
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Speed Up or S-L-O-W Down?

Michael Balka and Kelton Balka

During a meeting with his father and Josie's parents (video below), Kelton asks for clarification on what exactly Gil and Kelly Bates meant when they gave Josie and Kelton the "yellow light." It could have a different meaning depending on the way you look at it! But in order to fulfill Josie's dream of a fall wedding, Kelton will need to speed things up.

Photo/video courtesy of UP


  1. It seems like Kelton and Josie did the slow down thing. I wonder why they were told to slow down again? I'm glad that they were able to get engaged and are getting married soon. They probably feel like they have waited forever to take this next step in their relationship.

    1. Waited forever? I hardly think so. Josie is what, all of 19?

  2. I'm sorry, I understand in this case Josie & Kelton are young, but their whole courting 'script' gives waayyy too much control over the relationship to the girl's father. It is not HIS relationship, but the relationship of the couple involved. Just over the top IMO. They would treat a 25 year old courting couple exactly the same way. Not appropriate. If someone is old enough to be considering marriage, they should also be mature enough to make their own decisions. I understand respecting one's parents, BOYS' PARENTS INCLUDED but they give their adult children no opportunity to make their own decisions, really. All dictated by the girls' fathers.

    1. I agree with you. I think a man should seek a "blessing" from the woman's father, rather than "permission" when discussing marriage.

    2. YES! I can't begin to tell you how much I agree with your comment. Perfectly stated, both Anons.

    3. 936, a blessing is the same as permission, the go ahead.

    4. I, for one, am glad they don’t do it the worlds way or viewpoint.

    5. Anon @ 1:50 In my opinion, the two are different. With a blessing it is more like "we are getting married and we hope you approve." With permission it is "will you allow us to marry, please?" In my opinion, not the same at all.

  3. Yeah lol depends how you see it


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