
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The Smiths' Big Move

"I hate moving. I always hated moving with my family, and it's like the biggest nightmare ever."
-Tori (Bates) Smith

On Thursday's episode, Tori and Bobby Smith are facing a big change. They are about to move away from the family and start a new job and a new live in Hendersonville, Tennessee, which is just outside Nashville. Do you agree with Tori's views on the subject of moving?

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Did Tori move a lot as a kid? They've been in that same house for a long time, I thought. My family moved a lot when I was the time I started high school, I was at my 7th school. Needless to say with my own children now, we've stayed put, and high school was their 2nd school.

  2. Time 12:27PM WED 7/18/18
    Funny on how Tori made that joke about moving with her family is a nightmare. Bobby is a nice guy.

  3. Tori can come off as a little rude...

  4. “ Let me sit on the couch and watch you...” Here we go again!

    1. I know! Yikes! A tad lazy sounding. And, truthfully, how many times as Tori actually moved? They have been in that huge house for many years so...not understanding the angst “always” moving?

  5. Tori, and Bobby, Wow, I am proud of U 2, and have I've ever told U how much I loved your Wedding Dress???

  6. How can she hate moving with her family if she's lived in the same house since childhood?

    1. She’s not lived there her whole life. before they got that house they moved a lot

    2. Really? Could you tell us where else the family lived?

  7. Moving is never fun. It’s a lot of hard work when you’re packing or unpacking. Best of luck to you both!!

  8. Tori is getting tedious. I hope it's just a phase or how the show is editing her but she's quickly progressing from outspoken in a cute spunky way to being rude and unpleasant to watch. She used to be funny with comments like a door being painted "yuck colors" (19 Kids & Counting) or fussing about not needing to learn how to cook until "she has a fellar" (United Bates of America) but, over the last season, she's becoming unpleasant to watch. She was so snippy to Bobby during the wedding rehearsal and their honeymoon and he seems so nice. I don't understand her fussing about how awful it is to move with her family - 1) it doesn't appear they've moved a lot and 2) after complaining, she then basically states she hopes they come and do all the work for her. I hope, now that the wedding and life changes will soon be settling down, she'll go back to her funny spunky or else I think I'll use her scenes as a chance to go get a soda.

  9. I’m sure Tori is actually a lovely young woman. However, since her engagement and wedding she has come across as quite immature and unbecoming. Whiny. Complaining. I hope this is just an unflattering editing job and not her true character.

  10. When has Tori ever moved with her family?

  11. I dislike the process of moving as well! It is a lot of work! The positive for me with moving is that I go through everything and get rid of things I really dont need... a big clean sweep! I love the excitement of getting my new place set up!

    Interesting phenomenon... with each place I move to I seem to have gathered more stuff... more to sort through! I am hoping we will be at our current house for years to come!

  12. I never moved I live in the same house for 46 years.

  13. I can not understand Tori. She had no interest in planning the wedding. Had to have Erin make welcome posters for Bobby. Can't cook, does not even want to decorate her own home. This should be an exciting time starting her life with Bobby and want to learn how to do those things.

  14. I'm sure she helped a lot of family members move.

  15. The family did move to a hotel during the renovation of their home, so maybe that’s what she was referring to?

  16. yes the packing and moving part sucks but finding stuff you forgot you had is fun.

  17. They make such a sweet couple.. I wish them nothing but the best of everything.. :-) :-)

  18. I think the process of moving can be very stressful for some. When were packing for our move to Arizona , we donated a ton of stuff to the thrift stores. Some was hard to let go and it brought home to us the scripture about not storing our treasures on earth. We even left furniture, a microwave and range because there was no room for them in the trailer. It was very emotional to leave our old life in the city in CA to a new life in rural AZ but God has blessed us. The people we bought our house from left us a lovely dining set and island. The people who bought our house in CA were blessed to be able to have the items we left for them especially the microwave since it was larger than the one they had.

    All this to say though moving can be hard, it's also exciting to start a new adventure in a new home and make new friends.

  19. My daughter is seven, and she's lived in six different places. She was born over seas, and we've lived in three different states.

  20. I was 8 months pregnant, taking a education course, teaching full time and packing to move. Not a problem, one day at a time and one box at a time. It can be a wonderful adventure to the next step in your life. Enjoy it.

    1. It's hard to see it as a wonderful adventure if you're not blessed with as much energy and stamina and organisational skills as obviously you are. We are all different and for some like me it feels a stressful adventure. But God is always there to help despite how we feel.

  21. Tori I know it's hard and your husband are doing God's work. My husband we move 4 kids to California when they where little and live in Mississippi and then about 12 time I take what you really need and then make sure everything is wrapped in bubble wrap because it will take a while before you decide where want things in your new home . Good Luck in your new lives .

  22. I think Tori is sweet and has a beautiful smile! She shows respect for Bobby by listening to him while he talks 😍God bless them✝️❤️

  23. I wish them the very best! I live a stones throw from Hendersonville and if you need any help just holler! Will be glad to help, show you around! Candice


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