
Sunday, September 30, 2018

Keilens in Canada

As a late celebration of their third wedding anniversary, which was on August 15th, Michael and Brandon Keilen are spending time in Canada. They kicked off their trip with some time at Niagara Falls. Have you ever been to Niagara? If you have seen it from both the Canadian and American side, which do you think is more majestic?

Brandon Keilen and Michaela Keilen
Brandon Keilen and Michaela Keilen

Photo courtesy of


  1. I’ve been to both sides of the Niagara Falls, and enjoyed the American side more, (in spite of being Canadian 😝) altho both sides were good. It was really neat to be able to walk behind the falls and onto hurricane deck. Also loved the horseshoe falls with the changing colour lights at nighttime.

    1. Yes the lights are so pretty. We miss the old festival of lights days on the American side, it was always a tradition to go, and a great date night :)

  2. I live in Canada, but my husband and I love both sides of Niagara Falls. The Canadian side gets the full front view of both the American Falls and the Canadian (Horseshoe) Falls, which is pretty awesome. You can look over at the edge of the Horseshoe Falls and see and hear how much water is going over the brink. Very powerful! Plus there's a lot of touristy stuff to do. The American side has a terrific side view of the Falls, where you can also feel the power of the water flowing over the brink, plus a really great look at River, with all the currents ripping through. Pretty amazing. Plus the American side has Goat Island, which is beautiful to hike through and it's very open and spacious and peaceful, not touristy looking, but back to nature. Welcome to Niagara Falls Michael and Brandon. Have fun

  3. Looks lovely, never seen it in person. Also love seeing these two

  4. I live in Buffalo, NY so I have seen both sides, and the Canadian side is very beautiful. The American side is nice if you just want to go for a quick drive, but crossing the border takes a little longer but is so worth it! If you ever wanted to visit, our house is always open to guests! :)

  5. I went to Niagara Falls for vacation this year and the Canada side is much prettier. I recomment a trip there to anyone who hasn't been

  6. Happy Belated Anniversary Michaela and Brandon.

  7. I grew up 20 minutes away from the American side, and both are really great. The American side immerses you in nature as you view, which is so pretty...and I actually love the view of all of the Canadian hotels from there, too! I love walking along the rapids leading up, as well. The US side also has some great walking trails and gorge viewpoints further from the tourist area, like Devil's Hole and where the power plant collapsed into the gorge many years ago (I had family working there but thankfully they escaped!). The Canadian side view is probably better since you can see both falls, and the gardens are lovely, but it is definitely more touristy! I love Clifton Hill and its tourist traps, though. Walking there was always a highlight of my summers as a kid!

  8. Live right near it! So cool to know they're in our neck of the woods. I've been on both sides. The view of the Horseshoe falls on the Canadian side gives a better grasp of how big and majestic it is. However the American side has nice parks and general beauty all around the area which is very enjoyable contrasting with the sky scrapers on Canada's side.I liked the better view because I can find parks anywhere, so pros and cons to both ☺

  9. As a Buffalonian, We say the Canadian side is better, there are so many things to do. We just took a friend from Virginia there this weekend, that has never seen it before. She was amazed, we think it's a bunch of water falling over rocks lol

  10. Happy belated anniversary!I went to Niagara Falls as a child and loved it. Went again as an adult; I prefer the Canadian side. So much more of the falls are visible and there are a lot more ways to view the falls as well.

  11. American side needs more food choices, Canadian side was much prettier with the gardens when you enter

  12. I plan on visiting both sides when we go in two weeks. I love both sides but when we were the in 08 i thought the Canadian side was the best. Can't halt wait to get to go.

  13. Do they still do tours beneath the falls? I think it was called “scenic falls” but this is my memory trying to recall from some odd 30 years ago, heh. happy anniversary— winter visit is just as amazing :)

    1. I believe it's called Behind the Falls, and the Keilens did the tour. :)

      Lily and Ellie

  14. They should be foster parents. Then be open to foster to adopt. Don’t know why they are waiting. There is never a perfect time.

    1. I am an adoptive parent. If having biological children has been a priority and you haven't yet come to terms with the loss if it isn't possible, then forging ahead with adoption or fostering is not in the best interests of the children who might be placed in your home. Fostered or adopted children deserve better than to feel like they're second best.

  15. Hope your Canada trip is wonderful!

  16. Canadian side had better and prettier view of the falls. I saw them in just this month a few years ago. The fall leaves were gorgeous.
    The Canadians put on the lights that light up the falls at night too!

  17. We love the Canadian side. Disappointing that we need a passport now.


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