
Friday, August 3, 2018

Zoey's Speedy Arrival

Zoey Webster birth

Zoey Webster is here, and she's perfect! In this web exclusive, Alyssa Websters shares more details of her [very quick] birth.

Zoey Webster newborn

Photos/video courtesy of UP


  1. Alyssa does "make it look easy" as Kelly said. WOW!! I admire Alyssa for choosing to keep the births more private.

    1. I agree. Nobody needs to see them giving birth on TV.

    2. It's nice to know that the show doesn't require the Bates to have their births filmed. I hope Tori only does so if she really wants it. Considering her approach to her wedding and the pregnancy so far, I don't get the sense that she's comfortable having her most personal moments broadcast (or cable /satellite/ webcast).

      Now I suppose on the other hand you could argue that if this means Alyssa isn't paid as much as if she DID allow the birth filmed, then she's somehow shirking her duty to provide for her family. On the other hand she does actually work outside the show itself.

    3. I also agree - as the veiwing public and fans of the show - it is nice to hear the baby has arrived and all went well - NO NEED to see more than that.

    4. Alyssa probably values privacy over money. She's not shirking her financial duty if she and John are on the same page about keeping the births off camera. It's admirable that they've set their own limits. She's been more open to company and cameras with each birth. They didn't show the birthing room after Allie or Lexi's births.

    5. I think the Alyssa is able to make giving birth look easy because she keeps herself in great shape. She always looks super fit and I bet she sees a sharp obstetrician whom keeps her on point with proceeding with her pregnancies. No fooling around!

  2. I’m glad that the Bates girls go to a birthing center/ hospital instead of a Home birth. It was so cute seeing Kelly so surprised at how fast Zoey’s birth was. Alyssa did great and John seems so supportive.

  3. So much calmer than a hospital

  4. I like it when they show the births. They we know what's it like when we have kids.

  5. I like that Alyssa calls Gil "Dad" and not "Daddy". This business of an adult child saying "Daddy" just drives me crazy.

    1. I agree- the "daddy & Mommy" isn't cute after children reach a certain age.
      Alyssa & John appear to be very private and level headed. . . . hard workers/good parents.
      I wish them well.

    2. What a judgmental person you are. Calling your father “daddy” at an older age is not wrong, it’s a family by family choice. How does what someone chooses to call their parent hurt you in anyway? Your comment is rude.

    3. My dad passed away over 25 years ago. If I could have him back for even a day, I'd calll him daddy, pa, papa- or anything else he wanted to hear.

    4. I'm 65 years old and I still refer to my deceased father as "Daddy". Mom is "Mom". It is what the individual wants. The relationship is more important than the terminology

  6. Alyssa is a beautiful young lady and is a role model to young mothers in many ways. There’s one thing I wish she would change though. I wish she would just tell her mother and dad that she would prefer privacy during the ENTIRE birth. Thus far, with every single birth, Alyssa has “accidentally” called Kelly too late to get to the birth. I know she may have fast labors, but it just seems like too much of a coincidence for Kelly to plan on coming to all the births, then not get there in time. With Allie, they were on the way to go to Brandon’s proposal, and “somehow” they didn’t tell her in time. And now again with Zoey, Kelly has traveled several hours, she risked potentially missing Erin’s labor and delivery just to be there for Alyssa, and then Kelly isn’t told until the baby is already delivered. I am like Alyssa, in that I would much prefer privacy, but it would be so much more mature just to explain that rather than acting like she’s going to let Kelly be there, and then “oops” it was just too fast of a delivery.

  7. You are assuming a lot of information! Kelly has never been with Alyssa in the room because she and John do want and have had full privacy. Kelly never intended to be part of that, she just wants to let Alyssa know that she is just as important. They just want to be close AFTER the baby comes, she hasn't missed anything!

  8. Any idea what the Up app will have more episodes? We only have streaming.

    1. Hi Erin,

      UP Faith and Family only uploads new episodes after each season is wrapped. If you wish to watch the episodes sooner, they are available for purchase on Amazon or iTunes.

      Have a wonderful day, and thanks for reading.
      Lily and Ellie


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