
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Bates at the Pumpkin Patch

Who doesn't love spending an autumn afternoon at a picturesque farm? With so many young children and grandchildren, it's the perfect outing for the Bates. They recently visited Oakes Farm, located in nearby Corryton, Tennessee. The farm offers hayrides, play equipment, a pumpkin patch, a nine-acre corn maze, and lots of delicious food.

These boys are getting so big!
Carson Paine, Bradley Bates, Judson Bates
Carson Paine, Bradley Bates, Judson Bates

The Bates cousins love spending time together.

Kaci Bates, Carson Paine, Bradley Bates
Kaci Bates, Carson Paine, Bradley Bates

Photos courtesy of Gil and Kelly Bates/


  1. Looks like we have kissing cousins!! Bradley and Carson will grow up with Uncle Judson as a best friend.I love pictures of this happy family. Thanks.

  2. MO- Looks like the kids are having a great time! They're growing up so fast. Just Too Cute! :o)

  3. Love Judson's MAGA hat!!

  4. I've never been to a pumpkin patch or maze. It looks lije fun

  5. We have a pumpkin patch where I live! This past Sunday my family and I spent the afternoon there. This year the patch added a zipline for one of the activities!

    1. Zip line is not good. A neighbor nephew died from a zipline.

  6. Adorable! Such cute kids! Also, love Judson's hat!

  7. Happy Pumpkin Picking. All the children are so adorable.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  8. No! Not MAGA hats... guess I'm done with this show

    1. Were you not aware of the Bates political views? They're common knowledge.

    2. What does MAGA stand for.

    3. Sad to use children, who have no voice, as part of a political statement.😡

    4. I knew they were conservative but didn't take them for Trump supporters so it was a surprise

    5. MAGA stands for “make America great again.” It was Trump’s campaign slogan.

    6. 11:10, oh sure because a child wearing a hat is nearly as bad as the video that Democrats came out with, having young children cussing and making vulgar remarks to bash Trump🙄

    7. It’s no different than parents having their kids wear BLM shirts. It’s their kid, as long as the clothing doesn’t say anything inappropriate who cares?

    8. I find it very inappropriate when parents push their politics on their children before the child is old enough to understand. I don't know why someone suggested I condone "swearing children" because that's ridiculous.

    9. Trista reread that comment, it was directed towards 11:10.

    10. Wow. That doesn't reflect a very tolerant attitude. It actually exhibits the attitude that liberals so often accuse conservatives of having. It seems that those who preach tolerance the most, practice it the least.

    11. These spiteful political comments on both sides are part of our growing discord in this country. I will not vote for another democrat or republican if I can possibly help it. I’m sick and tired of the hypocrisy.

  9. Such cuties, all the Bates grandchildren are so adorable. It is so sweet to see them growing up together, well done parents, you are raising such good children. Love the Bates Family.

  10. Love this beautiful family and it warms my heart to see the MAGA hat.


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