
Thursday, August 16, 2018

Couples Plus Lawson

Evan Stewart, Carlin Bates, Tori Smith, Bobby Smith

"We have this perfect little double date picture of what our future is going to look like, and then there was also the reminder of another part of our future, which is the fact that Lawson's always in Nashville."
-Bobby Smith

While the Smiths are on a bowling date with Carlin and Evan, Lawson makes a surprise appearance. But when he wants to jump in their couples' photo, his sisters make it very clear that he must do one thing before he can join them: get a date. Check out this preview of tonight's new episode:

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. I like Lawson, he’s got some great traits, but right now he is just too self absorbed in himself and his career. He has some maturing to do before he goes looking for a girlfriend.

    1. That might be your slightly rude opinion. I on the other hand disagree

    2. When did it become selfish for a man to focus on his career?

    3. I strongly disagree with you regarding Lawson. It’s admirable to have career goals and go after them. And, Lawson does so much with Nathan assisting those in disaster zones or using his talent to fund raise for children’s hospitals. I beg to differ as I in no way see a “self absorbed” man, but a man of great integrity.

    4. That is a little harsh. We only see what they allow us to see. We don't truly know all the aspects of his personality. What if he intentionally does not want to look for someone because he knows he's not ready? That's pretty mature in my opinion.

  2. I think he’s focused on his career as any person would be trying to achieve something but he also devoted time to the children’s hospital and his family and other charitable events. People are allowed to have personal interests and goals and still have relationships.

  3. Hi , I really like this Family!!
    I just curious when this episode are goin to be in up faith and family app , the las episode is Tories wedding???

    1. Hi Anonimo,

      Great question, and one that we have an answer to. The episodes are not uploaded to Up Faith and Family until the end of each season.

      Have a wonderful day,
      Lily and Ellie

  4. While I find it enjoyable to see how much they act like siblings in teasing him at the same time I wish they wouldn't. I mean maybe they know more than us, that he likes a girl and is too chicken to ask so it's their way of nudging him. But seriously, maybe he likes a girl and she says no, maybe he can't find the right one no matter how hard he looks. He's been taught to save his heart for the one he truly loves but with all that pressure, even in joking or possibly set up for the show kind of ways, that's still gotta hurt or be hard no matter how chill you play it off.

    1. I agree. And would those couples react the same way if it were one of
      Bobby’s or Evan’s sisters who showed up unexpectedly? I think they all like to tease Lawson. I hope they weren’t really serious and I hope he got to bowl with them.

  5. It’s nice to see the Bates “allow” unmarried adults to hang with couples and married siblings. Once again the Duggars could take some tips on family dynamics from the Bates.

  6. Replies
    1. The whole thing is absurd! So what if a single showed up. It’s bowling people!!

    2. Completely agree! I didn’t find it funny at all.

  7. That was cute. Liked the sibling competition.

  8. like how they can tease kindly. not all people can

  9. So, if I understand correctly, Lawson is in Nashville quite frequently. Is he on his own, unchaperoned? I am curious to know how it would go over if one of the eligilbe Bates daughters decided to frequent the big city on her own, or let's say get a job there.


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