
Sunday, August 26, 2018

The Paines' Smiles

Happy Sunday afternoon! To brighten your day, we have some new photos of the Paine children to share with you. We just love their smiles.

Carson Paine and Brooklyn Paine
Carson Paine and Brooklyn Paine
With their blankets made by Michael Keilen

Everly Paine
Everly Paine

Photos courtesy of


  1. They are sooo cute! Grandma and Grandpa Bates and Paine have been beautifully blessed with such adorable grandkids!

  2. Aww that's soooooooo adorable! 😊 Erin has adorable little children! May God bless Erin, Chad,Carson,Brooklyn, and Everly.

  3. Little Everly looks like Kelly Jo's side of the family - Carson and Brooklyn look so much alike, Everly is very different. THREE PRECIOUS CHILDREN

  4. Those kids are so cute i love the show and they keep getting cutier and cuiter by the second

  5. Everly looks like a Bates. Brooklyn looks like a Paine. Carson looks like mom and has such sweet voice.

  6. Everly is a cutie pie! What darling children:)

  7. They should take that pacifier away from Brooklyn. She's way too old for it. Also, pacifiers are so bad for children's teeth.

    1. Good to know the parent police are on duty!

    2. I shall now repeat the theme song for the Bates "All we need is a little positivity..." Hope you have a great day ;)

    3. I hate pacifiers too, but the American Dental Association's guidelines for pacifiers is to limit usage by the age of 2 and to eliminate them altogether by age 4 to avoid dental problems. I'm old school and my kids were done with them by their first birthday.

    4. I do not agree - pacifiers do not harm the teeth - stucking a thumb does as there is a lot of pressure. Nothing wrong with being "pacified" - in time ALL children discard them.

    5. I remember when my first baby just nursed and nursed until I thought my milk wasn’t enough. I took her in for her 1 month check and she had gained 2 1/2 lbs. The pediatrician said she had such a strong sucking instinct that I should give her a pacifier. It changed our lives😄Within a few days she was taking 2 long naps and slept thru the night by 7 weeks. I nursed her of course for 8 months. She used pacifiers for 2 years and grew up with perfectly straight teeth- no braces. My next son used a pacifier too but threw it away at 10 months. So- to each his own!!

    6. I had a pacifier when I was 2. I never had any or blend with my teeth. I never had braces either.

  8. She literally just turned two, she’ll be fine. Parent your own kids

  9. They are so precious! And I absolutely adore the blankets that Michael makes!

  10. Babies need pacifiers. All 6 of mine had them until 3 years old.

  11. Beautiful children and gorgeous parents

  12. I love the Bates family and in laws. Such nice christian people who all have a true heart for the Lord.

  13. I have learned so much from the Bates family on raising my family with good christian morals.


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