
Thursday, August 23, 2018

'Milestones and New Chapters' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "Milestones and New Chapters"
  • Two weeks before moving to Nashville, Tori heads over to Erin's house for a cooking lesson. "I definitely need cooking lessons from Erin before I leave because I have a knack for always messing things up," says Tori. "I'm a struggling cooker."
  • Erin admits that she didn't know how to cook a single meal when she first got married. She shows Tori how to make her newest meal: chicken breasts marinated in balsamic vinegar and garlic.
  • The food turns out great, but Tori is still lacking confidence in her cooking abilities. Bobby and Chad join the ladies for dinner. "Me and Tori have always been close as sisters, and just at the thought of her just really tears me up," says Erin.
  • Meanwhile, Gil and the guys work on a tree job. "When Dad first started his own business, it was very humble beginnings," says Lawson. "This was Dad with a chainsaw and boys piling wood [and] hauling it with a little four-cylinder Dodge pickup truck."
  • The older boys are getting busier by the day, so it's time for Jackson to learn how to use spikes to climb a tree. It proves to be much more difficult than the tree climbing that Jackson is used to, but he makes it up to the top.
  • Later, the family attends the Crown College graduation ceremony to honor Tori, Trace, and Josie. Trace, who has completed the foundation for Christian life certificate, never saw himself going to college, but he ended up loving it. "College totally changed Trace for the better," says Josie. "It helped him come out of his box and kind of find who he was."
  • Josie has earned her diploma in cosmetology, a two-year program. "I'm honestly speechless," says Kelton. "I couldn't be more proud of her."
  • Tori is presented with a bachelor's of Biblical studies in elementary education, which took four years to complete. "I am literally so pumped out of my mind that I don't even know how to say it because I have been dying to be graduated for my whole life," says Tori.
  • "Everybody is different," says Kelly. "Some of the kids have wanted to purse college, some have not. They're all different, and I'm proud of all of my children. But it does take a lot of perseverance."
  • After the ceremony, the family and extended family gathers at the Bates house for a party. The next nine days will be spent packing Tori and Bobby's apartment and moving them to Nashville. "Any time I get together with my family or siblings, I treasure and cherish that moment..." says Tori.
  • "Life happens too quick," says Nathan. "Changes are getting bigger."


  1. Kelton is speechless and couldn't be more proud that Josie got a 2 year cosmetology degree? I'm not saying she did anything wrong but that kind of seems like low expectations on his part. I think it's great that 3 kids have graduated with post secondary degrees in what they wanted and that they loved it and are set with what they want to do in life. But that shouldn't really leave him speechless and couldn't be more proud makes it seem like he doesn't expect much more from her.

    1. I think he was meaning at 1i years age and je stated at 18

    2. Or maybe it's just good way of saying he's amazed and happy for her. He's quite the opposite of a negative Nancy!

    3. At 18 most people are just finishing high school. At 18 she had finished high school AND a 2 year cosmetology program. I'd say that's pretty impressive.

    4. Many people these days are graduating from high school with an associates degree. Many high schoolers work a job while in high school. It shows ambition and initiative but not impressive when tons of people do it.

    5. 7:59 - The closest people in the students' lives are still proud of their hard work and diligence. Would you have preferred if Kelton shrugged his shoulders and said not a big deal? Josie graduating also marks a new step in her and Kelton's life together. Both have careers, are working, and can support a family. Even if Josie doesn't work for a few years while her kids are young, she'll still have the skills when she decides to work again.

  2. So the certificate that Trace got... is it a degree? What can he use it for, job-wise?

    1. I echo your question, 11:15. What is a “Foundation for Christian Life Certificate?” I don’t understand how this is “college.” You can get a “certificate” many ways, but it’s not, in any way shape or form, the same as getting a degree. Please explain what the course is and what you can do with the certificate of completion can allow you to do and how it changed Trace’s life.

    2. I wonder that also. What job does it qualify him for? Does he plan to go to divinity school? Become a preacher? Just what are his plans?

  3. Kelton is sweet, but being "honestly speechless" because Josie completed a two year cosmetology course... I mean, it's not like she's been studying astrophysics! Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong in cosmetology and it's what Josie likes, so good for her.
    But being so surprised that she made it through seems to suggest that he didn't think she was capable of something that isn't honestly that difficult.

    1. How do you know it wasn't difficult? Everyone had different standards, and different struggles, and we may not know all that was behind this degree! I know someone who was told they could never "get anywhere in life" because they had a learning disability. They made it through school with an associate's degree despite their circumstances, and it meant a lot more to that person than most. Obviously it doesn't seem as though Josie has any problems like that, but there could be other life events and difficulties that made it a pleasant surprise to Kelton that she was able to pass with flying colors.

    2. I think he is trying to be complimentary and sweet because he is in love with her.

    3. My point wasn't if cosmetology is difficult or not (that circumstance may make the situation even more absurd, but that's not the point).
      I found strange that Kelton was so surprised that she made it. I mean, she's clearly intelligent and determined, and those girls most probably don't wanna be confined in the kitchen for their whole lives!

    4. Kelton was proud of Josie not surprised. He is also supportive of all the hard work that she put into schooling and her career.

  4. ok she lived with 19 kids she cannot cook a egg or pasta? thinking they are pushing the limits.

    1. Having more people in your house does not make you a better cook. If anything, it can make you a worse one because there will most likely be a few people who are great at cooking and really enjoys doing it, so others never feel like they need to learn.

    2. Coming from a big family myself, a lot of times there's one sibling that does most of the cooking. My oldest sister wasn't a very good cook either until she got married.

  5. I loved that episode! I'm so glad that they have been having episodes since January! I love watching the bates!

  6. Knowing how to cook is a life skill for both males and females. If you can read, you can cook. I would think that in a family this large, it would be essential for all members to pitch in with preparing meals.

  7. Tori "dying to be graduated" could have, should have been said a lot more grammatically correct...dying to graduate, or dying to be a graduate.

    1. I agree. That line made me cringe, especially considering that she went to school to be a teacher.

    2. I'm pretty critical of bad grammar and I actually think Tori is correct. It is correct to be graduated from a college. Your examples are equally correct, Anon@11:28. Now when she said she was not a good that was cringe worthy.

  8. If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it at all. People need to stop being so negative about everything other people do. Worry about your family and follow God.

    1. If someone is going to put their life out there for all to see, there will be comments made. It's not necessarily negative to question what this family does since they're freely sharing on TV.

  9. With a family that large, how is it that their girls cannot cook. Since they get married so young, wouldn't they do home skills training during high school? Seems they're on the hunt early for a man but are not learning skills necessary to run a home.

    1. I totally agree with your thoughts! Each girl in that family needs a turn at doing the cooking so they could learn a important life skill. There shouldn’t be any want of meals in that home with that many children.

    2. Every KID in that family needs a turn at doing the cooking! (Not just the girls.)

  10. Did Kelly say once that Tori did a lot of the cooking not because she wanted to but she saw a need?

  11. Diana- I think it equally important that the guys learn how to cook. It shouldn’t just be women’s work.

  12. To all the Anons being negative about Kelton's statements: I really hope that's not how you react to the accomplishments of YOUR significant others. "It's not that impressive, tons of people do it." "It's honestly not that difficult".

    Kelton is obviously "building up" Josie, a very Christian concept, though conservative Christians tend to emphasize how a woman should do that for her man, effusively praise everything positive he does and be his cheerleader. Well, what's good for the goose should be good for the gander, right?

    Now I admit such "building up" attempts can come off as condescending at times, I've read (and discarded) advice that a wife should praise her husband to the skies for doing mundane chores like taking out the trash. But for a college graduation, I think Kelton isn't being that over the top.


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