
Thursday, September 6, 2018

Win a Baby-Wearing Shirt

I (blog author Ellie) recently announced my first pregnancy on my lifestyle blog, Since finding out that I was expecting, I have been on the hunt for quality baby products, and I have enjoyed sharing some of these products with my readers in the form of giveaways.

I recently came across a unique product baby-wearing product that I just had to try. It's the Soothe Shirt from Lalabu, and it allows mamas to wear their newborns in style.

The Soothe Shirt is a tank top with a built-in carrying pouch for your baby. It is stylish enough to wear all day, so you can easily pop your baby in and out whenever is convenient. The Soothe Shirt also comes with an adjustable head support and pouch extender, and the design allows you to nurse your baby while he or she is inside the pouch.

The Soothe Shirt is meant for newborns between 7 and 15 pounds and allows them to face inward and maintain a safe and secure position. For more information, check out the Lalabu website, Facebook page, and Instagram profile.

I am raffling off a Soothe Shirt to one lucky reader. To enter to win, follow the prompts on the Rafflecopter widget below. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. No, I have never heard of that, but can see how useful it would be!!

  2. I have never heard of Lalabu! This is such a great way to hold a tiny baby when you're trying to get work done around the house. It would be so practical to have!

  3. I’ve never heard of this company but that shirt looks amazing! Mswil

  4. I have never used Lalabu products but have been looking into the baby-wearing shirts since I just had a baby! If they're truly a snug fit it might be a great thing! My email address starts with kmari

  5. I am not familiar with Lalabu. Kassi

  6. Is Ellie having a boy or girl?

    1. I haven't announced it yet, but I plan to soon. Watch my lifestyle blog ( for a post. :)


  7. I'm not familiar with Lalabu but I think this is a wonderful idea! My email starts with linds...

  8. This is super cute and looks easier to wear than wrapping the Moby wrap on and off all day long, because my newborn likes to be held anytime he’s awake! Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. That is so neat.

  10. So ingenious and easy to use!

  11. I have never heard of Lalabu before. It looks like a very neat idea though :) My email starts with "jewel."

  12. I've not heard of Lalabu but have seen a familiar newborn holding shirt. So innovative and unique! I'm a mother of one but intend on growing our family and having one of these shirts would be ideal and greatly appreciated! Thanks fir providing this opprotunity to win one! Sydne

  13. I love baby wearing but I've never heard of Lalabu. It looks like an awesome product and so easy to use.

  14. I don't believe I've heard of Lalabu but the shirt looks so awesome!!

  15. No, I'm not familiar but would love one!


  16. no i havent heard of this before,,i have a new grandbaby on the way vlbel

  17. That's a cute idea. I noticed on the website they even have one for dads.

  18. I'm expecting Feb 2019 with my first! This would be great to try!

  19. I've never heard of them before, but this looks like a great idea! Email: stephg

  20. I haven't heard of them! But I'm "due" at the end of September now, and would love to try it out! Email: mcken

  21. I have never heard of the brand but looks neat! (Email willia)

  22. Just letting you know that the baby is being worn way too low. Baby should always be close enough to kiss. I'd recommend the close caboose instead.

  23. I have never heard of the brand, but am expecting my first this February! I'd love to have this! Email: jessi

  24. Last year my sister told me about Lalabu baby wearing shirts and I have wanted to try one since!
    First 5 letters of my email address are;

  25. I have never heard of it but it looks interesting! I love baby wearing and have 3 different types of carriers that I've used with my babies! (Email river)

  26. I have never heard of the brand but looks like it would be soothing to a baby (emili)

  27. I haven’t heard of lalabu but it certainly looks comfy! Email: alyso

  28. I am pregnant with my 4th and recently heard about these! I love to baby wear and this would be so cool to use. Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to win!!

  29. This looks great. What a neat idea.

  30. This is a new baby wearing product to me! Have never seen one!

  31. Yes, I've heard of this company but haven't used this carrier. First five are lhilt .

  32. I’ve heard of them and love the concept! willia

  33. This would be great to use with our new baby girl.

  34. Would love to win this

  35. Ive never heard of that company but the shirt idea is great! cathy

  36. This looks great!! I've never seen these! I love baby wearing.

  37. I have never seen this before but I think it would come in handy. I have five young children and baby number 6 due in a few months. I normally hold the baby and do alot of stuff. My back hurts alot when I wear the baby traditionally.

  38. Just had a baby 2 weeks ago! Would love to win this! Email starts with mredi

  39. Hi Ellie!! Thank you so much for this opportunity to enter this drawing!! I've never heard of Lalabu, but it would be perrrrfect as I'm expecting our second precious baby :) My email begins with full_o
    Thank you and God bless you throughout your pregnancy!!

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. I have heard how great these are and would LOVE to try it!! I’m due with my 5th baby in less than 2 weeks and this would be amazing to try!!!

  42. I would love to win one for my daughter. My grandson is two weeks old! Thank you!

  43. Never heard of lalabu before, but this looks really neat! mklap is the first 5 letters of my email address : ) Congratulations on your pregnancy!

  44. What a great idea! I've tried baby wearing in the past, but have never been successful. This looks like it would make it easy.

  45. from sbrow

    I've never heard of lalabu. I'm really liking the product though!!! It looks super convenient. Thanks for the giveaway! Congrats on you baby!!

  46. This is a wonderful idea! I am expecting my first and would love to win!

  47. I've seen this type of shirt before but I don't recall if it was this bandb. Such a neat idea. I love to baby wear, but it kills my back so I'm always trying new ways!

    Congratulations 😊 enjoy this precious season 💕


  48. I have never heard of Lalabu. The shirt looks like a neat idea.

  49. I’ve never hear of it but it looks awesome. I’m pregnant with my 4th baby and haven’t been able to find a baby carrier that I love.


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