
Thursday, September 13, 2018

'Baby Fever and Proposal Decisions" Recap

Bringing Up Bates “Baby Fever and Proposal Decisions”
  • A group called Carpenters For Christ has arrived to help Gil and the boys expand the church. “They like to start really early, so they said, ‘Be out here about 5:30,’” says Gil, chuckling. “Bates time, 5:30 means 5:30pm.” But the Bates know they will need to do better than “Bates time” for this project.
  • The three middle boys are thrilled to be part of the building crew. “We got a lot out of this process,” explains Jackson. “We got some blisters, we got really tired, but we got a few learned lessons. It’s fun, and it’s hard work.”
  • On the first day, the crew gets a slow start due to some unexpected rain, but after just six days, they are already working on putting up the roof and installing windows. “Only about 15 percent of the guys are skilled…” says Nathan. “The rest of us, this isn’t what we do for a living, but we’re just kind of taking directions from people…”
  • After Carpenters For Christ leaves, the Bates still have a lot of work to do, but they are extremely grateful for the progress that has been made.
  • Whitney drives 10 minutes over to Erin’s house for a play date. “When I first had Everly, just adjusting to the life with three kids was really hard,” admits Erin. “Now I think it’s getting easier because Carson and Brooklyn are amazing with her.”
  • Whitney is hit hard with baby fever when she holds newborn Everly, and Erin completely understands how she feels. “Baby fever is very real and very scary, especially when it’s my wife that has the baby fever,” jokes Chad.
  • “I just love these kids growing up together,” says Whitney. “It just makes me so happy.” She states that she really wants a third child but that she is scared, as well.
  • Later, Gil and Kelly meet Kelton and his dad, Michael, at their house for an engagement discussion. Gil and Kelly had given Josie and Kelton the yellow light, which Gil had intended to mean “move forward with caution.” But Kelton says that Josie has been putting the pressure on him to propose, although he doesn’t seem to mind.
  • “Josie kind of established the parameters when she says she wanted a fall wedding, and not next fall, so I think the boundaries have been set,” laughs Kelly.
  • Kelton is considering proposing under the same covered bridge where he asked Josie to begin a courtship, but Kelly gently suggests another idea. Gil and Kelly are planning to take Josie on a birthday trip to Utah, a place Josie has always wanted to visit. “What if you showed up there and surprised her?” Kelly tells Kelton, who is absolutely thrilled.
  • When Kelton pulls out the ring, Gil and Kelly are shocked that he is so on top of things. “The [Balka family] is already a step ahead of us,” says Kelly, who thinks the ring is the most beautiful thing she has ever seen.
  • As Gil and Kelly leave, Kelton is excited but is also very nervous about planning this big event.  


  1. So I am going to receive some negative in regards to this. I think it was wrong of Kelly to tell Kelton how to proposed. My husband and I were watching and he even said. It's the first time that the man is actually planning something and he has a reason why. If the Bates wanted Uptv to cover the trip to Utah. Then have this discussion not on air but this was not cool. Did she tell Bobby, Brandon, John or Chad what to do ? No, she did not. Again, I am prepare for the flack but I just think that she overstep her bounds on this one. He could have done something special, heck the ring surprise her. It's a shame that Kelton did not do the proposal he wanted to do for Josie no matter how pretty the photos came out from Utah.

    1. Not bashing your comment at all, but I don’t think it was wrong for Kelly to suggest something different. Kelton has thebchoice tontakenit or leave it, and it turned out beautiful. I don’t think they cared one way or the other, they just wanted to get married😂

    2. Well, he planned the courtship proposal, so not the first thing he's planned. I suggest you watch the segment again. They explain how it was Josie's dream to be married in Utah. They were planning a birthday trip there anyway, so Kelly happened to think about how the proposal could happen there instead. Her approach was completely suggesting, not pushing. I just saw the episode, so it's very fresh in my mind.

    3. 7:45 I thought the same thing. He had something simple and special in mind but she basically took over. How could he really feel free to say no to her?

    4. Anonymous @ 9:22, how do you know the proposal was beautiful? It hasn't even been televised. Are you a family member?

    5. To 9/14 @9:20 pm.
      So, I watch the show again and just watch without trying to change the narrative of the episode to look like I am right. Yes, I know that Kelton planned her courtship and he did beautiful job with out direction from Kelly or UPTV.

      The intro to the Kelton discussion starts with Kelly saying that Kelton wanted to discuss the plans of the engagement that he has.

      Kelton than teases Gil about the Yellow light did he mean to slow down or move fast.
      Josie is mention that she set the stage to get married now and not in 2019.

      Then Kelly discuss the timeline of the events and what they need to do. And then Gil says to Kelton what are you looking to do.

      Kelton than shares how the bridge means a lot to him and Josie. When Kelton and Gil are discussing the bridge in the next scene Kelly says, she understands that the bridge is important to Kelton. But she has been working on a surprise for Josie and that brings the Utah event.

      Gil and Kelly discuss that Kelton needs to get a ring. Kelton shows them he already has that and then Kelly says, he could have proposed to her anywhere with that ring.

      Like I said before, I understand that I would receive flack and I do not need for everyone to agree. But I do understand that for a reality show it looks better to go big for something like this. I just wish that Kelton was able to propose to her in his way and not be influence by Kelly or UPTV. It was clear that he had a plan because that’s what Kelly said as the intro of the scene. Did his plans change after this discussion? Yes, they did.

      At the end of the day the photos are beautiful and Josie is getting married.

  2. I AGREE completely! I was shocked at how Kelly pushed (not gently) for Kelton to propose in Utah. Lately Kelly's been in the middle of everything- Thank goodness John and Alissa didn't call her until after their third baby was born. Did anyone else notice that? 19 kids... and money to burn from UPTV. It's not being nasty, just truthful! They say to post comments, we're posting.

    1. Kelton's words on the couch were, "that sounded like the most incredible thing in the world to me." Now how do you get anything out of the show's content to take it as Kelly being pushy? She only suggested it, and he ran with it. I'm watching the show as I read this blog. Helpful to see how the show really went, and it's not like some of these comments portray it.

    2. I agree with you. Lately Kelly has taken over. The only thing Tori was sure she wanted was the dress she chose and Kelly tried her best to get Tori to choose another dress. But still the best show on TV.

    3. It does appear that Kelly has inserted herself in Josie and Kelton's relationship more than the others. When Josie and Kelton were talking courtship at Thanksgiving, Gill was hesitating and Kelly jumped in and said yes, before Gil could answer. And now suggesting that Kelton (and his father) incur the expense of flying to Utah to propose. Couldn't Kelton plan the honeymoon to Utah instead? It just seems that these proposals are getting more and more elaborate. In thinking back, IIRC Kelly was really pushing Brandon hard for a proposal to Michael, to the extent she even called him one time to discuss suggest it when Michael was in DC.

    4. m o, Well said, and I agree

    5. M o, I so agree with you.
      That’s all I’ll say about the control issues now and in the past.
      But I still enjoy this family show even though it is very different from what it use to be. If I had my choice, I would go back to the simpler, earlier plots of Bringing Up Bates.

    6. I just watched the show last night. Kelly was not pushy about the suggestion. The way Kelton was talking, he wasn’t sure if the bridge was a good idea or not. Kelly’s idea to have the engagement take place in Utah was very thoughtful of her daughter. She knows it would be impossible to have the wedding there, so why not the engagement instead? I wouldn’t assume that Kelton had to pay to fly out there with Nathan being a pilot. Either way if Kelton didn’t like the idea, he had the choice to say no. He seemed to really like the idea after he thought about it for a few minutes.

  3. Anon 9/14 @ 7:45am...I agree with you.
    About that 'baby fever' the women seem to come down with...there is a pill that you can take for that.

    1. Or, in my case, baby fever gets a big NO from the spouse!

    2. Except that pill is a known carcinogen

    3. Yes, let's cover up our natural instincts with chemicals!

    4. 8:54 & 9:10- Would you prefer women resort to abortion, rather than use the pill? The National Cancer Institute states that while there is evidence to show an increased risk of certain cancers when using oral contraceptives, there is also evidence that shows an actual decrease in certain cancers in those who have used them. Childbirth itself is not without its own risks. Furthermore, birth control pills are prescribed for other medical reasons besides contraception. Endometreosis can be a debilitating condition and taking the bc pill can help provide relief for sufferers. I know this from my own personal experience, as well as my daughter's. BTW 9:10, not everyone has a burning desire or "instinct" to have children at all, let alone face a life of relentless pregnancy. I know my great-grandmother would've been the first in line at her clinic to get the pill. Worn out after having birthed 8 children, she finally made g-grandpa sleep in the barn. LIfe for her was never-ending exhaustion and drudgery.

    5. 2:54, There are other options besides birth control pills to prevent yourself from getting pregnant. As for having endometriosis, I’m very sorry you suffer with that, but I would strongly encourage you to do some research for other natural ways to treat that.

    6. Anon6:49PM, The medical community hasn't even determined a definitive cause of endometreosis, let alone come up with a cure for it. While it doesn't hurt to try natural remedies, studies on homeopathic treatments are inconclusive. I was helped by laser surgery that blasted the adhesions that had effectively bound my reproductive organs, bowel and bladder. Adhesions tend to recur, however. Complete long-term relief for me finally came with menopause. I know many women who chose complete hysterectomy, rather than continue a life of misery.

    7. 2:54, you are missing the point of my comment about natural instincts. The OP was referring to "baby fever," and that's what "baby fever" is, a natural instinct to want to have a baby. We were not discussing people who don't get baby fever or people who have so many children that they're worn out.
      Abortion isn't even related to my comment, so I'm not sure why you brought it up. I've also suffered with endometriosis, and rather than take the extremely expensive shot they wanted to give me every month, I turned to supplements and found great relief.

    8. I agree that women who just view children as extra work should not have them. There are plenty of people with eight children who have not lived a life of drudgery. Children are a blessing and should be viewed as such. They should be nurtured and cared for and protected.

    9. It's a proven fact that birth control pills help with gynecological disorders including PCOS. Women also go on the birth control pill when they're taking medication that would birth defects if they did get pregnant. I take a heart medication that would make a pregnancy inviable if I were to conceive (though that would be unlikely due to PCOS). The pill also helps regulate my hormones as I overproduce androgens.

      Children are such a blessing and I hope to be a mother some day, hopefully, through adoption as my body doesn't naturally ovulate. Taking the pill doesn't mean that I value children any less, it helps my body function somewhat more normally.

    10. Love this family! They give me so much inspiration. I had PND with my first child and had problems with endometriosis for years. I went on the pill to help with the pain etc I had to take antibiotics for 2 weeks for the flu and shortly after I fell pregnant with my second child as the antibiotics broke the pill down. I have also had an implanon and mirina to assist with my pain but it only got worse! Each woman is different...but our characters makes us stronger. Im happy and blessed to have 2 gorgeous kids now ❤ good luck on being a rewarding and fun. ❤

  4. Time 4:51PM Fri 9/14/18
    Well Anonymous I disagree with your comment you made on Thurs 9/13 at 7:45AM. I think it was wrong of Kelly to tell Kelton how to proposed. But what I read what Kelly said was what If you showed up there to surprised her. I think she was suggest It. Maybe Kelton was nervous yes It was his idea for a marriage proposal. But she was suggest it. Like I said before maybe he was a little nervous.

  5. I think it was very kind of Kelly to mention to Kelton about Utah! Kelly loves her children so much and you can see how much they love her as well. I know that Josie wanted to go to Utah. It meant so much to her. Kelton wanted to surprise Josie on her is so kind of him to want to make her so happy. I really love the Duggers and Bates and I appreciate Ellie going to all the effort to do these blogs.

  6. Love this family - but no family is perfect. I agree, Kelly is a pushy mom- but I still love her heart for God and her family. If the Bates were not television celebrities I am certain Kelton would have proposed at the Bridge. But that would be like watching a rerun for viewers. I don't notice if you noticed on the episode where Tori and Bobby are moving, Kelly pulls up the AARP website budgeting tool. Kelly clearly was doing this for the network as AARP was a sponsor of that episode. So, in all fairness, what may have seemed like an overbearing mama moment with Kelton, was probably Kelly just going with the network's decision to upgrade the proposal location for viewers. I have noticed that the couch interviews with the little girls have really demonstrated a worldliness that was absent when the older girls did the earliest shows on TLC. Callie especially, as cute as she is, has really been acting a lot older than her years. It kind of spoils the innocence we loved so much at the beginning. I am a public school teacher and she acted and spoke exactly like my female students do. All in all though, this show is much more wholesome than anything else out there for families so I hope they stay on television for many years to come, God willing.


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