
Thursday, July 26, 2018

'One Week, Three Babies?!' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "One Week, Three Babies?!"

  • Gil and Kelly are trying to figure out how they can be on hand to meet both new grandbabies (Everly Paine and Zoey Webster) the moment they arrive. "Our life is always crazy and busy, but…this week is probably the biggest dilemma we’ve faced," explains Kelly.
  • Lawson and Trace will be leaving for a rodeo that they have been invited to participate in (with trick riding and singing). That will leave Carlin in charge of the kiddos. "This is the only thing I’m torn about," Kelly tells her sons. "Y’all know I’ve always said I will be at every recital, every game, every event. I’m going to miss y’all’s rodeo!"
  • Lawson and Trace jump on their horses so Trace can run through his tricks ahead of the rodeo. "Any time anybody in the family is going to do something really cool, Lawson is young, single, and available, and he is going with you," says Zach.
  • Jackson has been helping Chad with construction projects. Right now, they are working on a job at Nobel Metals, where Bobby is now working in Chad's place. "I’ve learned that Chad never quits, morning, noon, or night," says Jackson. "And I’m especially learning in the morning."
  • "Chad is a very good teacher," says Bobby. "He’s very patient." And Jackson is a hard worker, so the two of them make a good team.
  • Just before the two new granddaughters arrive, Zach and Whitney invite all the Tennesseans over for dinner and fellowship. While Bobby prays over the food, he throws in a little announcement: “And, Lord, I do want to thank you, as well, for choosing to bless me and Tori with the opportunity and the privilege to be parents, as well.”
  • Everyone is thrilled. "Two babies were not enough this week," says Zach. "Somebody had to throw in a third."
  • At this point, Tori is only about six weeks along, and her son is due around November 24th. "Looking ahead and realizing that within about a year and a half, I’m going to go from college student to husband and then father, it’s a lot," shares Bobby. "And I really don’t think any of it’s going to hit me until it happens."
  • In just a few weeks, Tori and Bobby will be relocating to the Nashville area. Although they will only be a few hours away from Rocky Top, the rest of the Bates are still going to miss them terribly. "Here’s the last supper, guys," Zach announces. "Enjoy it, Tori. It’s been great having you as part of the family. We’re going to write you off with them other two girls that left. What’s their names?"


  1. Wow, Tori was only six weeks along yet already knew the gender? I didn't know they could make that determination so soon.

    1. Hi Kathy,

      She didn't know at that point. We just threw the info in because it has since been announced.

      Lily and Ellie

  2. With 19 children it seems unrealistic to place all these expectations on your ability to be at every child’s event, new birth, new house, grandkids birthdays, graduations, rodeos, you name it. There is only so much one can reasonably do in such a large family. Your health and well being are important too. Slow down and relax, your blood pressure will thank you!

  3. Another at home episode! Love it- Chad is such a good guy for taking time to teach Jackson the skills of his trade. I'm not sure why Kelly feels compelled to be at the birth of every grandchild. We'll have to see if it all worked out. With all the traveling, she must have a lot of frequent flier points! To each his own. :o)

  4. Most women do want to be at the birth of their grandchildren if allowed by the mother no matter if it is the first grandchild or the 12th. Having 19 kids doesn't change that.

    1. Personally, I would only be there if invited by the mother to be, or if there were no husband in the picture. I feel it takes away from the bonding between the 2 parents and to the new baby. Those first moments / minutes are sacred and very special.

  5. So, will Tori be teaching up until the baby is about due???

  6. Regarding birthing these days, is it now the norm for a Mother or Mother in law to accompany the Mom-to-be to doctor appointments or actual births? In my day, the husband phoned the parents and in- laws when the little blessings arrived and then they went to the hospital to see the new baby through a glass window. The Mom and baby were also in the hospital for a few days, not just in and out the same day.

    1. It just depends on you and your personal preferences. And Alyssa is always out the same day because she goes to a birthing center, not a hospital.

    2. My mom accompanied me to a doctor appt when my husband couldn't be there. Good thing bc they sent me to the hospital! My mom, mother-in-law, close family friend (like an aunt or daughter 2nd mom) were all at the hospital when my daughter was born.

  7. I understand Kelly’s anxiousness to be present for each grandchild’s birth; but the reality is sometimes it’s just impossible. So, Kelly relax; you’re a wonderful mom and grandmother! No one could ever say anything different no matter if you made each birth or not❤️ Keep yourself healthy so you can enjoy all your children and grandchildren; that’s the most important thing!


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