
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Dancing with Carlin

"Erin has just been phenomenal with helping me plan this. She's like, 'What about dancing?' And my first thought's like 'yes,' but then I'm like, 'No, I don't know how to dance!'"

-Evan Stewart

The Bates aren't big dancers (they pretty much don't dance at all), but it has always been Carlin's dream to share a special dance with her fella. The only problem is that Evan isn't much of a dancer either. In this video preview of Thursday's episode, Evan's mom shows him some moves.

Photo/video courtesy of UPtv


  1. MO- Cute... It bothers me that dancing has been viewed as strictly inappropriate by some religious groups. If done tastefully, I don't see a problem with it. This idea that all men are only after one thing and have to be saved from themselves is just absurd.

    1. You can't really tell what she looks like from the photo.

  2. How painfully awkward. It seemed so staged.

  3. Awwww so sweet. I honestly don’t think there’s anything wrong with dancing. I love that Evan is getting tips from his mom. I wonder if anyone was able to work with Carlin so she could follow along well.

  4. Evan's mother is absolutely gorgeous!

    1. His sisters too, and beautiful singing voices.

  5. Everything about The Bates now seems staged. All the engagements so over the top, none of it is relatable to us common folks. The rings are more money than their jobs could afford. Trips to New York for dresses. All staged for TV. Gone Hollywood on us. They seem so scriped now I no longer believe this family. Just makes me sad.

    1. If you believe everything is so “staged,” watching Josie’s face on her New York trip should tell you different. If it’s all just for show, she would know that she’d get the dress she wants and she’d be acting happy and excited just for TV on the bus ride.... but we all know that wasn’t the case. Just one look at her face and you know it’s all true. Yes maybe getting expensive dresses isn’t for everyone (I got a super simple wedding dress myself) but saying everything is staged is not very accurate IMO.

    2. I love the Bates because they are such a funny, happy and affectionate family. I guess I see the changes in their lifestyle over time as a good thing because being a Christian is not about following a bunch of man-made rules. I do agree though, that the courtships, engagements, and wedding dress shopping have become very extravagent to an extreme that is just silly. Josie's Utah trip made me laugh, it was so over the top! What next!?

    3. @ Jan 22 10:01pm, I really hope this post goes through.

      The last time I check only one Bates son is married. Which means that Gil nor Kelly pays for their daughter's engagement rings. No one knows the financial situation of Evan, Kelton, Bobby and so on. So stop assuming.

      Can we please be correct on what has and has not changed with the Bates. Every kid, except for Erin had a destination engagement. So nothing has changed regarding the Bates in this section.

      I find it funny that people say their fans and then slam them for not really changing.

      Please let this message go through.

    4. Honestly, we don't know who pays for the rings. Not everyone follows these social rules exactly.

      They had a destination engagement because the filming company thought it would make better footage.

  6. Nathan danced with his grandma on tv before. I’m pretty sure in their own home that they’ve danced around before. Erin has posted videos of Carson dancing. I think regardless of their beliefs, it’s encouraging to see that Kelly and Gil are not prohibiting Carlin from something she’s dreamed about. At the end of the day, most parents just want their kids happy and healthy.

    1. And spiritually healthy also! If it means that we need to deny ourselves the ways of the world to be spiritually healthy and at peace with God then we need to be willing to do that. Personally I’m not surprised that they’re breaking down their beliefs to include worldly ways LITTLE BY LITTLE. Satan works just like that. “Little by little. Muddy the waters. Confuse them. Put grey areas in their life they don’t know which way to turn.” What will they include next in their life? I love the Bates and I’m not even so died hard against clean slow dancing once in awhile but you can see the erosion of their life as they become more famous and seek to please men before God.

    2. I'm not Christian, but I've noticed the Bates just like the duggars water down their convictions. I don't think their beliefs have changed. It would be nice if they explained a little bit.

    3. And you are qualified to judge them??

  7. Awe that's sweet of his mother to teach him to dance and would be sweet to see a dance between one of these couples... No one says they gotta dirty dance.

    1. It's not sweet of his mother. It's an idea that the producers came up with. They ran it by Evan and his mother, who agreed. They let the cameras into their home, the lighting was set up, they were told where to stand. They were told roughly what to say. When the cameraman told them to start, Evan approached his mom and said what he was supposed to say.

    2. Since you were there, 4:06, tell us what else happened.

    3. The producers did not come up with that idea and they were not told were to stand. Carlin want's dancing at their wedding.
      What's your problem Anonymous Jan 23,2901 at 4:06 pm.
      Ps. They producers don't tell them what to say.

    4. 4:06- Well, you certainly rained on that parade!

    5. The lighting and sound would not be so perfect if they did not follow the producers' directions regarding where to stand and when to speak. The producers did not film the entire day at Evan's house. They came for a particular shot (Evan and mom dancing).

    6. Also, Evan and his mom are wearing mikes. You can often see the mics on the Bates. That's why the sound is so clear. Otherwise, their voices might be muffled or indistinct. Did you notice that you can always hear them clearly?

  8. I'm a born again Christian and I dance with my kids all the time. Our rule you can't date until after high school and we have to meet their parents. Psalms 149:3💖

  9. Really happy for Carlin to dance with her husband on their wedding day. I love the first dance at weddings and can’t understand why the Bateses, Duggar’s etc., frown upon such a beautiful moment.

  10. I'm catholic and I didn't have dancing at my wedding. I don't know how to dancing like Evan.

  11. Sometimes I think we forget that the Bates are human, just like all of us who watch their shows. I probably would have joined in with the girls when I was at their age, but wouldn’t at this point in my life. We all have much to learn and it takes time. Everyone seemed to have a good time. Loved the show!


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