
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Carlin's Wedding Date

Carlin Bates and Evan Stewart wedding

Carlin Bates and Evan Stewart were engaged two months ago at Portland Head Lighthouse in Maine. But when will Bates wedding No. 7 take place? As of a week ago, Carlin and Evan had not nailed down a venue, so while they do have a tentative date in mind, they are not sharing it quite yet. But they are thinking spring.

So far, the only spring wedding has been Alyssa and John Webster's (May 24th, 2014). Stay tuned for more information!

Photo courtesy of Carlin Bates


  1. Beautiful picture! Can't wait until the new season! Waiting for Zach and Whitney wedding Renewal! Be Bless!

  2. Beautiful picture! Can't wait until the new season! Waiting for Zach and Whitney wedding Renewal! Be Bless!

  3. Yay thank you! Spring encompasses late March_?-April. May gets pretty warm and Spring's a perfect time. I like Spring and summer so much better than fall and winter. I think the dresses can be so much prettier

  4. I hope they take their time. There is no rush. They are really enjoying being a couple, an engaged couple. I hope they continue to embrace their relationship at every stage and not race to the alter. They have the rest of their lives together.

    1. They’ve been dating for over two years, even if they got married tomorrow they wouldn’t be rushing. There is really no difference between being a dating couple and being an engaged couple other than planning your wedding.

    2. I don't know, when you're a dating couple you're testing the waters to see if you want to make a lifelong commitment to that person. Being engaged means you've made that decision. They really are two different stages.

  5. April wedding sounds perfect to me. Any freezing weather should be gone, flowers galore in season. AND poor Gil gets to relax for a while. LOL

  6. That'll be a long engagement! It will be nicer weather in the spring, so it's worth waiting until then.
    Beautiful pictures in the updated header, very nicely done!!!!

  7. Thanks for the update. I am sure it will be a beautiful wedding.

  8. Spring? Right... We shall see. cute photo

  9. I do not feel that they are ready to be married. Both Josie and Kelton have established careers and as far as we know, Carlin is unemployed and Evan is still in school.

    1. Carlin is in school set to graduate from Liberty Universiry in May

    2. Ur point? Lv them alone n worry abt urself not them

    3. Many of my friends have gotten married while they were still in college, it’s not for everyone and it can be hard, but it’s not impossible to make it work. At the end of the day it’s their choice not your’s, I’m not sure why you feel the need to say a couple who you don’t actually know is not ready for marriage.

    4. Just because Carlin hasn't told the viewers doesn't mean she doesn't know.

    5. At 957am no she go to crown college not lu

    6. No one is ready to be married. What you thought married life would be is never what it really is. Speaking from experience. I wish people would stop comparing Josie to Carlin.

      They are both different girls, style and goals. Just because someone has a job does not mean they are more mature to be married. Just look at the divorce rate of people who have jobs that could not handle marriage life.

      Kudos to Evan and Carlin taking the time to enjoy their engagement.

    7. I agree with the original poster: what will they do without a job?

    8. 4:13 she used to go to crown college but transferred to liberty. She’s been taking classes online and will graduate from there.

    9. All this “what will they do without a job”? My goodness. These young people have more money through their reality tv show and People Magazine articles than most of us will ever see in our liives. They have no financial woriues.

    10. @4:13 - She transferred from Crown to Liberty so that she could take more online classes and help more at home.

    11. Nov 29 @ 1 50: just because carlin may hv money from a tv show doesnt mean her and her future husband can live off that for the rest of their lives plus raise a family off that. Im sure a career is important to each of them instead. And for that reason people are curious what career each have chosen. Totally normal question.

  10. A spring or summer wedding would be nice there are ready winter and fall wedding anniversarys but there is only 1 spring and 1 summer wedding anniversaries so yes one of those would be nice .also Carlin and Evan will get married when they are good and ready to get married they are taking their time on things and rushing in to things .

  11. A spring wedding would be beautiful!

  12. Can't wait for the wedding. We really need to work on the boys finding that special person. We have two Christian pharmacists at our church and they are awesome women of God. I also have a UNCP college graduate who is also a sweet Christian uoung lady.

    1. It's not up to anyone else to "work on" someone to get married. The Bates young men likely have no shortage of social connections. If they want to tie the knot, they will.

    2. Nov 29 @ 12 21, lighten up my goodness! Im sure the poster of that comment meant it light heartedly and showing he or she only cares about each of the Bates children. No harm in that!

  13. A spring wedding would be so beautiful. I am really looking forward to Carlin's wedding, all the Bate's weddings are so much fun to watch. They do not all follow the same format, it is so nice that they change things up. Gil and Kelly have raised such a sweet family and I love following along on with their lives. Guess Lawson or Nathan are next in line, they would both make amazing, loving husbands.

  14. You guys are so much further ahead than we are here in NZ. Great to see what is happening with everyone 😍


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