
Monday, July 16, 2018

Josie the Hairdresser

"I know she's really good at it, they say, but I was a little nervous."
-Trace Bates

As we announced in February, Josie Bates (soon to be Josie Balka) has graduated from school and is working at a local salon. While the rest of the Bates family was quick to help her out in the early days of her career, Trace Bates is a little more particular about his hair. In a sneak peek video of this week's episode (embedded below), Trace finally allows Josie to trim his precious locks.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. TIME 2:17PM MON 7/16/18

    1. Just curious... why do you always write the date + time?

    2. time 12:19PM WED 7/18/18
      thats just me.

  2. I wish I Had a day with Kelli to get tip on being patient. Helping my grandson through school work. I love your family

  3. I love Josie’s maturity :)

  4. That's so funny Trace...dont worry she's good!

  5. Geesh! Vain much, Trace?

  6. I hope Josie keeps working after marriage. No reason to just sit at home. Anything she earns would really help ease the finances for a young couple.

    1. I hope she does whatever she and her husband want. If she would rather stay home then perfect. If she would rather work then that’s also perfect. I don’t know why people care so much if they do what makes them happy.

    2. The Bible talks about women being a "keeper at home." There's nothing wrong with being a homemaker, and being a homemaker is work!

    3. 1:12- Being a homemaker in today's modern world does not require the work it did long ago. If you're a couple with no children, there just isn't that much housework to keep a person busy.

    4. Theres usually enough to stay pretty busy if you clean every day (2 hours), cook a dinner (1-2 hours), run errands (1-2 hours). You might also need to check in on parents or grandparents or take the dog for a walk. I think it's about reaching your potential and feeling achievement through a skill/job that some stay at home individuals may feel left out.

    5. Plus if you're involved at church, like to make things, read, garden, help other people out, etc., you can keep pretty busy even without a job.

  7. A little advice to Josie, Ive been a hairstylist for 38 years and it’s better not to take to much off at first bc you can always take more off but you can’t put it back on after it’s cut!

  8. I absolutely love the Bates family, everyone of them! They are so real and I admire Kelly and Gil tremendously, what a great job they have done with their kids.

  9. This was funny yet typical of brothers.

  10. I’m so happy to see the Bates girls having jobs outside the home. Absolutely nothing wrong with women working, in fact, it’s great they can help financially contribute to the household. I know Michaela babysits and Whitney is in real estate. Good for them!! I’m sure their husbands appreciate it too.

  11. Being gainfully employed is wonderful & if you enjoy your work is a bonus. Josie appears to enjoy her trade. With Kelton being a licensed plumber, they will be secure financially.
    All the best wishes to them

  12. Josie is young, I hope she works for 5yrs before starting a family. They can have money towards a house. We wish Josie all the best.
    I love the show. Thank you

  13. Be thankful that your sister can do it because it may take a time or two to really get what is expected. Better than going to a salon and not knowing the stylist or how good they may or may not be. Josie may be the BEST around

  14. Haha! Zach at the end! That is great!


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