
Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Well-Dressed Websters

Alyssa Webster's passion for fashion is evident in the way she dresses herself and her three daughters. This family of five loves putting on their Sunday best for church each week. They also really enjoy matching, as most of you have probably noticed.

John Webster, Zoey Webster, Lexi Webster,  Alyssa Webster, Allie Webster
John Webster, Zoey Webster, Lexi Webster,
Alyssa Webster, Allie Webster

Photo courtesy of Alyssa and John Webster


  1. MO- Oh my word! The girls are growing up so fast! Just a beautiful family. :o)

  2. They are an adorable family and they always look fantastic, but their clothing budget must be through the ROOF!!!!!

    1. Not likely. Good taste does not indicate what the cost of the outfit, nor how many outfits they have purchased. Or, for that matter, how many were gifts.

    2. I bet she gets discounts from many of the online “stylists” ; I’ve seen the Duggar girls plug a few of them.

    3. I have four children. It is very expensive to buy in style clothing for the whole fam, and shoes too. I don't think you can find matching clothes in the right sizes at thrift stores! Everyone spends their money and time on what's important to them.

    4. Very true @2:49

    5. Mom to mom sales are great and if you take the time to search, matching outfits can be found at thrift stores. She may have bought things before the girls could fit into them just because they matched.

      A mom I know has twin girls. She found another mom at our school also with twin girls a little bit younger. She started to hand down a lot of clothes. It's possible Alyssa knows someone or found moms at a mom to mom sale who also have little girls.

    6. 2:49- You seem to forget that the Bates family is being compensated for appearing on their TV show. It likely adds up to be quite a bit of money. Also, Alyssa's inlaws own a business and her father-in-law is a congressman. Perhaps they have extra money to indulge the grandkids. Why does it matter, anyway?

    7. @1147, it doesn't matter. Just stating facts that clothes for a large family adds up and costs a lot! And I rarely buy anything that's not on sale! I'm not huge into fashion and so I don't enjoy spending money on clothes but it needs to be done😀 personally I spend more money on fresh and different foods to feed my family bc that is more important to me. My teen kids would probably rather me spend more on clothes, though, lol

  3. Alyssa is a lovely young woman & her family always looks put together beautifully. Here's an idea:
    Alyssa designs children's clothing and her sister Michaella makes them - it could grow into a profitable business.

    1. Maybe that is exactly what happens. Really no ones business anyway

  4. Can anyone in the Bates family PLEASE tell me Alyssa’ ssecret to be so slim after so many kids ?? I have two so far and I cant seem to get rid of the baby weight 😭

    1. Genetics. It really comes down to genetics and individual metabolic rates. I’m an avid exerciser averaging running 40 miles a week ( 8 miles 5x a week) as well as some other fitness classes. I dont over eat. I am in thyroid meds for life due to low thyroid function ( obviously😜) and still am heavier than several of my friends who just bounce back from pregnancies. It used to really frustrate me. It seemed very unfair to work so hard have it not show. Then I stopped comparing and celebrating how strong I am. I might look a bit like Mrs Clause, but I can literally run circles around my genetically slim friends!

    2. Well, a part from genetics, I think that eating well, exercising and not having conditions play a big role.

    3. Have you watch their show..Aylissa leaves when John gets home late at night. They have there cleaning business..Aylissa is running with the garbage to get it all out and others things.I worry will she get herself down..3 kids all day..cook dinner leaves when John gets home to her cleaning job.back home to spend night and do it all over again.When morn comes..she is tuff...her family says she keeps her house spotless..

    4. Plus, she’s got that type “A” personality!!!

  5. Wow, Alyssa does not look like she's had one baby, let alone three! She's so pretty. In this picture she reminds me of Addalee.

  6. Beautiful Family! her and Josie favor!

  7. Hope their clothig budget isn’t too high!

    1. Why? Are you paying her bills? And isn't seamstress one of her many talents? I'm pretty sure I remember her making wedding dresses/maid of honor dresses for one of the Duggar weddings early on.

    2. What does it matter if it is? It’s not your household.

    3. Seriously....I dress fantastic and 99% of my clothing is "recycled clothing" is NOT anyones business .... I do not understand why people have to make this type of comment....

    4. I shop at discount stores like TJ Maxx, hit up outlet stores, get hand me downs from friends and shop at thrift/secondhand stores for my teenage daughter. Under Armour, Hollister, Aeropostale, etc new or like new for free or a fraction of the cost in regular stores.

      My friend's daughter used to wear lots of Justice brand clothes when she was younger. Most of it came from TJ Maxx or a thrift store.

    5. Celeste Lawler. She never made dress for the Duggars weddings. That was Jana Duggar who made dress for the Duggars weddings.

  8. That is one pretty dress that Alyssa is wearing. She has great style for all occasions. Nothing wrong with wearing shorts, pants and skimmers. So glad it's 'approved' by her husband. She looks great.

    1. I agree she has a fantastic fashion sense, but maybe just maybe she uses her OWN approval not her husbands.... just because a person is of a certain faith does not mean she waits for her husbands approval....we women have brains...

    2. And so it is catty nior!

  9. What a beautiful family. Love to see the Bates Family soon ... All of them

  10. John and Alyssa always look classy an modern. Wish they were on the show more.

  11. What does her husband do for a living? I'm just curious what his job may be.

    1. John is a HVAC tech & has his own cleaning company - "they" clean commercial offices. One episode showed both Alyssa & John at two locations doing cleaning in the evening. . . . however that was when they had Allie Jane. And another episode showing Alyssa going out to clean with John watching the kids - they had two at that time.
      THEY are hard workers for sure. Her siblings all said Alyssa was always that way at "home" also.

    2. I believe he does heating and cooling and then they had started a cleaning business as well.

    3. Not sure but his Dad is like a Congressman or Senator. In Florida. Family appears well to do. Good Christian values

    4. She also has her own cleaning company

    5. John works in his family's heating, ventilation, and air conditioning business (HVAC) and also has his own cleaning business where he and Alyssa clean various commercial businesses in the evening. It has been featured on the show a few times. Alyssa helped with the cleaning oftentimes while John watched the kids at home. Now that they have three, I don't know if Alyssa actually does any cleaning, but it seems reasonable that she at least does the bookkeeping since she did that for her parents when she was still single.

  12. She is so stylish!!

  13. What a beautiful family

  14. We don't match all the time but we have a heart for winning souls to Jesus Christ.

    1. Good for you!!!!! Fashion passion can become our idol in life. Don’t even start it.

    2. Thank you for saying this @11:40. We never match but we want others to know Jesus loves them! @6:22, fashion has definitely become an idol for some!

  15. They always look well. Cute dress on Alyssa.

  16. Alyssa looks about 15 here, wow!

  17. Alyssa does get much money from the tv show because she itsn't on as much. Know if she was on all the time like the other kids she would get money.


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