
Monday, August 6, 2018

Erin vs. Alyssa

Erin Bates Paine pregnancy

"I'm a people person. I know some people are private, but I love people [at the hospital]."
-Erin (Bates) Paine

Alyssa Webster prefers privacy during labor, but Erin Paine is the opposite. She thrives when people are around her to provide encouragement (see video below). When it comes to going through pain, do you tend to be more like Erin or Alyssa?

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. I would definitely be more like Erin

  2. Alyssa definitely. Although the hospital that Erin goes to seems to be a lot more respectful about privacy than others.

  3. I'm like Alyssa. With both our daughter's birth, I just wanted my husband with me during delivery. I like my privacy when it comes to things like that.

  4. I'm much more like Alyssa. I think that birth should be between wife, husband and health care professional. Thankfully, my parents respected that, as we did when our son and his wife had their baby. But I fully recognize that not everyone is that way. The important thing is that the family respect the wishes of the person giving birth.

    1. Agree! Whatever the person prefers, her wishes should be respected.

  5. I'm more like Erin! I'm a people person also and would prefer people in that situation.

  6. I enjoy hearing Kelly talk to her family or talk about her family. She sounds like a awesome Mom. I'm more like Alyssa, I like my privacy. Bless the Bates family...Jane

    1. She really does seem like a great Mom!

  7. I like people, I am a people person !!! But not during birthing! So I guess I am more like Alyssa.

  8. I guess it depends upon the pain. For labor, definitely want my husband only. For general pain, I want as many Christians praying for me a possible. With the lupus pain, I'm experiencing I don't think I could get through it without prayer support.

  9. I'm more like Alyssa. I definitely prefer birth to be a private affair. In fact i gave birth to one of my 6 children with only a midwife with me. At the time, it wasn't my choice but I look back on it with fondness, I felt superhuman and like I could do anything because I'd just done the most amazing thing that a person can do. I'd given life to another and in that moment she was all mine. The bonding was incredible.

  10. I'm sure it's not a coincidence that Alyssa is "more private" and also has had easy uncomplicated pregnancies so far, while Erin has not. She actually had a complication with Carson's birth that could have killed both of them (though the show minimized that, which is one of the few critiques I have of it).

    I also get the sense Erin is more attached to her parents than Alyssa is. She's the only married Bates daughter so far who stayed in her hometown. Though I'm sure that if (God willing) Michaela has a baby she would want her mother at her side, since Kelly Jo was matron of honor at her wedding.

  11. I’m ,more like Alyssa, no extra people. If I thought I could do it without a midwife or doctor, I would. 😀

  12. I’m more like Alyssa.

  13. Alyssa, my birth coach just happened to be my Mother-in-law. But she was there because she was an awesome coach and was exactly what I needed. So my husband, birth coast (MIL) and the midwife is all. I had 4 hospital births with a midwife.

  14. My first I had my mother in law and husband and 20 nurses and interns... could have done with less of those. Was so happy to have my family there. Second, just hubby and I. Third I have no idea.8 was under general anesthesia with an emergency C. Imre are thankful for three healthy babies. All done :)

  15. "People person" or not - there are times that are intimate and should be shared with your husband and perhaps you mother. . . . I could never have been comfortable with a camera man and siblings in the room while giving birth.

    1. I am thankful that God makes everyone different. For those who want to share the experience, I think it is wonderful that they can have family and friends there. For those who like privacy, it is also a blessing to be able to limit who is there.

      We don’t actually know if the camera person was in the room for the actual births. He may leave and come back in right after the delivery in some cases.

    2. My cousin is a doula and birth photographer. People hire her to be there throughout the entire labour and delivery to video and photograph every detail. Not for me but it is very popular. People post it on Facebook! To each her own lol.

    3. I don't think there is a "should" when it comes to this scenario. The expectant mother is the only one who knows who she's comfortable with having around in this situation (and if she gets into it and decides that some of the people in the room need to go, she certainly "should" have the ability to make that decision).

  16. I tend to be more like Alyssa when it comes to giving birth. Unfortunately, I gave birth to all of my children in the hospital because my stupid health insurance wouldn't cover a midwife/home birth/birthing facility. I hated having all the nurses poke, prod, and invade my privacy all all hours before, during, and after labor. I wanted to escape my hospital prison so badly. Thankfully I was only in there for three days...

  17. I just love this show! I’m from the south and I live in Washington state now and your family makes me feel like I’m home again! My daughter loves to watch it to, Thanks for having such a great show for kids! Praying for many more blessings for your family and Think a bbq with your family would be the most fun!

  18. I'm a little bit of both. I had family at the hospital when I was preparing to give birth. They were not all going to be in the room for the actual birth though and they didn't want to be. I ended up having a c-section though so only my husband and the medical team were in the room. Everyone else was in a waiting area. They waited for me to be brought back to my room after recovery then said good bye and headed home.

  19. Reminds me of giving birth to my daughter in August 1972. There were at least 2 dozen friends/family in the waiting room- watching the Olympics and Mark Spitz going for 7 golds. My husband was the only one on the delivery room since that was policy back then. Needless to say Mark won & we were an afterthought 😜😜

  20. I’m more of an introvert and shy, but I felt huge relief once I got to the hospital when I was in labor with my daughter after laboring privately at home for over 48 hours. I want allll the help I can get when I’m in that much pain! :-)

  21. I am more private when it comes to birth, so much so that it hurt my MILs feelings that I was not comfortable with her being present for the delivery. But I tense up and it makes things so much worse for me. I want my little labor team and my husband present, and no one else!

    1. If your MIL chose to have hurt feelings over not getting what she wanted for herself, during your birthing, them shame on her. Glad you didn't sacrifice your very important needs to satisfy her very unimportant wants.

    2. I agree with 8:50. I hope you don't feel guilty about it, OP. You can't please everyone all the time. I don't think it's selfish of you to want the best possible labor and birth experience for you and your baby.

  22. I am more like Alysss When I get cramps I done want anyone around me not even my husband.

  23. I'm more like Alyssa. In Norway births are normally a private affair and the extended family waits until they are invited to come to the hospital.

    I only had a midwife or two and my husband there during my births. However the last two were so intense and went so fast from the first contraction I honestly wouldn't have cared if the whole government were watching me in that moment. Hahaha.

  24. I literally had a matching band during my first birth!! LOL! I had a friend from band who worked in OB, he called the rest........ Was actually very funny and I was shocked that so long after high school so many showed up. They marched in and out in a line, 53 in a row! Was a hard delivary, all natural with forceps to fish the stubborn boy out in the end. Yep, I really needed the laugh!


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