
Saturday, August 25, 2018

Next Steps for Trace and Josie

In this web exclusive from Thursday's episode, take a closer look at the Bates' graduation party, and hear about Trace Bates' next steps and Josie Bates' plans for the future.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. Trace has come a long way in his driving skills obviously. I remember the one episode when Kelly exclaimed "Trace had a wreck". That car accident made him respect the power and danger of a motor vehicle and turned him into a very skilled driver. I think every young driver needs a little scare like that (not a bad accident, just a little fender bender) to make them take driving seriously. Kudos to Trace. And...he is a handsome young man, lol

  2. i love how the siblings are always building each other up! it's so refreshing to hear & see now days

    1. I love that characteristic in the Bates family!!!

  3. Go Trace and Josie! And i like how they always say good things about each other.

  4. I love how they praise each other like this.

  5. Y'all should do a written interview with the older guys on what they would be looking for in godly girl.

    1. Not sure the older boys are necessarily looking. Lawson is very into his music and Nathan is into serving others and helping people in need.

  6. That was adorable. It’s great to see siblings supporting each other. It’s also refreshing to see young adults practicing humility and not praising themselves but others.

  7. So are they working towards goals or just waiting to “see what the future holds “? Josie for example, does she really want to start her own business or is she just thinking of that as an option if the lord waits a while to send little blessings?

    1. You can take her at her word or not. She's been working full time since December and says her goal is to open her own salon. She's currently building a clientele base and name for herself. Her line of work gives her flexibility to work while having young children at home.

    2. Well two of Josie's sisters have "little blessings" AND their own businesses, so I wouldn't be surprised if she eventually does, too.

      And if you didn't know, Erin is self-employed as a piano teacher (I've never heard her mention a boss), and Alyssa runs a cleaning business with her husband. Josie's very close to Alyssa so I'm sure they've discussed the practicalities. Working for yourself often offers much more flexibility. As long as she can afford to rent a storefront, she could work, say, only in the morning, or only 3 instead of 5 days a week.

    3. I think it's like most family: depends on the child. Tori has discussed needing a babysitter as shes going to teach at the church. Trace seems to have less of a direction. Josie appears to want to stay where she I'd for a while. Hence, I don't think she'll stop working but I dont know each personally.

    4. 111:29- Josie's accomplished something very important, and that is she's been trained for a specific job that will serve her well in the future. Even if she takes time out to stay home with children, she will always have that skill to fall back on.

    5. Working does not preclude looking after your own children. Many self-employed people look after their children. I took piano lessons and the lady's children played in the adjoining room. Sometimes the youngest would run in to see his mom. Very minimally distracting and it was the students' choice whether to go there or not. My aunt brought each child when under 3 to the store she and her husband ran. Then she did a lot of work at home for the store and had her mom or a babysitter for 1-2 hours a few times per week. Josie could even have her business in her home. I went to a hairdresser like that when I was little.

  8. I love this family so much! Keep up the good work guys.

  9. One of my favorite things about this precious family is the way they build eachother up.Such an inspiration for others to learn from.God bless them all


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