
Monday, October 15, 2018

The Balka Newlyweds

Josie and Kelton Balka have been married for 10 days. Here they are at the Omni Grove Park Inn in Asheville, North Carolina. Don't they just look thrilled to be husband and wife? For those wondering, Kelton is 23 and works as a plumber, and 19-year-old Josie is a hair stylist.

Josie and Kelton Balka
Kelton Balka and Josie (Bates) Balka

Photo courtesy of Josie Balka


  1. Josie is glowing.

  2. I am not intending to be rude, but didn't I read that Kelton went to college? Plumbing is a good job, but it doesn't require a college degree. Am I wrong about him attending college? If he did, does anyone know what he majored in?

    1. He went to a bible college in Florida, sorry can't be more specific. He and Bobbie were roommates and now best friends.

    2. He has a BA degree and became a licensed plumber after returning home.

    3. Yes he went to the same college as Tori's husband Bobby. He majored in business.

    4. They most certainly need college. My son is a plumber and he went for 2 years. They don’t just magically get a license without school and lots of hours in the field first.

    5. Kelton graduated from Pensacola Christian College with a degree in either Business or Finance. He is a certified plumber in his family's plumbing business.

      Having someone in-house who knows the financial side of the business is invaluable. He is better able to help run the family business or open a business of his own.

    6. "A 2017 college graduate, Kelton has a degree in finance from Pensacola Christian College and is also a certified plumber. He works in his uncle's plumbing business in his hometown of Knoxville" - from this previous post

      I'm thinking that plumbing is probably making him good money right now and that enabled him to fast track his courtship/engagement/wedding to Josie. I'm sure in the future he could take over and be the one running his Uncle's company.

    7. I'm not too sure about the US but definitely in Australia you need to do some tertiary education to become a certified plumber. Not too sure if Kelton did this but certainly in my country you can't just become a plumber without going to school.

    8. I could be wrong but I think he went for accounting. Which will benefit him if he ever decides to open his own business.

    9. Plumbing is a good job with good pay. I have a master's degree and I guarantee you that he makes more than I do. (And just a hint...if you start out a written or verbal comment with the phrase, "I'm not trying to be rude but..." it is.

    10. IDK. But he may have to college for plumbing. My former neighbor went to one of our local community college for Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing. I don't know the exact title of the program. But it's a 2 year accredited college program. And IDK how you think plumbers know how to do what they do. They have to learn it somewhere.

    11. He went to Pensacola Christian College.

    12. He went to pensacola chistian college, he was a roomate of Bobby. He graduated in finance.

    13. He went to college to become an accountant, but he just recently graduated, so I believe he’s still working as a plumber as his uncle’s apprentice.

    14. His major was in Finance.

    15. Plumbers now have to have a college degeee.
      My friend brother is a plumber and he had to go to plumbing school.

    16. Kelton and Bobby, Tori's husband were college roommates, that's also why they were each others best man. Kelton graduated with Bobby.

    17. He mayored in finances. It would be good for him later if he wants to start his own company

    18. Kelton graduated in honors from Pensacola Christian College. He majored in Finance. He is currently the Chief Operating Officer for the Plumbing Authority in Knoxville, TN. He works both in the office and in the field.

    19. He and Bobby were roommates at college, weren't they?

    20. I believe he went to college and got a Bachelor's degree in finance. Perhaps he is thinking of starting his own business someday, or becoming a manager for the company for which he currently works.

    21. My grandfather was a plumber during the depression and made good money. His sons became millionaires from the family business. Plumbing is a very respectable trade.

    22. Last time I checked, plumbers make pretty decent money!

    23. Last time I checked, plumbers make a pretty decent living, and yes, you do need schooling!

  3. They look adorable. Wonder where they went for their honeymoon after they left North Carolina?

  4. Do Kelton and Josie work in the same towns? That would make it easier for deciding where to live.

  5. Congratulation to them Both. A very beautiful couple.

  6. I am so happy for both of y'all! Congratulations!😀

  7. Oh wow how exciting. Can't wait for the new season

  8. Our honeymoon way back in 1963 was in the Pocono Mountains in PA. "IT" was a popular honeymoon resort.
    It was and remains the best week of my life.
    I hope Josie and Kelton can say the same thing 55 years later.
    They look so happy - all the best to them

  9. Josie is such a naturally stunning lady! Gil & Kelly sure made gorgeous kids, may they always be blessed! Can't wait for the new season to come on again!
    Greetings from Sydney, Australia,

  10. Josie is such a naturally stunning lady! Gil & Kelly sure made gorgeous kids, may they always be blessed! Can't wait for the new season to come on again!
    Greetings from Sydney, Australia.

  11. God bless Josie and Kelton and many happy years ahead!

  12. Does anyone know the Kelton family Christian beliefs? Are they Iblp, conservative, more relaxed???


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