
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Win a KidCo SwingPod

Ever been in a situation where you've tried everything to calm a fussy baby and nothing seems to work?

We know that a good portion of our readers are either parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, or caretakers. We also know that everyone loves a giveaway, so we have been searching for quality products to make your lives easier.

I (Ellie) am not yet a mother, although my husband and I look forward to starting a family soon. But I currently have a niece and a nephew (with two more on the way), and I have spent many hours rocking them to sleep in their car seats. Because car seats are so heavy, I usually have to give up before the child is asleep. Enter the KidCo SwingPod Travel Swing...

Created by a desperate father with a crying baby, the KidCo SwingPod combines the concepts of swaddling (allows baby to feel safe) and swinging (calms baby down). The product is light and compact, making it a necessity for travel and an easy item to store.

The first thing I noticed about the SwingPod is how well it's made and how cozy it looks. I wonder if it comes in adult sizes? This portable swaddle swing is machine washable and can be used until an infant reaches 20 lbs.

If you have a baby on the way or are searching for a gift for a friend or relative, give the SwingPod a try! Scroll down for a demonstration video, and then follow the prompts on the Rafflecopter widget to enter to win your very own SwingPod.

To learn more about KidCo, check out their website, or visit them on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or Pinterest.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Photos courtesy of KidCo and 


  1. A new baby girl was just born into our family this week. Would love to win one to give her as a gift.

  2. I'm not sure about that one. I think it looks a little unsafe but I know such products usually have to tested before going on the market. I'm curious what others think and have used one.

    1. Don't like the idea of that either, I think a baby carrier is safer and closer for the baby

    2. What about a momaroo? It would save your arms!

    3. Regina! It's safe my friend has on for her granddaughter and it works great.

    4. Wouldn't it be a lot safer to just rock your baby in your arms, why would this be needed since you are using your arm anyway to swing this. Hmmmm

    5. Thank you 10:28. I appreciate that. I have to say, the concept is nice but I really wearing babies, especially newborns. I think hearing a mother's heartbeat reminds them of the womb.

  3. The Dinepod Travel highchair looks so useful! The first 5 letters of my email are “katie”

  4. What about simply rocking a baby to sleep in a woven wrap or a carrier? My baby always calmed down literally in seconds after I wrapped him up. When he was asleep (after a few minutes) I could lay him down.

  5. My dearest childhood friend for over 20 years just found out she is expecting! I would love to give this to her as a gift. I also really like the retractable gates on the KidCo website, might have to get one of those for myself to contain my little ones when traveling! The first 5 letters of my email are Smith. Thanks and good luck to everyone!

  6. My dearest childhood friend of over 20 years just found out she is expecting! I would love to give her one of these as a baby gift. I also really like the retractable gates on the KidCo website, I might have to get one of those from myself to help contain my little ones while traveling this summer!

  7. Forgot to add the first 5 letters of my email are Smith, I just submitted my comment just over a minute ago.

  8. My best tips for calming fussy babies are going for a drive with them in their car seat, giving them a pacifier, or playing white noise (ocean sounds, rain shower etc). The first 5 letters of my email are Smith.

  9. I would definitely be interested in a pressure mounted baby gate. I've been needing one for our kitchen for a while now. The first 5 letters of my email are "jewel".

  10. Sorry but why on earth are you putting a child to sleep in their car seat?? That is a known SIDS risk

  11. Tips for calming a fussy baby include playing soothing music, making sure they're well fed to begin with, and you yourself being calm. The first 5 letters of my email are jewel.

  12. That looks pretty useful! Congrats on the two new upcoming babies in the family! I know you said your sis in law is having her third, who else is expecting?

    1. Thank you! My sister-in-law who got married last summer is expecting her 1st any day now.


  13. That looks so useful!! The retractable safety gate looks really neat.
    first five letters - "bubbl"

  14. I love the gopod perfect for outside and inside. muitin

  15. calming a baby swaddling and the pacifier! muting

  16. Hi I love to win one as my nice is having her first baby in October it be great to give to her at the baby shower end of August thank you for reading this email

  17. Thanks for the chance at it. Looks beautiful.

  18. Thanks for showing this product!

  19. This looks like a really cool idea! With 2 babies on the way winning one would be awesome!

  20. We have a special needs baby who Is love yo try in this!

  21. This looks like it could be a "life-saver"!

  22. After the birth of my third grandchild (the second this year) just last week and watching his daddy swinging him in his car seat, this would be a perfect gift. I also like the idea of the Travelpod as it would be easy to transport or leave at the grandparents home for when they visit.


  23. I would love to win this as I have a little one on the way that will arrive in September. :) I think that for me the easiest way to calm my babies is to nurse.

    1. Kudos, Kari D! "I think that for me the easiest way to calm my babies is to nurse." Totally agree :)

  24. Oh and the first 5 of my email are miki.

  25. Impressive that the baby doesn't wake up at the end when they have to be set down to be unwrapped from the contraption, then lifted back up before finally being set in their crib...hopefully still sleeping.

  26. sjeff--- I have seen the gopod travel activity set before. i do like it. I have a new 1 mo grand baby. This is surely come in handy! Thanks!

  27. I would also be interested in the Kidco travel playyard for travel! Would come in handy with both my 2 year old and 2 month old!


  28. With our son, we take him outside into the hot Ky summer and he immediately stops crying! Not sure what we’ll do this winter!


  29. It said visit kidco and leave a comment on our blog, but I couldn’t find a blog there anywhere!

    1. Visit kidco website and leave a comment on THIS blog

  30. I desperately needed this with my first two children with severe sensory problems eandspecial needs, when they were inconsolable infants and flipping out this so woudw have helped. I'm due now with my next baby. Please let me win!

  31. This is intriguing! Dianna Cline

  32. I suggest going to a quiet room and steadily patting their bottoms while holding them to help calm them down. Dianna

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.


  35. my best calming tip that works for me is rocking and singing to them softly

    1. Agree, this is not safe at al. A mother should hold her baby.

  36. The travel activity seat would be great for outdoor activities. Dsieg is the first 5 of my email

  37. I am due any day with our sweet 8th baby. A girl! This would be wonderful to have!

  38. mjame are the first 5 letters of my email. I think that the swingpods definitely seem interesting and worthwhile!

  39. Would love to give this to a young mom I know who is giving birth in two weeks.

  40. I like the dreampod travel bassinet. the first five letters of my email are butte.

  41. I love all the travel stuff on the Kidco website, especially the travel bouncer and travel highchair. First letters of my email are linds. Thanks for a fun giveaway!

  42. I think the bounce pod travel basinet looks really cool! Have lots of sisters with baby's. :) The first 5 letters of my email are Becki

  43. Would really love to win one for my new great nephew who was just born 7.17.18... Thank you

  44. I wish I had this when my children were babies, I would have used it...Jane

  45. Do the Duggars or Bates use this product? Do they endorse it? What are the (D&B) family's "tried and true" ways to calm an infant?

  46. It's been a very long time since I had babies to rock, but what happened to rocking chairs and baby swings?

  47. This looks dangerous. With my luck, I'd end up throwing the baby across the room!

    1. That made me laugh! 😂 I know what you mean though.


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