
Monday, August 27, 2018

Zach's Advice for Kelton

Josie Bates and Kelton Balka

"They let you get this far, so all you gotta do is just ask. All they can say is 'not yet,' and then you just keep asking..."
-Zach Bates

In this first look at Thursday's episode, Josie Bates and Kelton Balka meet up with Zach and Whitney Bates to talk about their next steps: engagement and marriage. Kelton will soon ask for Gil's permission to propose, and he needs some advice.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. If the whole point of courtship is to progress toward marriage, it seems that permission to court is already permission to get engaged. If they had reservations, they should have withheld permission to court, unless something happened to raise red flags I would think permission is automatic.

  2. I had a feeling that Gill and Kelly would give the green light on Kelton and Josie getting engaged without any issues. They seem very mature, level headed, and have known each other a long time. Kelton waited for Josie because he knew she was the one for him- very patient. They're just an all-around good match! It will be a beautiful Fall wedding. :o) Some people thought it would be Carlin and Evan. I'm thinking that they have been told to wait. Just a guess.

    1. All makes sense. Josie and Kelton seem to have a pretty mature relationship. Carlin still needs to mature a bit more.

  3. Time 3:53PM Mon 8/27/18
    Finally back first time ever I wrote a comment on this blog for a long time. Good advice Zach. Me Iam turning 30 next Tuesday but haven't found Mr Right yet. The last guy I dated did not work well we are best friends now. But we attend the same program for special needs grown ups like us called Human First. Kelton & Josie are the perfect couple.

    1. Needy, you are precious, and I like to read your comments on here. I am glad that you and your best friend realized that you weren't the right one for each other as far as marriage. I was just telling my cousin and her husband that I think The Lord puts people in our lives sometimes just to be our friend but some times we have gotten confused and thought we should date them. I have definitely dated people that I shouldn't have and made a mess of things. I am glad you got a best friend out of it. :)

    2. I hope you find your Mr. Right, Neddy:)

    3. God has the right one for you Neddy
      Glad you’re back!

    4. Welcome back, Neddy!

    5. Nice to see you back Neddy! This question may be too intrusive, so feel free not to answer, but if it’s not too personal, what type of special needs does your program work with? Once again, happy to see you posting again!

  4. That's so sweet. My husband asked my mother for permission because my father had passed away. I think she was a little concerned because of the obvious difference in our race but our whole family embraced him. We never had issues.

  5. Zach such a good older brother.

  6. I love the Bates. I really appreciate this blog

  7. I’d love to see more of Whitney and Zach. See them in real time; not staged.


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