
Monday, November 19, 2018

Thanksgiving as Told by Brandon

American Thanksgiving is coming up in just two days, and as you may know, the Bates have a tradition of spending the holiday with Gil's side of the family.

Four years ago, back when Michael Keilen was Michael Bates and she and Brandon were not yet engaged, Brandon shared a video with the extended Bates clan. Using his artistic talents, he created a time lapse video of himself sketching the story of Thanksgiving. The family was blown away. Below is a Bringing Up Bates video that shows clips of Brandon's time lapse, as well as the Bates' reactions.

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Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Brandon is such a talented and kind guy! And so fun to see how grown up everyone has become since that video! Especially Josie!! So cute!

  2. Brandon is amazing, and such a genuinely kind person! I admire that he doesn't try to put on a show, just lives in his own quiet way. He will be a wonderful father one day! Michaela is very blessed to have him, and him her.

  3. Dose Brandon ever publish any of his work? He has such kind heart and talent how childeren would understand a story He should look into a job in animation writing an telling stories maybe even do childerens bible with illstrations... love to see him and Michael more on the show

  4. I love watching the Bates family. Thank you for sharing.. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family

  5. The family I love watching them all and Happy Thanksgiving to you all . Best wishes to Tori and Bobby lovely baby boy.

  6. Wishing all the Bates a Blessed Thanksgiving.
    Joan,Marilyn and Marion

  7. MO- Just a comment on the intro. family picture. Why is Evan with Carlin? No other Bates child got their fiancee's picture with them until they were married. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving to all- :o)

    1. Probably because she knows when their wedding is (soon?) and that they might as well add him now while they're updating the blog.

    2. Now was the best time to add Evan to the header since it will be a while before any other new additions are born or added to the family through marriage. They've been together for years and are going to be married soon(ish). It also takes work to restructure the header.
      While a first for the Bates family blog, Abbie was added to the Duggar header while they were engaged.

    3. MO- It seems to me that Carlin and Evan are always being pushed ahead of every event. " They'll be courting soon, They'll be engaged soon" and on and on-. It's not that big of a deal to add a picture to a blog. Unless they're getting married before Christmas which I think is highly unlikely. :o)

    4. I don't see the big deal about Evan being in the header. They are engaged and have been a couple for years. He has been featured for several seasons and will be a member of the Bates family. It's not like they've just started courting, they're a committed couple. It seems people always want to complain about something.

  8. The new Bates header looks great! Nice job, Lily & Ellie! :)

  9. I've been praying for Michaella to have a child her in Brandon have been so good with children they deserve it


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