
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Bates Christmas Whisper Challenge

Carlin Bates, Evan Stewart, Erin Paine, Chad Paine
Carlin Bates, Evan Stewart, Erin Paine, Chad Paine
The Bringing Up Bates season eight premiere is only four weeks away! We know there hasn't been a ton of new Bates content lately, but when new episodes return, we will have so many new pictures and videos to share that you'll be begging us to slow down our posts.

Until then, check out this Christmas whisper challenge video from four of the Bringing Up Bates family members. And don't miss your chance to win a copy of Erin Paine's Christmas CD, "Comfort & Joy." You can enter the sweepstakes on the UPtv website.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. Ellie, you can never post too many pictures!

  2. I agree, your pictures are awesome!!

  3. Love it! And in the pic. Carlin looks like Tori!

  4. I thought Carlin was Tori!

  5. Why doesn't Erin Paine work? I was wondering the reasoning for her not having a job. Millions of women work that have small children!! I will never understand why any woman would make the decision not to have a job and stay home with kids. Makes obviously no sense to me!!!

    1. What does not make any sense to you, makes 100% sense to someone else. It is up to each parent or parents, to decide what works best for their family. Whatever Erin's reasons are for staying home with her children, are not for anyone else to question. It is the decision of her and her husband.

    2. I'm sorry you feel that way. I can't imagine having those beautiful children, especially after suffering through several miscarriages, and then handing them over to someone else to take care of during those few early years.

    3. It doesn't have to make sense to you what she, or any other mother chooses to do regarding staying home with her children or working outside the home. It's a personal decision based on personal circumstances. Having choices is what it's all about, right?

    4. I stayed at home with my children rather than join the ahem "millions of women" working outside the home and I don't regret it not one bit. And frankly 2:15, it's really none of your business,or mine,or anybody else's.

    5. I thank my husband every single day for working so that I can stay home with our boys. Raising children takes more work and responsibility than any job. To all the stay at home moms out there, don’t ever let anybody make you feel insignificant for what you do. You are doing the most important job there is.

    6. I personally didn't want to give up my career even for my children who I love very much. I worked too hard for it. The Bateses tend to go with more traditional gender roles. Good for them. I personally couldn't and wouldn't do it. I find just as much judgment from people assuming that others would be raising my children. I raised my children. I worked. It is called balance.

  6. It was mentioned in one of shows she teaches piano. I also agree that the choices they make are not our concern unless we personally have to support them due to their decisions.

  7. Maybe because it's not your business. Let people live how they want. You live yours. God bless them all


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