
Monday, September 17, 2018

Gender Reveal for Bates Grandbaby #9

This Thursday on the penultimate episode of Bringing Up Bates season seven, you'll watch footage from the gender reveal party for Tori and Bobby Smith's first child. (Visit our June 21st post to find out if it will be a he or a she.) This baby will be the ninth Bates grandchild, and with many more to come, the family is concerned that they will soon run out of new ideas for gender reveal parties.

Photo/video courtesy of UPv


  1. time 1:30pm mon 9/17/18
    I would say that Chad & Erin will have triplets, just kidding.
    it doesnt matter what the sex of the baby is as long as it will look like both mommy & daddy.

  2. Since the couple announced months ago it’s a boy so there’s no surprise to many people

  3. I think the more low key the parties, the less you feel you have to outdo each other. I don’t know about you guys but all of our kid birthday parties were family gathered around the kitchen table. Cake, candles and singing was all that was needed.

    1. I agree. The competition for more eleborate courtship “proposals”, engagements, weddings, honeymoons, babies in rapid succession, reveals etc is just out of control.

    2. I completely agree!

      But TV ratings and all.

    3. I couldn’t agree more!

    4. I agree with the "low key" parties too!

  4. Lol Ellie... "I ain't gonna tell em"

  5. I wonder what was on them during the advertising..I thought it was paint. Good idea!

  6. Why can't they use the same gender reveal idea one of them has already used?? With a slight twist on it even - it doesn't have to always be different or better! It's great to celebrate but doesn't need to involve lots of preparation or expensive.

    1. If they were just living their normal lives the reveals would probably be less elaborate, but since they’re one tv they probably try to find different ways to announce to keep the show more interesting

  7. There are a thousand way to do a gender reveal. Think outside the box. As long was it is fun.

  8. Re the comment from Anon at 531 PM re "The competition for more eleborate courtship “proposals”, engagements, weddings, honeymoons, babies in rapid succession, reveals etc..."

    I seriously doubt the Bates are having babies out of some sense of competition. Erin and Alyssa do NOT come across as that shallow or foolish. Especially Erin, who has to take painful shots of blood thinners to maintain pregnancy; I doubt she'd go through all that just to "compete" with her sisters.

    And while I agree about the proposals (both the "court-posals" and the wedding ones) and gender reveals, I also haven't seen too much of an escalation in how elaborate the weddings and honeymoons are. Though I guess we'll see how Josie's plays out.

    While I won't be surprised of Josie and Kelton have an international honeymoon, they won't be the first couple to have one. Erin and Chad went to Ireland, but it was NOT filmed, they didn't even have their own show back then. Their wedding was shown on 19KAC so I assume TLC paid them for that, but not for the honeymoon.


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