
Thursday, September 13, 2018

Bates at the Beach 2018

The Bates love the beach! Ever since their oldest children were young, Gil and Kelly Bates have enjoyed taking family trips to the ocean. This week, some of the members of the family spent time soaking in the sun and sand in Florida.

Carlin Bates
Carlin Bates

Erin and Chad Paine, Carson Paine, Brooklyn Paine, Everly Paine
Erin and Chad Paine
Carson Paine, Brooklyn Paine, Everly Paine

Erin Paine and Everly Paine
Erin Paine and Everly Paine
(That smile, though!)

Photos courtesy of, Carlin Bates


  1. New York and then Florida. Was there a special occasion? I am dying to know!! I envy their ability to take so many great trips. I am wondering if the NY trip was a girl's bachelorette party for Josie? As always, thanks for sharing the great pics!

    1. I wondered if Josie found her dress at Kleinfeld's. Seems like it would fit her sense of style. Possibly she was in NYC for a dress fitting?

  2. Everly sure is growing! And soooo cute! Beautiful family pictures, just stunning looking in the blue, and the kids just look adorable.

  3. Beautiful pictures.

  4. Wait, Carlin was just in NYC with Josie and Whitney last week, and now she's in Florida with Erin and Chad this week? Is she all done school now? Maybe an engagement is coming really soon!!!!

    1. Carlin transferred to an online college. She said it gave her flexibility and would also allow her to graduate early. I can't remember if she said when she expects to graduate. Carlin and Evan also seem to be waiting to marry until he also finishes with his training to become an electrician.

  5. Guys...I am a believer in the UK and think your family is a great example and think you are fab...but recently have been finding all the constant photos of bates women looking like models really 'off'. It's hard to put into words why.
    It just seems the majority of these posts are a steady stream of photos of bates women looking beautiful or blogs to do with marriage or babies. But the gospel is SO much more than that! (I mean that has nothing to do with the gospel!)
    What is this beach post about? It seems immodest to me -although the women are dressed modestly the constant photos seem to show an immodest heart. All that's going to happen is lots of people will post about how beautiful they look. How does this point to Christ?
    I'm not saying we shouldn't post family photos-or look attractive-of course not! But it just seems that more and more of the posts are about this and I don't leave this site feeling encouraged.

    1. Their hearts point to Christ. They live their faith on the show. If you're judging just by pictures then you miss the character of the person.

    2. I do agree with you. Although the girls are just beautiful,I would like to see more of a message that is Christine based with encouragement.God bless the Bates family and God bless you all.

    3. I feel the same. I felt a bit sad after watching the episode about Whitney’s wedding dress with my 4 teenage children. I wondered what message it sent them.

    4. Although Ellie is a Christian, I believe she writes these blogs for anyone. Christian or not, for fans of the Bates. If you need encouragement, there are plenty of Christian websites to visit. We all need encouragement everyday, but for Christians our Bibles should be our main source, not a fan blog. I am so sorry you feel this way about this blog. We can never judge a book by its cover. Only God knows other people's hearts. I pray for the Lord to fill you with His love and peace and meet every need you have.

    5. 2:18- TV celebrities are not a reliable source of inspiration. Look towards those in your own world who are role models for you... family, friends, teachers, neighbors, coworkers or clergy.

    6. OP- thanks for speaking your heart here. I’m sad too of the change that is happening in the Bates family. I love them but wonder about some things.

    7. I must say I agree. Lately there's been a much bigger focus on boyfriends and beauty, and less on what their older shows focused on: family outings, working hard, mission trips, and singing for Churches, nursing homes, etc.

    8. You can't judge a book by its cover, BUT, we're also told not to focus on our outward appearance but on the heart (1 Tim 2:9-10, 1 Peter 3:3-4) You can't tell me that they don't spend significant amounts of time on their appearance!

    9. @4:17pm Yours is the best statement I've read about this. It IS hard to put into words, so I think people focus on the clothing, when it's not entirely the clothing that's changed. It's really their actions and attitudes. Actions speak louder than words. As Christians, we're responsible for how others view us because we're ambassadors for Christ. I don't see them living out their faith on the show or in blog posts, except for the occasional mission trip.

    10. Thankyou for speaking your heart, OP. I feel the same way.

    11. I read this blog because it is nice to have something light and fluffy to read and this family is far better than most celebrity families. I certainly don't read for any Christian inspiration. Just read about the Catholic saints and the Protestant 'heroes' for Christian inspiration.

  6. I think Carson and Brooklyn favor Chad but Everly is all Erin...beautiful family!

  7. Amazing pictures of Chad, Erin and their kids...beautiful family! Carlin is so stunning...she could be a model for Citrus and Lemon.

    1. Carlin is pretty, but Erin is GLOWING inside and out. What a beautiful mama!

    2. I think Erin is very pretty, but agree, Carlin is gorgeous!!

  8. They’re so fashionable compared to the Duggars.

    1. You can dress modestly without looking like you just pulled your clothing out of the dirty clothes hamper. The Duggers need to take a lesson from the Bates.

    2. Maybe the Duggars don’t care about fashion. I certainly could care less.

    3. It's so very nice the Duggars can dress they want without feeling the need to compete with the Bates or anyone else.

    4. I hadn’t thought of that, but you are right.

  9. Wow - Carlin is a beautiful women - what a lovely picture.
    Enjoy seeing the "Paine" family pictures as well.

  10. Can't get enough of the Bates, wish it was on for a full hour.

    1. I also wish the show was an hour long. Have you told Uptv? This blog does not decide that Uptv does. Let them know how you feel. I have!

    2. There have been hour long shows this season, and I'd rather have a 30 minute long episode a week for a 9 month season than a 1 or 2 hour long episode a week for a 2 month season the way Counting On does it. The show has managed to stay only 3-4 months behind current events and I think part of the reason is that a 30 minute episode take much less time to edit and prepare for "prime time" than a one hour episode.

  11. Erin looks so much like Michaela in the second picture!

  12. They sure seem awfully dressed up to just be on the beach. Maybe it is something special. Carlin out of school and Chad off work ??

    1. I don't think they're "awfully dressed up" at all. Chad is wearing cargo shorts, and Erin seems to be wearing a polo dress. I don't even find Carlyn's outfit to be "dressy". It's a long dress but a casual one, not a ball gown.

  13. The show is getting unreal now.
    Birthday trips to Utah?
    Girls traveling all over?
    Wedding renewals after 5 years of marriage?
    Designer wedding gowns?
    I miss the original Bates episodes.

    1. I think that the newer episodes reflect where the family is in their lives now. They have more money and UP also wants to show them in various situations. However, the episodes and their lifestyle haven't deviated dramatically from previous years.
      Gil and Kelly have taken their kids on trips for years prior to being on any tv show. Kelly would post photos of her, Gil, and two or three kids at different spots throughout the country. They did live simply, but Gil and Kelly traveled to attend and speak at different IBLP conferences and gatherings.
      The original Bates episodes, including United Bates of America, showed the family traveling and included a few trips to New York as well as to the beach, lake, and to visit Gil's parents.
      The vow renewal is part of Whitney's reconciliation with her parents. You can either respect her decision to have her parents be able to witness her and Zach's wedding vows for the first time or view it as frivolous and unnecessary. I do agree that part of the reason it included a new wedding gown and bridesmaid dresses was because it was being filmed by UP.
      We also see the Bates women attending college, working, and the mothers raising their children in addition to traveling or shopping.

    2. When you have more money you get to experience more of what life has to offer. I would never complain about someone having the ability to travel, it’s an amazing thing to be able to do. And the wedding renewal was because Whitney’s parents were not at her wedding. Maybe one of them is sick and they wanted to be able to do it while they still had time.

    3. I miss the original Bates as well!

    4. I save money to travel. I don’t spend on eating out, buying new clothes, jewlry, purses etc. all the time. There is so much to see in the USA. The National parks are the biggest sources of life enhancing experiences for a small investment of an entrance fee. The Bates are educating their family by their travels.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Beautiful family. It is too bad that someone always has to make a negative comment.

  16. That is a beautiful picture of Carlin, but her hair is not a pretty color! NOT even the least bit natural looking... loved the Paine pics!

    1. I’d like to see the Paine girls without bows or headbands for a change.

    2. Carlin, you are are a very attractive young woman but your two-tone hair is damaged and looks harsh.

    3. Say women who probably permed their hair back in the day

    4. I agree about Carlin. She’s trying so hard to fit in somewhere (the rest of the world her age) but it’s not working and not agreeing with her. She’s so much more attractive with it natural. My respect usually goes down a notch for girls that want to two tone their hair. It usually tells you something of the girl that’s not good. Why so much emphasis on trying to look better? It’s not working. It goes the opposite when they try so hard.

    5. Anon 1:57 I always wore a headband as a child because it kept my hair out of my face. And it looks really cute!

  17. What a sweet family love to watch them on tv. I wish up tv had more shows like this to watch.

    1. I would love to see a version of the Bates showing just the married siblings, similar to “Counting On “ AND ALSO Bringing Up Bates, with the rest of the unmarried kids, all the way down to Jeb. That would be 2 shows per week or back to back shows on one night for 1 hour! I know lots would not agree with this. That’s ok.

  18. I just watched the show with the "kissing cousins", and now to see how big Everly has gotten! She is even more precious. Maybe when the new season premieres, Zach and Whitney will have an announcement to make.

    1. They made an announcement at their vow renewal but lost the baby before any public announcement was made.

  19. Nothing wrong with Whitney's second wedding gown...NOTHING. It looked great on her and she looked great in it.


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