
Monday, October 15, 2018

Josie and Kelton's Honeymoon

Where did Josie and Kelton Balka travel for their honeymoon? In addition to spending time in Asheville, North Carolina, they also visited the Bahamas. Below are two snapshots of the couple on Eleuthera Island. For fun, we have listed the honeymoon destinations of Josie's five married siblings.

Tori and Bobby Smith: California Coast/Yosemite
Michael and Brandon Keilen: Wyoming and Montana
Alyssa and John Webster: Lake Tahoe
Zach and Whitney Bates: Kauai, Hawaii
Erin and Chad Paine: Ireland

Josie and Kelton Balka
Josie and Kelton Balka

Josie (Bates) Balka
Josie (Bates) Balka

Photos courtesy of Josie Balka


  1. Adorable pictures!

  2. I wish she hadn’t gotten extensions : (

    1. Let's not spoil the moment! They are so Beautiful! Live your Best Life Josie & Kelton!❤

  3. I'm from North Carolina, and I hope they ate and enjoyed some of our bbq!

  4. Congratulations to the beautiful couple! Be safe & enjoy each other forever.

  5. They just look beyond happy together! Such beautiful pictures! What a wonderful couple. It is hard to believe Josie is all grown up now. Thanks so much for sharing your lives. It is always an inspirational delight!

  6. Time 12:51AM Wed 10/16/18
    Go Josie & Kelton. The new Mr & Mrs

  7. God Bless you two. So good to see you're glow 😇

  8. Nice pictures of Josie but disappointed in Kelton. I know the Bates family is modest when it comes to public appearances. Kelton should have been dressed for a public photo.

    1. Kelton isn't a Bates. He was apparently raised with different modesty standards and views himself appropriately dressed for a public photo at the beach . He is an independent adult and can choose how he dresses on his honeymoon.

    2. Nothing wrong with the photo. Only his shoulder was showing (nothing immodest about that) and they were enjoying some time swimming and/or in a hammock on their honeymoon, and letting us in on what they were up to!

    3. Oh no he showed some skin...get over it!! Does not make him any less Christen!!!! Judge not least ye be judged!!

    4. Seriously? They are at a beach! Have you not noticed that the grown up offspring make their own rules? Kelton and Josie are now their own household, free to answer only to themselves and God.

    5. Josie and Kelton are not Bates. They are Balkas. They get to set their own standards.

    6. They’re married and they can do whatever they want to. :)

    7. Not a big deal.

    8. They’re at the beach

    9. I agree with everyone else plus Josie covered her husband!

    10. 2:06. Josie will always be a “Bates”. You don’t change DNA upon marriage. She and Kelton can certainly decide as a couple what their standards will be as far as modesty, Church, family size ect., which most likely will look different than her upbringing. But, she is Josie Bates Balka.

    11. I agree @7:25AM.

    12. A man shirtless at the beach??? The HORROR.
      🙄🙄🙄 give me a break

    13. Oh please!!!!!

  9. I Pray that your Marriage be a Blessing always. Carol Trimble Congratulations

  10. Beautiful couple, you look so happy, always enjoy your life together and be blessed always!!!!

  11. I find it sort of funny that the Bates honeymoons have trended opposite the Duggar ones. For the Bates, the early ones were the "fancy" ones, and the last few have been relatively typical. For the Duggars, it's been just the opposite! I was just in Asheville and it is a beautiful area!

    1. What? The Duggars are the ones that have been to Europe. That’s pretty much the number 1 honeymoon spot, especially Paris (Which Ben and Jessa went to). How are they not typical or fancy?

    2. I think you misunderstood. The observation was that the first Duggar weddings included modest honeymoons in the USA. As each new Duggar married, the honeymoons becomes more and more extravagant, taking them to Europe and Australia. Most likely, TLC was able to pay for bigger Duggar honeymoons in recent years because their budget got bigger along with the viewing audience, both for 19 Kids and Counting and Counting On.

      The reverse seems to be the case for the Bates kids. The first two to get married (pre-Bringing Up Bates) went to Hawaii and Ireland. Every kid after that did domestic USA honeymoons. I don’t think the Bates production team has ever had TLC-type budgets for their shows so Bates honeymoons are not likely to ever match the Duggars.

  12. There is nothing wrong with the photos of Kelton. He is perfectly decent in them. Silly over the top modesty that's not necessary to please God at that unrealistic level.

    1. Honestly, even the expression "to please God" is a bit much. God probably pays more attention to our hearts than to our clothes.

    2. But what’s on our hearts will show up outwardly...

  13. Ahhh...the Bates are becoming more and more main stream with each wedding!

  14. Katie dropped her family's modesty standards the moment she married, it seems. I guess it didn't stick. She looks lovely to me, though

    1. Josie.
      It’s perfectly okay if she changes standards, so long as it is what she truly likes.
      I suspect Carlin will change them as well. She’s already wearing some pretty different stuff

    2. Oops, I meant Josie. Yes, of course it's OK, in fact, I think it's great. However, Kelly and Gil aren't speaking the truth when they say that the Bates girls living at home "choose their own modesty standards." The girls don't choose them at all. Gil and Kelly make them wear skirts and dresses. Otherwise, why would these young women suddenly don pants/regular swimsuits as soon as they are married?

    3. The Duggars are the ones who said that their daughters choose their own modesty standards. The four oldest Duggar girls discussed this in their book and frequently on 19kc. Kelly and Gil have said that those living in their house are expected to follow their modesty standards and can choose how they dress once they have left home.

      Women from both families have chosen to wear pants or forego the modest swimsuits because they are adults and have control over what they wear. Their personal convictions about what is considered modest are different from their parents.

    4. 7:03 Because they want to respect their parents while they're living in their parent's house.

  15. The fact that these girls drop their parents' standards the instant they marry is interesting. What do you make of it, Ellie?

  16. Wow!! Eleuthera is the island that I live on. I know they enjoyed themselves. Eleuthera means freedom. Congratulations to them

  17. I AM sorry that nobody keeps the standard of the Bible I am not saying Josie can't change her standards, But she knows what's right


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