
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Baking with the Paines

Carson Paine, Brooklyn Paine, Everly Paine
Carson Paine, Brooklyn Paine, Everly Paine

If you are a long-time Bates fan, you probably know about the major transformation that Erin Paine went through soon after she married Chad. When she lived at home, Erin was known for having zero culinary skills to speak of, and she struggled to prepare basic meals. Now, she is a regular Rachael Ray who loves being in the kitchen, and the Bates family can't get enough of her cooking.

In the photo above, Erin and her three babies are baking Christmas cookies. (The recipe wasn't the greatest, so Erin says she isn't going to share it.)

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  1. Erin, your kids are adorable! I love kids, but I don't have any yet, but I LOVE cooking! Same age as you too!

  2. I love the cute baby pictures, but do the Bates ever do anything to help the less fortunate? Especially during this holiday season. I am surprised we never get pictures of them donating or helping the poor--something they are commanded to do in Scripture. (lol, I don't think there's a Scriptural command about baking cookies!) I'm sure they do, of course, but the frequent makeup videos and wedding dress episodes give an opposite impression.

    1. That's a good point! I LOVE the Bates but what do they ever do in acts of serving others? Jesus encourages Christians to give to the poor and those in need. The Duggars bake for first responders, serve on mission trips as a family, etc.

    2. The Bates family does donate to those less fortunate and give back to the community. Their efforts have been shown on their show as well as this blog. The older boys have gone on medical mission trips and participated in disaster relief efforts (including rescues and flying in supplies to Puerto Rico).

      The family helped families who were impacted by the Gaitlinburg fires. They've also participated in fundraisers for their community's first responders since paramedics saved Addallee's life.

    3. Maybe they don’t like to brag about their charity efforts

    4. They fairly often show pictures of them--particularly the boys--working to help those in disaster areas or doing mission work. They have spent time in some very poor areas.

    5. Nathan and Lawson are constantly going to help hurricane/flood/tornado victims right after the disaster has happened. There are lots of posts about that on this blog. Plus pictures of their mission trips! Wasn't Carlin with some of her brothers in Indonesia or Thailand (I forget exactly where) not too long ago and we saw lots of pictures! And these are the kids that are busy in college or working!

    6. I'm sure they do thru their Church they go to

    7. @1:09 PM remind me how they saved Addallee's life.

    8. The Bible also commands us to not do acts like that in public for attention.

    9. Actually, the Bible says that when you give, you should do it so quietly and without fanfare that your left hand doesn't know what your right hand is doing! So maybe we shouldn't be encouraging them to post pictures of their good deeds, but let them do them quietly and humbly, while we do the same.

    10. 11:05 - The Bates spoke about it during the "The Big Chili" episode (July 7, 2016). I'm summarizing Ellie's episode recap- Addee's heart and lungs stopped working due to complications from Kelly Jo having beta strep. Gil administered CPR until the fire department arrived with oxygen and the responders were able to resuscitate Addee and transport her to the hospital. She had to spend a week in the NICU.

      I did want to add that the Bates frequently speak about finding ways to be a blessing to others and giving to others as they have been helped in the past. They seem to back their talk with action.

    11. Lawson and a few of his siblings visit children in the hospital and sing/do activities with them. Lawson's ongoing relationship with one little boy is particularly touching.

    12. Makeup tutorials are usually because the girls get asked about how they do their makeup or hair. They're just being kind and responding to multiple people asking for tips.

      Wedding dress shopping happens when someone is getting married. It just happens that 2 Bates daughters got married in less than 12 months. The family doesn't get to decide what makes the cut for an episode.

      If you want to see different things from the family, the best bet is to let Up TV know.

    13. How do you know that they don't get to decide? Have you seen their contract with UP? It seems very likely that they DO get to decide. They don't want footage that would greatly embarrass a child (like a bathroom accident or something). That would hurt their kid, and they certainly don't want that. Before I let anyone film my family (which I would never do anyway) I would insist on the right to approve footage. It would be irresponsible not to insist on that.

  3. I honestly don’t know much about this, but isn’t it quite dangerous to put the baby up on the table like that?

    1. It could be but she is in a child safety seat if you look closer. I love how judgemental everyone is.

    2. She’s in a bumbo she can’t get down

    3. If you leave them alone it is. She's right there though.

    4. No! Everly is in a seat so she can't get down and Erin is right their.

      I sat on the table at that age and nothing happen to me.

    5. Everly is a blessing! The older, experienced moms here want to make sure she’s safe. They are commanded in Scripture to guide younger women.

  4. MO- So much fun... at home with Mom at Christmas decorating cookies. No staging, just a part of life making memories. :o)

  5. Why didn’t Kelly prepare Erin for marriage by teaching her to cook? Such an important skill.

    1. Erin taught herself how to cook, and from what I have read, has surpassed her mother in cooking technique and nutritional awareness. Kelly herself grew up eating frozen dinners.

    2. That's great Erin taught herself how to cook. And obviously Kelly learned to cook long ago. But Erin lived at home for 20+ years. Why didn't Kelly ever teach her? Why did Erin have to scramble to learn as a married woman?

    3. If you can read, you can cook.

    4. Everyone’s family dynamic is different. My mother was born in 1948 and wanted nothing to do with homeless anything, it was TV dinners, Mac and cheese, PB& J etc... for us.

      When I married at 26, my husband knew more and between his entire family I’ve learned how to cook, not because of gender roles, but it’s cheaper, healthier, less waste for the environment, and more creative to make your own if you enjoy to do so.

      Kudos to her for leaning.

    5. From episodes, it sounded like Kelly did try to teach Erin how to cook and the results were not good. Erin said that she didn't like to cook and stayed away from the kitchen. The siblings also said she wasn't a good cook in comparison to Alyssa and Michael. The Duggar girls even gave her a fire extinguisher as part of a larger gift during a wedding shower. Having other people tell you that you aren't a good cook can be demoralizing.
      Erin learned how to cook within months of marriage, she needed to start small and work her way up cooking for large numbers of people. She certainly embraced cooking for Chad and her children.

    6. Erin herself says that learning to cook was a process that took time. It's not just a matter of reading. There's a difference between a good cook and a bad one, and both can read.

      I'm just surprised. Is it considered enough that the girls are attractive? Because I think a wife is much more than that. Why didn't Erin and Tori ever learn?

    7. 11:31- Motivation is a factor between a good and bad cook, as well as being able to not only read, but read and follow directions. The bad cooks I have known admit to being uninterested, not planning ahead with the proper ingredients, or not following the recipes. My dad loved to cook, but had the problem of making things up as he went along. Sometimes it worked out, sometimes not.

    8. I learned to cook after I got married using a cookbook. I tried to teach my children, but they wanted to learn on their own like I did. 8:45 you're right about the family dynamics. My mother grew up with a single mother who worked in the factory during WW2, so my moma had to maintain the home when she got older, so she had a different mindset with her kids.

    9. It's not a big necessity when you live at home and other people are doing it. I don't think Erin or Tori for that matter, had much interest in cooking before they were married. Other siblings were happy to cook. Once you're on your own, it's different. Less daunting to learn how to cook for 2 people than for 20!

    10. Erin is a very talented pianist, and I'm guessing that she spent her time and energy on that at the expense of time in the kitchen. With so many sisters around, she was probably content to let the interested ones spend time in the kitchen instead of her.

    11. She sure lucked out, if that's the case! If I were the one cooking for 21 while my sister played piano, I'd sure be jealous!

      As someone who had to scramble to learn cooking as an adult, I think it's a skill every child should be taught (whether they are "interested" or not!)

    12. Why would they be jealous? There was more to do for the house than cooking. Erin knows how to cook now so she isn't at any long term disadvantage.
      Kelly Jo and Gil allow their kids to pursue their interests. Erin earned a music degree and has produced several albums. Michael earned an AA from community college, volunteered in their community's volunteer fire department, and earned money as a nanny for other families. Alyssa took a few college courses and worked for a florist. We've seen Tori, Carlin, and Josie being able to pursue their individual interests. There is no need for jealousy when they all have opportunities.

    13. Because it's way more fun to play piano than it is to cook (or clean) for 21.

    14. It depends on the person whether they would find playing piano more fun than cooking. Some people love to cook and would enjoy trying new recipes.
      The Bates family has never stated that Erin didn't contribute to the house. Her "jurisdiction" could have been cleaning, laundry, helping with homeschool or childcare. It may be similar to Jessa Seewald who was in charge of organization and helped with the younger kids' schooling. Jessa didn't learn how to cook either.

  6. Cute kids. The baby looks like Erin.

  7. Their goats are never mentioned - do they still have them?
    Just curious. . . every now and then we see their dog, but not the goats.

  8. We are ALL commanded to help those in need. The Bates family are often shown doing things in God's name. There are so many things they do that is not shown on TV. We should do things to honor God for his glory, not ours. I love that they offer a glimpse into their lives and strive to live by God's word.

    1. Other than a couple of the boys and helping with donations after the Gatlinburg fires, when are the Bates shown doing things in God's name?

  9. Everly is gotten so big and cute. Carson & Brooklyn are cute too.

  10. Yes I hope to be like Erin one day

  11. Erin send me simple recipes for my kids

    1. Unknown- Just google it. There’s a treasure-trove of culinary websites.

  12. I've read that Erin couldn't cook and from the looks of Tori's honeymoon, neither could she. I'm surprised since the family puts such emphasis on marriage and parenthood that learning to cook wasn't a mandatory lessen while still at home. I've read that Alyssa did most of the cooking.

    1. Not every girl or woman have the desire to cook. As I recall, on United Bates of America show Erin said she didn’t want to learn how to cook. You can’t force a person to learn, they must be willing. Now Erin seems to enjoy cooking & decorating among other things. Good for her! Plus cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. shouldn’t be specifically for females. Males are capable of learning to do them just as easily as females.

    2. Of course, both men and women can cook.But the Bates believe in strict gender roles (skirts for the girls, mostly SAHMs, girls do the cooking). So it's surprising two of the girls (at least) never learned this basic skill. And of course, the Bates could have insisted the girls to learn. They insist they go to church, to wear skirts, to learn the Bible--all good things! Why didn't they insist the girls learn to cook, in addition to those other things? Honestly, I think less of the Bates because of it. Imagine having to scramble and learn after you are married! So unnecessary.

    3. I taught my boys how to clean and do laundry.

    4. I agree with you, Kathy. Everyone, male and female, should know how to do basic cooking, cleaning, and laundry.

  13. Three cuties baking with mom.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  14. I love how all the kids are involved in helping Mommy bake! A very Merry and Blessed Christmas to the Paine family.

  15. Good golly miss molly. What is the world coming to when a loving mother can't bake cookies with her children without judgment, scrutiny and criticism...

  16. Wow folks. Too much judgement. Are you ready to cast the first stone? Think about it.
    Bates, I lover your show, I feel I know every family member! That's special television that you do not see every day.

  17. I thought that was apotty, the youngest kid was sitting on, which I found rather off-putting beside the cookies. But in one other comment it was defined as some sort of special seat. They should perhaps work on their design or kids start to do their business in the tableseat.


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