
Monday, August 20, 2018

Erin's Culinary Transformation

Call Bates, Ellie Bates, Addallee Bates

"When Erin first got married, the woman did not know how to cook."
-Trace Bates

"She couldn't make eggs."
-Ellie Bates

But now, almost five years later, having meals at the Paines' house is always a treat because Erin has become a highly skilled chef. In the video below, the Bates share their thoughts on Erin's cooking transformation.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Not a chef. Chefs require extensive training, education, and experience in restaurant settings. It is disrespectful and inaccurate to refer to her as a chef. A good cook, yes. A skilled cook, yes. But if she has not been trained or had professional experience, she is not a chef.

    1. My pet peeve too, when people use titles they haven’t earned.

    2. Please do not be such a critìc. Chad loves Erin as Christ loves the church.

    3. Don’t be too offended please I’m sure they didn’t mean that to hurt anyone’s feelings or for it to be offensive. That was just Chad’s way of expressing how much he loves the dishes she prepares.

    4. @1:07PM - Chad didn't call Erin a chef; it was written in this post as an intro to the video. Chad correctly complimented his wife as a wonderful cook.

    5. While I agree with the difference between a cook and a chef, Erin isn't calling herself a chef, her family members are as a way of showing their appreciation.

      BTW I watch Food Network and they usually call anyone who competes in their cooking game shows "Chef" even when they are featuring contestants who are home cooks, not professional chefs. So there is some room for using Chef as a "courtesy title".

    6. 8:53... really? Why the outrage? Erin never referred to herself as a chef... chill out s bit.

    7. Erin is a chef and a beauty. Wish i had those same qualities.

    8. Erin the chef, i envy her that talent. She deserves the title.

  2. The woman?! I wonder if Trace realizes how misogynist and disrespectful he sounded.

    1. Didn’t sound that way to me.

    2. You are right! The kids' comments are rude. Nobody asks if Chad could cook!

    3. Or are you just listening with ears that want to make up an accusation?

    4. She IS a woman. Is it wrong to say "the man" as well?

    5. Yes, it’s just as rude to say “the man” when referring to a family member. It’s demeaning at worst, impersonal at best.

    6. It sounds like it is a funny way to refer to her. They're clearly joking around about her former cooking skills and being silly.

    7. Perhaps in your family it would be rude to say "the man" or "the woman." In my family, and obviously in the Bates family, it would be taken in good humor, no offense intended or taken.

  3. Thats funny. yet now she can cook,so it ended up well

  4. Wow, her siblings are so rude at the beginning of that clip. I just shut it off. I would be hurt if I were Erin. Its one thing to state fact. Its another to make a face and say it with an exaggerated rude tone. Too much!

    1. Offense is an event, offended is a decision. Erin realizes that nothing was said with malice intent.

    2. Maybe you need to be a little less sensitive

    3. I got the sense the show producers encouraged the kids to do all that, for the sake of a more interesting show promo. If Erin knows that, then I'm sure she doesn't mind.

      However I am a little put off by the unquestioned assumption both in this clip and in prior show episodes, that ALL wives have some kind of duty to learn how to cook once married, as if the husbands are totally off the hook.

      Yes the Bates adhere to traditional roles and all, but Tori has spoken about teaching at a Christian school run by the church Bobby will work at, and needing a baby sitter, so it doesn't seem she plans on being a homemaker only. And we know Josie also has a job, and that Bobby and Kelton actually DO know how to cook.

      So I hope they don't forget all their skills, and that if Tori or Josie are feeling tired after work or perhaps due to morning sickness in Tori's case, that they don't expect them to still cook, and are not reduced to ordering takeout food every time the wife is indisposed.

    4. They were just teasing her! All in good fun!

    5. How about sharing that chicken recipe???

    6. @10:07am just your opinion..... right? Because they have an amazing relationship among them self and I'm pretty sure Erin didn't take offense to any of thei their words so... chill out!!

    7. My husband is like that. LOL.

    8. Lighten up! Siblings are like that! They truly think she’s a great cook now. They were just funnin’, y’all!!

    9. Not really, her siblings gave her a for extinguisher as a wedding gift, because of her scary cooking tactics. She took it in very good humor. Clearly this family are not very sensitive, they can take jokes, even if it is against themselves.

    10. They were just teasing and Erin herself often jokes about how bad her cooking was, which led the Duggar girls to gift her the fire extinguisher and restaurant gift cards when she married Chad.

  5. You go Erin! I bet Erin could do anything she sets her mind to. She is beautiful, a great cook, an amazing pianist, piano tutor, fabulous mom, great sister and friend...

  6. Erin really inspires me.

  7. My son got his culinary degree at Johnson and Wales University - he has had his catering business in Hendersonville TN FOR MANY YEARS & teaches at the Community College. He is a highly skilled chef. Erin - giving her A LOT of credit - cooks for her family and has become a good cook. I put myself in Erin's situation - did not know how to cook, had a family of six and learned to prepare meals . . .I never was and am not a HIGHLY SKILLED CHEF.

  8. Addallee used to look so like michaella
    But now she is like tori's twin!

  9. Hey, Trace, how well do YOU cook?!?

  10. Does anyone know this recipe?! Seems so yummy!!

    Btw my mom IS a chef that teaches cooking school and it is FULLY acceptable to call Erin a chef 😉


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