
Thursday, September 20, 2018

Carlin's New Look

In preparation for fall, which officially starts in two days, Carlin Bates got a new hairdo. Just a few days ago, she was rocking a head of blonde hair, and now she's a brunette. What do you think of the transformation?

Carlin Bates brunette
Carlin Bates (after) 
Carlin Bates blonde
Carlin Bates (before)

We know you are probably wondering what Carlin's natural hair color is, and the answer is brunette. That is true for most of the Bates ladies, although the shades differ.

Carlin Bates and Tori Bates, October 2015

Gil and Kelly Bates family beach vacation, 2016
Bates family beach vacation, 2006

Photos courtesy of Carlin Bates,, UP


  1. I like her hair brown...she's a beautiful young lady. Love the Bates

  2. Personally, I thought she was stunning as a blonde. I know there was a lot of flack on the blog about not liking it. I hope that’s not why she went back to brunette.

    1. Personally, with her very dark complexion, eyes and eyebrows, I don't think that blonde hair suit her in the least. It suits Josie, who's fair skinned, but Carlin is so dark that when she's a brunette she just shines, while, as a blonde she looks just average.
      I think everyone should enhance what they have, not change it.


  3. Cute dress, but my goodness nobody can say fame and money hasn’t changed their platform. Carlin is just like every other girl her age posing for selfies to “look at me”. I’m not criticizing. I think it’s quite normal and happy to see the false modesty standards being relinquished. But, I think it’s perhaps time for a Bates update on how they have come to these new decisions.

    1. what an incredibly rude and ignorant comment! an update on what decisions? do you even watch their show? if so, do you even listen to what they have to say???
      their 'platform' as you call it, has always remained the same from day one. as each person has grown, they have all developed their own individual style and personality, but they have always, always, had the same 'platform' of putting others first before themselves and being good, decent human beings and above all, "following christ".
      maybe if you realized that times have changed, and people change with them, you wouldnt be so judgemental. lets face it, when the older kids were the middle kids ages, there werent even cell phones around to take selfies. but now that that invention is here, why shouldnt they take advantage of it now? the older kids do too as well as 90% of the population with cellphones so i guess everyone who takes a selfie is falsely modest then.
      there is nothing falsely modest about any of them. there modestly standards are not as stringent as the duggars, and may not be as stringent as your own, but they are considerably more modest than 90% of the 'general' population and have shared several sites for others who also want to dress modest but stylish.

    2. I agree with you. . I’m happy they are no longer wearing matching prairie dresses. I’ve never understood why so many homeschoolers find that appealing. However, this family started with the ATI/IBLP’s ideology with a very strong emphasis on modesty and avoidance of fitting in with the “ world”. The girls hemlines and necklines are increasingly getting shorter. Nothing inappropriate. But why? Gil and Kelly Jo obviously approve as many (Carlin, Katie, Josie..I know Josie is soon getting married)are still under their roof/rules. I would sincerely like to hear from them why they have evolved in their ideology.

    3. We live in a very social generation, it’s not just about people saying “look at me”. The Bates have fans who constantly request updates on their lives (just as you just requested one) and pictures are a good way to give updates.

    4. It would be interesting to know. The younger girls certainly have a more modern taste. All of the girls, actually, a part from Michaela and Erin, who are more traditional.
      I've never seen any of them wear something less than modest, though.
      It's just more modern, they probably realized that there's nothing immodest or wrong in seeing someone's knees, or in wearing pants.

    5. If acting in a "look at me" manner is immodest, then ALL the Bates including the parents are immodest. That's the whole premise of a "reality TV" show. Putting yourself on TV for other people to look at. If people don't look at you, then the show goes off the air.

      The parents have admitted many times on the show (though not usually going into details) that they are less strict with the younger kids compared to the older ones.

      I personally think the dress code is NOT the main belief of IBLP and some fans are focusing on it too much. In a prior post, someone assumed Josie and Carlin must have totally rejected IBLP, just because of the way they dress.

      I get the sense Gil and Kelly, like many parents of teens and young adults, have the sense to allow for some fashion experimentation because fashion really IS a minor issue in the grand scheme of things. So far no Bates girl has rejected the chaperoned courtship rules, and they are getting married almost 10 years younger than the average "worldly woman" (as average age of first marriage is 28ish). No one has publicly stated they reject the IBLP position on birth control. No one has stated they don't believe in God or the Christian faith. I'm sure they'd be much more concerned if a daughter dressed in a "prairie dress" while publicly proclaiming she is an atheist.

    6. I agree 10:54. It would be nice to hear an update on the change in standards (for those at home, not those married).

  4. Ellie, I guess you do typo's just like the rest of us. :) Is the actual year 2006?

  5. I prefer her hair brunette. She looks beautiful. Love that dress too!

  6. She looks amazing in all of the photos!

  7. The new haircut and color are very flattering and classy. Also, love the dress she is wearing.

    The last picture should probably say 2006. The Bates family really has gone through a style transformation. The matching outfits are darling and there is 100% nothing wrong with what they are wearing, but I'm glad that the young adults and teens are now able to explore and express their own personal style.

    1. I think that maybe they were already "expressing their own personal style" even when they were wearing the old things they used to. That or since they were young they hadn't taken much thought to what they would wear...

    2. 9:21 - They were able to express their own style by wearing matching outfits?
      Looking at Erin and Michael, their clothing choices now show that they prefer different styles while maintaining the modesty standards they grew up with. Michael and Erin were 16 and 15 in the 2006, they surely had an idea about what they wanted to wear. Young children have clothing preferences if you let them choose an outfit. Erin showed her individuality early on through her big hairstyles though the above picture has her hair exactly like Michael's too.

  8. Brunette because natural color ALWAYS looks best!

  9. Way too dark on het. I like the blonde highlights. softened her up a lot and look very very pretty on her complexion and her eyes

    1. No, honestly with her dark complexion the blonde just didn't suit her.

  10. I would like the pattern to the girls dresses. They are really cute!

  11. The brown looks soooooo much better! A natural beauty!

    1. The gray blonde looked very fake and I agree she looks much better with her natural hair color!

  12. Yep Thanks Carlin for coming back! You look the best with your natural look!

  13. Carlin looks much better with that natural hair color! So pretty! Her former color looked more gray, not blonde. And that year on the last pic must be wrong, it looks much earlier than 2016.

  14. Carlin is beautiful inside and out, as are all the bates children. But if I had to pick I would go with the blonde, it suits her personality more. Can't wait to follow along on her journey through life.

  15. I love the hair color. It looks very natural.
    Just curious...where was the picture taken?

    1. It looks like in a dressing room

  16. Stay brunette. I would love to have dark hair.

  17. Why dye your hair like the world does. Go with what God gave you.

    1. Why? Because taking my young daughter to school gate with half a head of white hair in my early 40s makes me look like her grandma!! She & I both agree it looks better dyed to hide the white, matching my natural colour of dark brown.

    2. Why drive a car like the world does? Why eat out at restaurants? Why come and post an unnecessary comment on a blog? Why own a computer/phone for that matter?

  18. carlin looks like josie with dark hair in her after pic! it's so funny how much these girls look alike but then they are all so beautiful. personally, i do like carlin's hair better darker since it looks more natural

  19. She is beautiful with either hair color. I love the color of her dress!

  20. I'm not a fan of Carlin's, but if she wants to change her style, I say go for it. Hair grows out and she's a young lady- Girls just want to have fun... Maybe Josie had something to do with the hair color. haha- Sounds like fun to me. :o)

  21. I think she's great looking either way, but I did love that blond.

  22. Her new brunette color is beautiful and flattering.

  23. Love Carlin's hair either way. She is a beautiful young woman. If all the Bates are brunettes, what about Erin?

  24. Can you please Tell us who is who in the picture from 2006? So fun to see the is throw back! I remember seeing them dressed in prairie style on a Duggar program. My memory just cannot place who is who! I have aged too, lol.

  25. I love the before one at the beach. She is so pretty.

  26. Love her natural hair color. Blonde as making her look much older.

  27. I like her dark hair better.

  28. I'm so glad she's back to brunette!! Each to his own, but I think her "natural" hair color is beautiful enough without any highlights.

  29. Love her Fall Look!

  30. she always look cute and hair is nice either way.

  31. Looking at the picture of Carlin and Tori from 2015, you can tell how both of them have grown up in the meantime! Especially Carlin, style-wise.

  32. I can't stand seeing selfies anymore, of anyone! When will this trend stop, it makes me cringe

    1. I don't think there is anything wrong with selfies really. It's better than asking total strangers to take a picture like we did in the "dark ages".
      Selfies can get a little obnoxious though depending upon what the person is doing.

    2. 8:18 I completely agree. All it says is "Look at me." Sad to see these girls going that route. They should be pointing people to Jesus and away from themselves.

  33. I love her personality, she does a lot of talking in clips during their show,which I enjoy!!!I love her hair and of course her dress is so pretty,can't wait to see her Evan together,on the show.

  34. Carlin is gorgeous! The blond suits her so we with her eyes. Love her lighter!!!

  35. I think she's pretty no matter what color her hair is

  36. The brunette hair looks smashing on her. She's gorgeous anyway--in the beach photo, she looks like a model. The Bates kids are very photogenic.

  37. Carlin is beautiful either way, but isn't it damaging to hair to have it colored so frequently? I've never had my hair colored because of skin sensitivity. Even have to be careful of shampoos.

  38. is that the bridesmaid dress? very pretty!


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