
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Never a Dull Moment

"Every time we have a family get together, someone announces something."
-Addallee Bates

And this time is no different. As the Bates gather at Zach and Whitney Bates' newly renovated house, there is some big news about to be shared. Check out this scene from tomorrow's episode.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. This time it's Bobby and Tori announcing the pregnancy.

  2. This must be when Tori announced.

    1. It is. It’s hinted on the episode description that it’s them

  3. What turned me off: Carlin walked into the house without taking shoes off when other people were taking theirs off??? Why wasn’t she thinking?!

    1. Why does it turn you off? Perhaps she has bad short-term memory and forgot to take them off. Perhaps Whitney doesn't mind people leaving their shoes on in her house. please just give her a break. Carlin isn't perfect and neither are we.

    2. I know...this irked me too! The girl behind her on her phone also left her shoes on...Josie? Katie? Wasn’t sure.

    3. She rubs me the wrong way and this was a good reason why.

    4. I agree- I'm not sure if she's just obnoxious or just has a lot of growing up to do. The "in your face" behavior is unbecoming to me.

    5. Carlin wanted attention. She was oblivious to the 10+ people around her taking off their shoes because she was making an entrance. She has a good heart and means well, just needs to be more considerate of her surroundings.

    6. In a family that size, I suspect many children crave some extra attention now and then. I think she will turn out just fine and be a wonderful mother to a much smaller family.

  4. It looked to me like they came in their own transportation because Carlin announced the party could begin since they had arrived. Gil (their father) announced to the kids in his car to take off their shoes so I don't think Carlin or Katie got the message. That's only a minor behavior anyway. If that's the only thing they are guilty of they are fantastic people. I'd give them a break.

    1. Carlin and Katie were in the van with the rest of the family. Carlin gets out after Jud and comes through the front door after Warden.

  5. i know they've been super busy, but i've been hoping zach & whitney would make an announcement soon too. such adorable little ones!

    1. I'm actually glad they seem to be thinking and behaving responsibly. They are concentrating on the kids they have, working hard, buying a house, etc. They seem like a great couple who aren't jumping into the baby making race. I applaud them for that.

  6. Is anything being done to address Addallee's speech issues?

    1. Addee has hearing loss from her premature birth. Her speech is a result of those complications.

    2. I think I'm right in thinking Addallee has significant deafness, hence her minor speech issue. I'm sure they have addressed it as she's been growing up.

    3. She needs an evaluation by a certified audiologist. She may need hearing aids and would benefit from speech therapy. I taught deaf children for 35 years so I have some experience with this. It really bothers me that they seem to ignore this issue.

    4. 4:57- Is anything being done about your problem with asking rude and offensive questions?

  7. I agree it would be good for Addie to see a certified audiologist. People with hearing loss can struggle with so many areas if such things aren't diagnosed early enough. I would hesitate to diagnose her just based on her speech patterns from the show, but a full developmental, speech and language evaluation would be key to making sure she is able to hear and communicate effectively.

  8. At 10:09, my question was not meant to be "rude and offensive". My son had auditory impairment issues when he was younger, and he benefited greatly with help from an audiologist and speech therapist. I just wanted to make sure Addallee's parents were addressing her issues and getting her the help she needs. Some parents think they can help their kids themselves, when they really need a professionals help.

    1. An episode preview a few seasons ago stated that the Bates were going to address how they've handled Addee's hearing issues. However, it was strangely never shown.

    2. 1:11- Asking another parent what they're "doing" about a certain issue is rude. My son was a late talker and I remember the busybodies who came right out and started interrogating me about it. They assumed my husband and I were somehow being neglectful, when in reality he was getting professional speech therapy. That little boy not only started talking, but he is a college graduate working as a research and deveopment scientist.

    3. At 5:43 why is that "rude" to try and help another parent? Asking questions and sharing information doesn't always need to be rude. A lot of times we as people/parents are too quick to take offense when others are just genuinely trying to help.

    4. I was taken aback when I first saw the question about Addee's speech and will admit to feeling defensive for the Bates family. Addee wasn't the focus of the blog post or UP video and was in the clip for a few seconds. A short comment like the one posed above can come across as critical of Kelly Jo and Gil for perceived inaction. One thing we do know is that the Bateses have known that Addee had hearing loss since she was a young child, as it is mentioned in an ABC news article. It's their business, and Addee's private medical information, about how they have helped her adapt and have treated associated conditions.
      I better understand why the question was asked after reading the question within the poster's personal context, though do think that the question is out of place in this thread.

    5. The Bates family has a tv show and have talked about Addie's issues on their show. They have made this issue public now. They also seem to be ignoring this issue. People with experience in hearing loss/speech language delays are concerned about Addie and offer advice. This is not rude. Going up to a stranger and giving advice would be rude. People don't consider the Bates family strangers as they see them weekly on tv. JMO

    6. Writing that Kelly Jo and Gil seem to be ignoring Addee's development is extremely rude. You're still a stranger to the Bates family even if you know aspects of their lives.


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