
Thursday, August 9, 2018

'Labor Paines' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Labor Paines"

  • “My last week of pregnancy, I’m always so uncomfortable,” admits Erin. “I’m anxious, I’m worried about how the birth experience is going to be.”
  • Erin hits up a local nail salon with Tori, Carlin, Katie, and Whitney to relax before labor and delivery. “Every time I look down at this big thing in my belly and realize that it’s got to come out, it’s disturbing,” laughs the expectant mama.
  • Chad stops by the nail salon after work. He enjoys learning all about the process, and he loves the comfy chairs.
  • Kelly and Erin take the kids for a walk at Norris Dam, hoping that it will jump start labor. Kelly is looking forward to welcoming another grandbaby.
  • At 9:05pm, Erin is having strong contractions and is really nervous. Carlin comes over to the Paine house to start filming. “I’m really excited to be a part of all of it,” says Carlin. They leave for the hospital, which is 30 minutes away, around 9:45.
  • During the drive, labor starts to pick up. “And when Erin goes to the kneeling position, I’m like, ‘Oh boy, we are in trouble,’” says Chad.
  • Erin tries to convince her husband to run a red light, but Chad says there are too many cars around. But when he speeds up on the highway, she tells him to slow down. Go figure. When they finally arrive at the hospital and get a room, Erin is relieved.
  • Gil, Kelly, Michael, and Katie arrive. No one can get in touch with Tori, who had really wanted to be at the birth. Katie has even tried pounding on her front door, but to no avail.
  • At 3:37am, Gil looks at the monitor and realizes that it could be time to push. The nurses come rushing in, but Dr. Vic has stepped away. The doctor arrives just in time, and Everly appears. “There’s really no words to describe what it’s like to see your baby,” says Chad. Everyone is crying tears of joy. Gil comes back in and joins the celebration. Katie is on the couch sleeping during the entire birth.
  • “This has been the most adventure-filled, blessing-filled, 96 hours, probably of our life,” says Gil. “To have two new granddaughters, two healthy moms, and now looking forward to what the Lord’s going to do next.”
  • Later, Carson and Brooklyn arrive, and they are elated to meet Everly. Brooklyn calls her a baby doll. The rest of the Bates clan visits the hospital to hold and kiss the new arrival.
  • “Awe, this makes me want to have another baby,” Erin says during the interview. The look on Chad’s face says no. “Okay, we’re done interviewing,” he says and jokingly starts to stand up.


  1. New life coming into this world is so exciting. Erin is so fun to watch, she is refreshing and real.

    1. My sentiments exactly! Love to Erin, Everly and the whole family.

  2. Go Gil! And awe i like them as a couple so cute

    1. Was so wonderful and touching to see their love and care for each other, and their children. I started crying like Kelly!

  3. I missed the episode...was Erin able to get an epidural?

    1. Anonymous @9:27pm
      It will be on again Thursday August 16th at 7:30pm right before the new episode.

    2. She had an epidural because Dr.Vick made a comment that anesthesia was in the way.

  4. I think she did a natural birth. It brings you closer to God. Just pray and it is going to be ok.

    1. I hate when people say that having a birth without an epidural brings you closer to God. Where in the Bible does it say a woman cannot have the aide of medical intervention? So if a woman needs a c section she should have it without anesthesia? Would that bring her closer to God as well? Perhaps epidurals came around because God thought women have suffered enough during child birth. Let their pain be eased if they so choose. Erin had even said in a promo that she was hoping to have an epidural. She doesn’t seem to think anything is wrong with it either.

    2. Anon @ 4:48 I find that to be a ridiculous statement to make, natural childbirth brings you closer to God. Does this mean those who choose to have an epidural or use other forms of pain relief are less close to God because they are not suffering the pain of each and every contraction? We all have different pain thresholds, and I for one was thankful for the epidural and other pain relief I had during both my labors, and I thanked God when my children were safely delivered. Your comment makes women who have used pain relief to be in some way less favored by God for doing so, which is very wrong in my opinion.

    3. 4:48 is trolling.

    4. I hope 4:48 is trolling, but that's not the first time I've encountered this idea that "natural birth brings you closer to God". As well as some people who think women who get any pain medication during labor are actually sinning by avoiding the consequences God decreed all women suffer for the sin of Eve.

      I've also seen a lot of totally secular mom-shaming for getting an epidural, with women who opt for one being derided essentially as selfish cowards willing to subject their unborn babies to the risks of an epidural just for their own comfort.

      Usually in the guise of "Not for me to judge but I'll happily suffer the pain rather than put my baby at any risk whatsoever!" But the insinuations about women who choose differently are obvious.

  5. Anon at 448PM: Saying a natural birth "brings you closer to God" may be true for you, but many women who choose natural birth don't do it for religious or spiritual reasons. Some women do NOT find a painful natural birth brings them any closer to God than a birth with an epidural.


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