
Thursday, September 27, 2018

'A Monumental Proposal' Recap

Bringing Up Bates "A Monumental Proposal"
  • After Kelton surprises her at work, Josie has to run home to pack. When Josie, Kelton, and the parents arrive in Utah, they are amazed by the beautiful scenery.
  • “My nerves had been high when I asked Josie at work to come on this trip, but when we landed, I thought everything was going to calm down a little bit, and really my nerves just kept building the entire time,” says Kelton.
  • The group arrives at their rental condo in Moab, and Kelton gives Josie the first packet, which represents the first stage of their relationship—the “best friend” stage. The packet contains a handwritten letter, pictures, and a best friend charm for Josie’s bracelet. “I was just amazed at the thoughtfulness,” says Kelly.
  • The following day, the first stop is Eklecticafe. When the server brings out coffee, he presents Josie with the next packet, representing the “boyfriend/girlfriend” stage. The packet has another letter, more pictures, and another charm (a coffee cup).
  • As the engagement unfolds, Kelly films the highlights on her phone and sends the videos to the rest of the family.
  • Kelton has planned a sightseeing tour of Arches National Park in a 4x4 vehicle. Michael and Kelton arrange for one of the Navtec Expeditions employees to place the next two packets in two scenic locations ahead of Josie and Kelton's arrival.
  • When the road gets bumpy, Kelly starts freaking out. “…Every time Mrs. Bates would get in a panic about something, [the guide/driver] would just continue to antagonize and make it worse,” laughs Kelton.
  • At Double Arch, Kelton leads Josie to the third packet, representing their courtship. He gives her a bridge charm, another letter, and more pictures. “There’s something about seeing your child happy,” says Kelly. “That brings the most fulfillment. And knowing how happy that Josie is going to be when Kelton surprises her…I’ve been counting down the days for this.”
  • The final destination is Tower Arch. Josie notices that Kelton is becoming increasingly nervous, and she expects that the big moment has arrived. The final packet (the engagement stage), is sitting at the proposal spot. While Josie is looking at the infinity charm, Kelton gets down on one knee.
  • “Josie Bates, you are the love of my life, and I don’t want to do life or live without you," Kelton says. "Everything that we have been through together has brought us to this point, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you’re the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with. Will you marry me?” Josie says yes!
  • “I am completely blown away by all of the planning and work and sentiment that Kelton put into the trip and the engagement, and now I’m just excited to get married,” says Josie.
  • “It seems like, as soon as we check one thing off of our calendar, ten more things are added to the calendar,” says Kelly. “It’s like the calendar keeps growing just like the family keeps growing.”
  • Back at the Bates house, Carlin and the Paines head up a huge cleaning and redecorating project as a surprise for Gil and Kelly. They repaint the living room and dining room white, and they repaint the exterior doors and dining table blue. They also de-clutter. “I don’t’ know what Dad would have thought if he was here just because he’s a pack rat,” says Erin. The finishing touches are new decorations and family photos for the walls.
  • Meanwhile, Zach and Whitney sit down with the owner of Hunter Valley Farm, the venue for their upcoming vow renewal, to discuss decorations and logistics. Whitney says there are two reasons why they are doing a vow renewal: she wants to show Zach how much she still loves him, and she wants to honor her parents because they missed out on her wedding.
  • As always, Zach is all about the food. “Everything could fall apart that day, but as long as we have good food, he’s going to be okay,” says Whitney.


  1. I have 2 comments/questions: 1. I thought Chad looked much thinner than usual. Anyone else notice? And 2: why didn’t Whitney’s parents attend her wedding initially?

    1. Whitney had a poor relationship with her biological parents at the time of her first wedding so while her adoptive parents attended, they did not.

    2. Yes, I think Chad looks very thin. He seems like a very special person. When Erin ask him to repaint the frame for their nusery pink he remained so cool. Did he do all the painting in the Bates home?? He looks over worked. Erin sure has a keeper.

    3. I think Chad burns his energy up keeping his family provided for and cared for in the home, as well as all of his DIY projects hence he's got thin. He never seems to stop - I wonder how much is nervous energy with 3 little ones, 3yrs & under when he returns home from work each day, it's hard work for Dads as well as Mums.

  2. The statement she still loves him is weird. Did she ever stop loving him?

    1. I thought that was weird, too...

  3. Yes, when he and Erin sat side-by-side he looked very thin, however his new line of work keeps him active - his last job was more of an office type job.

    1. Does Chad really come into the home and immediately work on projects or read to his children??? I hope that is set only for filming!

    2. I hope he does come home and read or play with his children every night. That's what fathers should do!

  4. I was blown away by all that Kelton did for Josie. He's a huge romantic at heart and I wish them every success in their upcoming marriage.

    I also loved the way that the kids back home cleaned, decluttered, painted and decorated the family home. That was a huge amount of work. I especially admire the way Erin can decorate. She's got huge talent. I know there was a lot in this show but I was disappointed not to see Kelly and Gil's reaction to all the work that was done. Maybe we'll get to see that in the future.

    1. I wonder if he really is that romantic and I wonder what his Dad thinks of his detailed oriented proposal?

    2. I've read Kelton's account about the relationship on the soon-to-be Balkas wedding website. Yes, he really is that romantic. While he may certainly have gotten some help in planning the proposal details, I do think most of what happened was his own idea.

      Also note that while the proposal was romantic, it was different from the very formal "dress up and ride in a limo like you're going to prom" type of romantic proposal Evan had for Carlin. Both proposals I found fitting for the personalities of the couples.

      Now, Evan may also have had help with the planning. But I really doubt the show people scripted the proposals with the actual suitor having no input at all. If that was the case, Bobby's proposal to Tori would have been much more extravagant than it was.

  5. Was that a clothes hamper Josie dumped those wadded up clothes from and put in her suitcase? I would have packed underwear, deodorant, makeup and more.

    1. Yup, she had her clean clothes in the hamper. She hadn't gotten around to putting them away or that's where they keep clean clothes.
      Since it was being filmed, Josie may not have felt comfortable showing herself packing underwear and saved that and her toiletries for packing off camera.

  6. I guess Josie expects to iron or steam press her clothes the way she was throwing them in her suitcase!

  7. Is that really Keltons penmanship?

  8. Love Kelly Jo❤️ Best Mom!

  9. Did they have a full meal at their first wedding reception?

    1. They're getting married in a week and they haven't shown any wedding prep on the show.
      Bates weddings typically serve lighter, yet still substantial, meals at their receptions. I remember that Michael served BBQ sandwiches and appetizer type foods at her reception. I can't remember what Tori served.

    2. 6:16PM: Yes, they did have a full sit-down dinner for 400 people at their original wedding, as I recall. I believe her adoptive parents paid for that.

    3. Tori did a baked potato bar with all the trimmings.

    4. 10:44 again - I'm sorry, OP, I missed the "first" in your sentence and thought you were asking about Josie and Kelton's reception. I'll be sure to reread a comment before writing in again.

  10. Erin has no idea what it's like to come home from a hard day's work and be TIRED. Chad looks wiped out most of the time and she had better realize that. She needs to stop nagging the guy with her child-like projects after work. Grow up Erin.

    1. I have to agree with you. He looked worn out!!

  11. I just love Zach's personality. He is funny and kind, a hard worker, good to his family and if I had had a son, I would have wanted one just like him. He has a sweetheart for a wife, too.

    1. I agree - Zach seems to be a great guy, we (fans) do not see much of the Bates individually, but Zach surely is a good husband, father with a sense of humor as far as we can see.


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