ever and Brooklyn will be a beauty!!!

  2. Similarly the Websters little ones make up a third of grandchildren too, and both set of parents are doing a great job I think.

    1. If the post were about a picture of the Webster children, Ellie would have said the same thing about them.

  3. I can attest to how hard raising multiple little ones is. My first two children are eleven months apart. My third child was born not to long after the second...and then the fourth came along for the ride... Sometimes I wonder how these children whom require so much time, energy, constant cleaning are a blessing...then when they fall asleep its as if their little angles and then its all worth it.

  4. Chad and Erin have such cute children. :)

  5. One out of three looks like a Bates = Everly!
    Brooklyn and Carson = 100% Paine.
    Lovely family

    1. Um Carson looks exactly like Erin in my opinion

    2. I think Carson is so totally Erin-a Bates!

    3. I think Carson is a mix, Brooklyn totally looks like Chad, and right now Everly looks like Erin’s side of the family

  6. Time 2:03PM Tues 7/10/18
    Had a great day read about Abby Lee Miller who has cancer. Went to the park with the program I attended Human 1st. ERin & Chads kids are so cute.

  7. They are very cute. Yes that is what my mum said that once she hit three kids it was a lot easier.

  8. Awww... Such sweet faces! It's going to be so much fun watching them grow up. And look at how nicely they're sitting down! I have 2 adult sons- but at that young age, they were both hanging from the chandelier and as wild as they could be!! haha- :o)

  9. Any update on the courtship with carlin and evan, also update on any wedding plans for josie and kelton.

  10. I wish I had little grandbabies again like Kelly and Gil. Everyone enjoy them they are precious.

  11. Your little ones are so precious! I love the girls’ outfits! I just had a new grandbaby and would love to know where you got them!

  12. My oldest sister has 3 kids and will have her 4th in December. 4 kids 4 and under for 3 months. so yes we can relate to that.


  13. Love them. Bless their beautiful little hearts. Thank you for sharing the pictures.

  14. These babies are too cute for words!

    I had twins when my son was 3, it’s been a crazy year that’s for sure. I’m pretty certain I couldn’t handle a 4th any time soon!

  15. brooklyn looks so much like carson when he was her age that there's no mistaking they're related, lol! and i agree with anon @12:01pm, everly definitely resembles the bates and carson and brooklyn the paine's side

  16. They are all three really cute!

  17. they are very cute. I really like Erin and Chad. I just hope they slow down on having children they could be very bad for a women body.

  18. Well we raised 4 children with one being normal and no health challenges and snow in our sixty we adopted 4 grandchildren.They are she's 3 ,4,6,and 10.I must say without Christ giving us his strength and energy I would of not been able to do it.Ee had these children now for 4 yesrs.They are a Blessing!

    1. This is precious. God bless you!

  19. Your truly blessed.Your whole family has been given great gifts! Yours are true miracles from God .

  20. Beautiful little ones. I’m impressed all setting still. When my 3 were little it was always hard to get them to sit still they are 27,26, and 25 now. With little ones there is never a dull moment.

  21. All the grandkids r so adorable. I love the bates family they r so sweet and genuine

  22. What a beautiful family.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  23. They are so sweet!

  24. They are so adorable! Beautiful family! ��


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