
Saturday, January 19, 2019

Balkas in NYC

Last week on Bringing Up Bates, Josie Bates traveled to New York City to select her dream wedding dress, and next week she will return for a final fitting. Josie Bates is now Josie Balka, and she has been married three-and-a-half months. This weekend, she and Kelton are on their way to the Big Apple for a little getaway. Have you ever been to New York City?

Kelton Balka and Josie Balka
Kelton Balka and Josie Balka

Photo courtesy of Josie Balka


  1. Back in the fall of 2004 my older daughters were in the homeschool marching band. Thanksgiving Day parade in Philly and a performance in NYC. We camped at Liberty RV Park in Jersey City and spent the day in the the Manhattan, China Town, and Little Italy. It was so much fun! I wish we had more time. The next day included STatue of Liberty and Ellis Island the next day. I've always wanted to go back.

  2. I've never been to NYC, but I just wanted to say that they look so incredibly happy.

  3. I live in NYC. Wouldn’t dream of living anywhere else. The ethnic and religious diversity is unsurpassed.

    1. The diversity and history is a wonderful aspect to NYC. I've only been there once, but I just loved the city!

    2. I LOVE the diversity in NYC too! It’s amazing.

    3. The word diversity is over used

    4. @7:59 Which term would you prefer- assortment, mixture, range, array... or something else?

  4. I give them credit for going there. The city definitely has many aspects that go against good Christian beliefs. I love how they can be out of their comfort zone.

    1. The Country definately has many aspects against good Christian beliefs too. Sin is everywhere.

    2. You give the “credit” for going to NYC? Just exactly who do you people think Jesus hung around?

    3. Well said @2:33.

  5. Been there several times and plan to go many more! Love it!

  6. I live about 40 minutes away from NYC. Love going in either driving (only if my husband drives, it’s too crazy for me) or taking the train.

  7. Wow, Josie has been to NYC 3 times since around August. I’m so jealous, I haven’t been there in 7 years and I miss it SO much! But I don’t live in the US

  8. I hope the Belka's don't get stuck their. Because NY is get a snowstrom. They they were closeing flights to new york this weekend.

    1. They should be good. We only got rain.

  9. I been their once and will never go back. I was shot in the leg. NYC is the worst place to live.

    1. You got shot your one and only time in NYC?😳.

    2. I’m so sorry that must have been traumatic. I went at the beginning of 2016 to see Fiddler on Broadway, it was a very cool experience.

    3. It isn’t technically the worst. NYC doesn’t even make the top list of most crime-ridden cities, per capita. You’d be worse off going to Lexington, KY; Nashville, TN; or Albuquerque, NM to name a few. And that’s not including international cities where you’re CRAZY likely to get robbed, raped, or murdered. However, we’re all very sorry you got shot in the leg.

  10. Yes, our Family and extended Family went to a wedding in Boston. We all rented vehicles and drove to NYC for a week of touring.

    The business, the clamoring, the fretful faces brought to my mind the song, People Need The Lord".

    The most heart wrenching excursion we took was taking the subway to ground zero. This was in 2005 prior to any work beginning on the memorial. As we came up the escalator it was eerily quiet and there was a reverence among tourists like I had never seen before.

    My eyes immediately saw the broken down, melted steel beams that ended up in the shape of a cross.

    It brought tears to my eyes. Many that day of 09.11.2001 truly understood the cost that Jesus paid for our salvation. Many lost loved ones, sacrificed by parents, wives, husbands, children, grandparents, brothers, sisters, colleagues, friends and the list goes on!.

    We should never forget that God made the same sacrifice of His Son!

    Families and Americans of 9/11 were, and still are, devastated by the loss of loved one's on that very sad day. NYC has come back and have been very resilient!

    I remember the patriotism, the cohesiveness of America during that next year. Flags were flown all over Cities, States and the Country. Many had flags on their vehicles. If only America could be "United" again!

    Our children and grandchildren deserve the legacy of Freedom, Freedom of Religion and a "Society" that cares about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!

    Their future depends on decisions made by today's adults!!

  11. I have never been before but would love to go there someday.

  12. Many times. There is something different to see or do every time. I love the musicals and plays, the varied museums, restuarants, shoppingetc. Love NYC but wouldn’t live there.

  13. I hate to be that person. But Josies face instantly struck me as looking different. Maybe its just the hairstyle or they might have announcements coming up soon.

    1. It does look different.

    2. Then don’t be that person. But, oops, you became that person.

    3. Please don’t be that person. I gained a few pounds after my wedding and all I got were pregnancy questions. Do you know how awful it feels when someone suggests you are pregnant when your not? Basically you are calling the person fat.

    4. Why would josie’s Face being different call for an announcement?

    5. me too I believe they will make an announcement soon!

    6. Why is it necessary to go there?

    7. She is just smiling really big, that's why it looks different.

    8. All girls have been pregnant within a couple weeks of marriage...excluding Michael. She’s probably pregnant.

    9. 9:34, pregnancy typically causes some facial changes. But that doesn’t mean that Josie is pregnant.

    10. people have been saying the same thing about Lauren Duggar as well.

    11. As soon as I saw her face, I thought too, that she was pregnant! But there’s another ‘clue’ I had first! Why are they having a getaway so soon after their honeymoon?? I was thinking it’s likely because she’s pregnant.... and then I saw her face, and I’m like, “yea, we’ll be hearing an announcement soon!”

    12. 3:56, I’ve seen literally no comments saying that Lauren looks pregnant. I have seen many comments saying she does it look pregnant (which I would agree with) but she her face definitely hasn’t changed at all.

    13. I noticed she looks different too, but I thought because she looks so happy and just ADORABLE! I just thought she was having a good time with her hubby. Made me happy too. But you could be right. She just has a different kind of look in her eyes, but seems a bit tired too.

  14. Time 6:18AM Sun 1/20/19
    I have been in NYC. Which part do you ask? Manhattan of course went there lots of times with Mom & went shopping their took a train there. I live in Brooklyn but I love Manhattan much better. Sometimes I wish I lived there.
    Cool place.

    1. Welcome back Neddy hadn't see you on her much.

  15. Yes! And I am going next week

  16. I've lived my entire life in the NYC metro area. I think it's the greatest city in the world!

    1. Me too Eileen!! Central Park, Broadway, Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral, SHOPPING!!!! It’s wonderful😊

  17. Josie seems to love traveling.

  18. 2008 a week in NYC was my dream vacation. Our feet hit the ground running and didn't stop until we left. I loved it!

  19. While I would never live in New York it has always been my favorite place to visit. It is full of life and variety. It will always be a place I love to visit.

  20. I almost didnt recognize Josie! She looks...grown up?...I cant put my finger on it! Although how she looks is her business, just my observation.

    1. We never saw much of her before she starting courting. I think she is a very pretty girl and very happy. Who wouldn't be with a guy like hers. With so many to talk about you can't give anyone much time. I can understand where the producers put a lot of time on the one that have a big event coming up. Thanks for what we get to see.

  21. MO- I've been to NYC many times. I made a point to go right after 9/11 to support the city. The people seemed much nicer to me as a visitor than before the tragedy. I returned for a visit a couple years later and things had sadly returned back to the same ole' "get out of my way" mentality. Just my experience... :o)

    1. 10:53 am Never had that experience. People in NYC are extremely helpful to visitors. Even if you look lost on a street, someone will ask you if they can help you with directions. In restaurants, hotels and stores, they're very happy for your business. We love NYC's hospitality!!!!!

    2. 2:14, I was going to say the same thing, I visited a couple years back and most of the people seemed to be very polite.

  22. I have never been to NYC. Even if I could go I don't know if I would enjoy it. Big cities aren't something I would really enjoy. But I'm glad Josie and Kelton enjoy it!

  23. I miss my cable to see the Bates shiw

    1. You can get the episodes for just a dollar or two each on amazon! Not too expensive!

  24. I have never been. Would love to visit.

  25. As a native NYorker I just want to provide some clarity for those that may not know. NYC is made up of 5 boroughs. Manhattan is just one of those boroughs. The others are Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx and Staten Island. No worries though, even us natives often refer to Manhattan as “the city.”😉
    I ❤️ NY!

    1. Thanks for that clarification. I've always wondered about the different areas.

    2. Thanks. And you are right. Most of us think NYC is Manahatten, but it’s the 5 boroughs. As a native please share any great places that you enjoy!

  26. September 2017. My son was about 18 months old and I was pregnant with my second one. This week he turns 3 and my little girl next month 1. Time fly’s .

  27. Been there a few times, once in the Summer to attend a few shows, once for a girls trip for NYE - we had the best time, and another to attend a few more shows. We even were able to see the goat that rides the subway. We live in the midwest, but we would love to live in NYC.

  28. I've been many times and love New Yorkers. They've always been very friendly, in my experience. Men offering a seat on the subway to a woman. That doesn't happen in Los Angeles.


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